Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
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    Amazon Announces Record Sales For Kindle While B&N Misses Deadline

    Amazon just announced that November was its best month ever for Kindle sales. This excludes sales from today's so-called Cyber Monday. According to Amazon, the $259 Kindle is the "most wished for, the most gifted, and the #1 bestselling product across all product categories on Amazon." Barnes & Noble is...

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    Obama, Kids, & All Tomorrow’s Web Apps: President Focuses on Tech Education

    At the White House today, President Obama talked robots, hung out with the guys from MythBusters, and launched a campaign designed to create smarter, techier American kids. "Reaffirming and strengthening America's role as the world's engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation is essential to meeting the challenges of this...

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    FastPencil: Turn Your Blog Posts into a Published Book

    Writing a book will never be easy, but FastPencil's mission is to make things easier for authors by bringing this process online and to collaborate with others. FastPencil takes writers from idea to published book. The service offers features for collaboration, editing and design, as well as professional consulting services...

  • Web
    Despite Layoffs, Adobe Expands Investment in E-Books

    Adobe announced earlier this week that it plans to lay off almost 10% of its workforce. At the same time, though, the company also announced that it plans to expand its investment in e-books and digital publishing. Adobe is creating a new organization within the company that will focus on...

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    Top Internet Trends of 2000-2009: Online Music

    It's November 2009 and we're nearing the end of a decade. It's been a tumultuous time of change for many industries, much of it driven by the Internet. With that in mind, over the coming weeks ReadWriteWeb will look back on the defining Web trends of the past 10 years....

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    Kindle Everywhere: Amazon Launches Windows Application

    Amazon just released a free e-book reader application for Windows PCs. The Kindle for PC application allows Amazon customers to read Kindle books on their Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines. A Mac version will follow soon. The application was clearly designed to work on a wide variety...

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    Rdio: First Screenshots Leaked of Skype Founders’ New Music Service

    We've been lucky enough to get our hands on leaked screenshots from one version of Rdio, the forthcoming music app from Skype, KaZaA and Joost creators Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. Zennstrom and Friis were the original financiers behind peer-to-peer file sharing site KaZaA, but Rdio won't be following a...

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    U.S./International Copyright Treaty Leaked, Trouble Ahead for ISPs & Users

    According to once-secret, now-leaked sections of the new, plurilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, global Internet users and ISPs might be in for a world of hurt in the near future.A U.S.-drafted chapter on Internet use would require ISPs to police user-generated content, to cut off Internet access for copyright violators, and...

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    Weekly Wrapup: The Web in 5 Years, Hulu’s Plans, Google Wave Use Cases, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze how Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks the Web will evolve, review Hulu's latest plans to make money, investigate use cases for Google Wave, ask why VCs aren't investing in Augmented...

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    Google Launches Music Search: Partners with MySpace, Lala, Gracenote and Others

    Google has just announced the launch of Google Music. This new service is powered by Lala and MySpace's iLike. Other partners include Gracenote, iMeem, Pandora and Rhapsody. Google has also partnered with the major music labels: EMI, Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner Music. Through Lala and iLike, Google...

  • Entertainment
    Your Augmented Future: The 3 Hottest Videos From International AR Symposium

    3D virtual pets to hold in your hand and interact with, software that turns drawn objects into movable 3D objects subject to the laws of physics and a Microsoft hiring-coup. Those are the stories behind the hottest videos from the eye and brain-candy world of Augmented Reality, as seen at...

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    MOG Launching Five Dollar All-You-Can-Hear Music Service

    Just when you thought media darling Spotify was going to be the sexiest music service of the year, music blogging platform MOG is announcing plans to offer a $5 dollar per month, all-you-can-hear music service. In an interview with MOG CEO David Hyman, ReadWriteWeb learned that tomorrow morning the company...

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    Just 18 Hours Left to Buy Real-Time Web Summit Tickets At Current Prices

    We're very excited to see that hundreds of you have already bought tickets to join us on Thursday for the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit in Mountain View, California. The event is fast approaching and we're getting everything in order. ReadWriteWeb staff are boarding planes from all around the world to...

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    200 People Working on the Real-Time Web: RWW Summit Participants and Their Affiliations

    We're in the final days leading up to the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit. People are coming from around the world to Mountain View, California this Thursday to talk about building and leveraging the diverse set of technologies referred-to as the real-time web.You should join us! If you can't, though, please...

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    Holiday Outlook for eReaders and eBooks: Even Better Than Previously Thought

    There can be little doubt that eBook and eReaders are having a breakout year. Today, Forrester Research moved its original projection of 2 million US eReader sales in 2009 up 50%. Forrester now expects that 3 million eReaders will be sold in 2009 and that 30% of these will sell...

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    Barnes & Noble’s eBook Store Launch Successful, But Hurt by Absence of eReader Hardware

    When Barnes & Noble launched its eBook store, it immediately attracted a lot of potential customers. According to Compete's Dillon McGovern, more than four times as many people visited the eBook section on B&N's website than the Amazon Kindle store during the first week after the launch in July. After...

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    More Data for YouTube’s Partners: Google Integrates Content ID and YouTube Insights

    Google just announced that it is integrating its Content ID system, which alerts YouTube's 1,000 partners when one of their videos or audio tracks is being used without authorization, and YouTube Insight, the analytics package that gives uploaders usage stats for their videos. Content ID gives copyright owners the ability...

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    iRex Launches New Wireless eReader – Coming to a Best Buy Near You

    IRex officially launched its new eReader today. As we reported last month, the iRex DR800SG will feature an 8.1-inch touchscreen with stylus navigation, and have wireless connectivity over Verizon's network. The device, which will retail for $399, will be closely linked to Barnes & Nobles' eBook store and users will...

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    Could the eBook Version of ‘The Lost Symbol’ Outsell the Hardcover Edition?

    Even though some people are seriouslyasking this question today, the answer is obviously a resounding "no." There can be no doubt that The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's sequel to the immensely popular Da Vinci Code, will sell extremely well on the Kindle and may easily turn out to be the...

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    Apple Says it Isn’t Interested in eBooks, But It’s Now Selling an iTunes LP Comic Book

    While Steve Jobs just told the New York Times' David Pogue that Apple isn't interested in creating a single-purpose eBook reader and that he doesn't think that eBooks are a big enough market right now, one eBook-like format has already made it into the iTunes store: a comic book. Tyrese...

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