Results for "Sony"

We found 1035 results for your search.
  • Web
    Adobe Teams Up With Stanza to Create Open EBook Catalog Standard

    Adobe and Lexcycle, the company behind the popular Stanza eBook application, announced today that they are working together with the Internet Archive on turning the Stanza online catalog system into an open standard for distributing free and commercial eBooks. This new standard, the Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS), will be...

  • Entertainment
    Google Brings Free Music Downloads to China

    Early in 2008, Google, in cooperation with Chinese online music service, started a free music download service in China. Today, Google took the beta label off this service and also announced deals with the four largest music labels (EMI, Sony, Warner, and Universal). According to a report from Reuters,...

  • Mobile
    Fennec Reaches Beta – How is Mozilla’s Mobile Web Browser Shaping Up?

    In yesterday's post about my recent trip to Mozilla HQ, we looked at where Mozilla's Chief Innovation Officer, Chris Beard, thinks Firefox is heading. Mozilla's vision for Firefox is for the browser to help users navigate and manage an increasingly complex world - something akin to the concept of intelligent...

  • Web
    Skimmer Brings a Sleek New Look to Social Browsing

    Skimmer is a design-focused new Adobe AIR application from Minneapolis Ad Agency Fallon. Part of a broader push for the company in revamping its image online, Skimmer is a very functional lifestream aggregator and media browser in its own right. Skimmer pulls feeds from Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, Blogger and YouTube,...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    SXSW Interactive begins today, bringing thousands of geeks from all around the world to Austin, Texas, to talk shop and party. One of the key stories about SXSW history is that Twitter blew up there (in a good way) two years ago. Everybody wants to know - will there be...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Principles, Amazon Public Data, Times Open, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we look into Facebook's controversial new "principles", check out the latest OpenID trends, cover Amazon's public data initiative, analyze Wikipedia's possible future as a development platform, investigate the future of 'touch' apps, and more....

  • Web
    The Future of Touch

    It's tempting to give Apple's iPhone credit for the birth of touch-based computing, but it was not the first touchscreen user interface - nor is it the only one in existence today. Long before the iPhone, touchscreen LCDs were common, as were touch smartphones from Palm, Sony Ericsson, HTC, and...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    Next month Austin, Texas will fill to the brim with geeks from all around the world gathered to attend the South by Southwest Interactive festival. While smaller than the Music part of SXSW, Interactive is very big and very fun. One part of the event that always goes over our...

  • Mobile
    Mobile News: Yahoo Mobile, Skype on Cell Phones, Second Android Phone, and More

    This week, the mobile computing world revolves around the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Among some of the highlights today were the announcement of the second Android phone, as well as Yahoo's new mobile initiative, and the announcement of a partnership between Nokia and Skype that will bring Skype's VOIP...

  • Web
    O’Reilly Challenges Proprietary eBook Standards With Bookworm

    It is only Tuesday, but it has already been a good week for eBook fans. Yesterday, Amazon released the newest version of its Kindle eBook reader, and today, O'Reilly announced that it will now host Bookworm, a popular open source eBook reader and management system, as part of its O'Reilly...

  • Web
    The iPhone Becomes a Web Server

    When those Apple advertisements tout "there's an app for just about anything," they aren't kidding. The latest example? A new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store transforms the handheld into a full-blown web server. Called "ServersMan@iPhone", the application allows your iPhone to appear just like any other...

  • Web
    YouTube Copyright System Gone Mad, EFF Prepares to Sue

    YouTube and Warner Brothers have broken a little girl's heart by deleting a video of her singing the copyrighted song "Winter Wonderland," and the Electronic Frontier Foundation isn't going to take it anymore.The populist legal organization made a post to its blog today arguing that copyright holders became overzealous with...

  • Web
    Hitwise: Interest in eBooks Continues to Grow

    While Amazon's Kindle eBook reader sold quite well since its introduction in November 2007, eBooks have yet to reach the mainstream. According to the latest data from Hitwise, however, interest in eBooks continues to grow steadily. Looking at the data for the U.K., Hitwise's Robin Goad concludes that searches for...

  • Web
    RIAA: Two Faces Have I?

    Will Web folk of the world get a chance to watch next week's unprecedented and groundbreaking webcast live or were we just deluding ourselves? In what can only be described as a typically predictable move, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has appealed Federal Judge Nancy Gertner's order allowing...

  • Web
    Can the New Challenge Hulu?

    CNet's TV.comused to be a relatively bland TV listings site with some additional content. Since CBS bought CNet last year, however, is slowly turning into a full-blown online video destination site that is starting to resemble Hulu. Today, CBS announced distribution deals with PBS, Sony, Showtime, MGM, and Endemol...

  • Social
    The Rebirth of “Web TV”

    One of the most apparent trends from this month's Consumer Electronics Show (CES), was the proliferation of flat panel, internet-connected TVs. Nearly every major television manufacturer was demonstrating some sort of web-to-TV integration, including sets that offered Yahoo widgets, MySpace social networking, and Netflix built directly into the TV sets...

  • Web
    2009 Web Predictions

    It's time for our annual predictions post, in which the ReadWriteWeb authors look forward to what 2009 might bring in the world of Web technology and new media. Looking back at our 2008 Web predictions, we got some of them right! "The big Internet companies will [embrace] open standards" (Google,...

  • Entertainment
    Will Music Labels Make a Deal with Hulu and Shun YouTube?

    According to a report by the Financial Times, some of the larger music labels are looking into creating a single destination site for their artists' video content. The Financial Times cites two unnamed label representatives who argue that Hulu (and not YouTube) would be the most likely partner for this...

  • Web
    Top 10 Digital Lifestyle Products of 2008

    Editor's Note: This list was contributed by Steve O'Hear, editor of last100, a former RWW network blog.There was lots of activity in the digital lifestyle space in 2008, with new devices, services, and platforms being launched and some of our favorites from last year getting significant updates. One notable trend...

  • Web
    The 3D Web in 2008

    What's going on with the 3D web? At one point, it was being heralded as the next big thing. Is that still the case? Take for example, the virtual world Second Life. Once a booming place where every business had set up their online presence, the formerly happening hotspot is...

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