Results for "Sony"

We found 1035 results for your search.
  • Web
    Apple Says it Isn’t Interested in eBooks, But It’s Now Selling an iTunes LP Comic Book

    While Steve Jobs just told the New York Times' David Pogue that Apple isn't interested in creating a single-purpose eBook reader and that he doesn't think that eBooks are a big enough market right now, one eBook-like format has already made it into the iTunes store: a comic book. Tyrese...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify May Go the “Freemium” Route in the U.S.

    European music service Spotify is one of the most highly anticipated applications coming to the U.S. The service, best described as a streaming music version of iTunes, consists of both desktop software as well as complementary mobile applications for Apple's iPhone and the Google Android platform. Already, the service is...

  • Web
    Brightcove Brings Condé Nast Digital to Boxee

    This Labor Day Boxee users will celebrate an increase in their mainstream web video content. Boxee just announced a partnership with video platform company Brightcove. The deal will potentially usher major players like CBS, Sony Music and Discovery onto Boxee's web television entertainment platform. The first publishers to take advantage...

  • Web
    Asus Plans to Enter the eBook Market With Cheap Dual-Screen eReaders

    Asus, the computer manufacturer best known for its Eee PCs, is getting ready to enter the eReader market. According to an article in the Times Online this morning, Asus plans to launch two devices: a budget and a premium version. At least the premium version will most likely feature dual...

  • Web 5 High School Students Stick It to the Man with Online Video Downloader

    So, Sony BMG doesn't want you to embed that AC/DC concert footage in your blog or grab the audio from that footage as an MP3? They'd probably have a fit if if you stored that footage as an MP4 on your computer and distributed it wherever you liked or -...

  • Web
    Would You Pay More Than $99 For an eReader?

    EBooks and eReaders are a hot topic right now, especially with the new line-up of Kindle competitors scheduled to arrive before the holiday season. However, according to a new report by Forrester Research's Sarah Rotman Epps, most people aren't willing to pay a lot for these devices. Forrester asked consumers...

  • Web
    World’s Second Largest Publisher: $9.99 eBooks Will Kill Hardcover Books

    Arnaud Nourry, the CEO of the world's second largest book publisher, Hachette Livre, says that the current pricing trends for eBooks may soon kill the hardcover book as we know it. In an interview with the Financial Times, Nourry says that he worries that the combination of the $9.99 price...

  • Web
    Amazon, Open Your eBooks or Watch Out

    Hardly a day went by this week without a major new announcement in the eBook and eReader arena. The wireless eReaders from Sony and the Irex/Barnes & Noble partnership were probably some of the most interesting announcements. In addition, Google also opened up its EPUB archive, which will give readers...

  • Web
    Google Opens Up Its EPUB Archive: Download 1 Million Books for Free

    Google just announced that it will now allow users to download over 1 million public domain books in the EPUB format. Google had already made this archive available to some of its partners, including Sony and Barnes and Noble, but until today users weren't able to download these free EPUB...

  • Web
    More Competition for Amazon’s Kindle: Barnes & Noble Partners with Irex

    All the major eBook vendors are currently trying to expand their eBook and eReader line-ups as fast as possible in order to compete with Amazon. Today, Barnes & Noble announced that it has partnered with Irex Technologies, a Dutch eReader manufacturer. B&N will sell Irex's new consumer-focused device in its...

  • Web
    Open Textbooks Gaining Ground: Flat World in 400 Colleges

    Do you remember college and all those textbooks you couldn't sell back to the bookstore? I do. I own one of the most expensive doorstop collections in existence. For this very reason, Flat World Knowledge is announcing record numbers on their open text book program. As of this coming September,...

  • Web
    Gartner Hype Cycle 2009: Web 2.0 Trending Up, Twitter Down

    Analyst firm Gartner has just released its latest Hype Cycle white paper, detailing some of the biggest trends in technology this year. According to the report, cloud computing, e-books and Internet TV are at the "Peak of Inflated Expectations," while this year's biggest hit Twitter is said to have "tipped...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Real Time Delicious, Read/Write Digg, Web Squared, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze the impact of real-time information on the Web, investigate 'web squared' (when web 2.0 meets Internet of Things), tell you why cloud computing is the future of mobile, look at...

  • Web
    More Developers Start Working on Android Apps

    By the end of this year, Apple's App Store will carry more than 100,000 apps. According to Flurry, which specializes in providing real-time analytics to mobile app developers on the iPhone, Android, JavaME, and Blackberry, new project starts among iPhone developers show no sign of slowing down. Flurry, however, also...

  • Web
    As the EBook Market Matures, Amazon Will Face Stiff Competition

    According to a new report by Forrester Research's Sarah Rotman Epps, eBooks and eReaders are slowly but surely becoming mainstream. However, while Amazon is the current market leader among early adopters of this technology, Rotman Epps predicts that later adopters will not feel the same loyalty towards Amazon. This, according...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Microsoft-Yahoo Deal, Twitter Re-Design, Internet Fridges, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze the deal to bring Microsoft's Bing search engine to Yahoo, check out the latest social media and Twitter statistics, investigate the state of RFID tags and Internet fridges, look at...

  • Web
    Build Profit Not DMCA Suits: YouTube and the Wedding March

    An unconventional wedding march in Saint Paul, Minnesota, sent sparks across the web. Not only was it a celebration of couple Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz's eternal union, but it was a shift in how copyright owners can interact with unlicensed content users. After being uploaded to YouTube only 12...

  • Web Partners with YouTube, Verizon, Tivo, and Others; Launches All-New Dashboard

    New York based video startup, made a series of partnership announcements this morning at a live press conference held in the company's offices. Today, is expanding their distribution network thanks to new partnerships with YouTube, Vimeo, NBC Local Media New York, and Roku while expanding their current relationships...

  • Entertainment
    Will Apple’s “Interactive Album” Cocktail Inspire Better Bands?

    In an unsurprising move, Apple is said to be working with major record labels to provide an "interactive album" to consumers. The company is rumored to be working with EMI, Sony, Warner and Universal to bundle photos, lyric sheets, liner notes and videos with album purchases in the iTunes store....

  • Web
    Google Giving Away eReaders at Google Books – What Took So Long?

    Google announced today that it is running a contest for the next ten days where visitors to the controversial and under-loved Google Books site can win a Sony Reader eBook device. Literature-related trivia will now be hunted for using the site's new search inside the book feature and people who...

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