Results for "Sony"

We found 999 results for your search.
  • Web
    2009 Web Predictions

    It's time for our annual predictions post, in which the ReadWriteWeb authors look forward to what 2009 might bring in the world of Web technology and new media. Looking back at our 2008 Web predictions, we got some of them right! "The big Internet companies will [embrace] open standards" (Google,...

  • Entertainment
    Will Music Labels Make a Deal with Hulu and Shun YouTube?

    According to a report by the Financial Times, some of the larger music labels are looking into creating a single destination site for their artists' video content. The Financial Times cites two unnamed label representatives who argue that Hulu (and not YouTube) would be the most likely partner for this...

  • Web
    Top 10 Digital Lifestyle Products of 2008

    Editor's Note: This list was contributed by Steve O'Hear, editor of last100, a former RWW network blog.There was lots of activity in the digital lifestyle space in 2008, with new devices, services, and platforms being launched and some of our favorites from last year getting significant updates. One notable trend...

  • Web
    The 3D Web in 2008

    What's going on with the 3D web? At one point, it was being heralded as the next big thing. Is that still the case? Take for example, the virtual world Second Life. Once a booming place where every business had set up their online presence, the formerly happening hotspot is...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Web Products of 2008

    Looking back on 2008, we can definitely call it the year of the Mobile Web. That designation, in large part, is due to the success of the iPhone. Although the iPhone was originally launched in 2007, it wasn't until mid-2008 that the 3G version debuted, bringing with it the faster...

  • Mobile
    Watch Out WiFi, Here Comes MiFi

    Novatel Wireless last week announced it will release the MiFi, a portable wireless router that will deliver wireless 3G data network access to multiple users in a small area. Much the same size as a credit card, the sleek looking MiFi will let users select access to EVDO or HSPA...

  • Web
    Has Current Solved the User Generated Advertising Mystery?

    At the Web 2.0 Summit today co-founder Joel Hyatt told the audience that his video site and TV channel has landed multiple multi-million dollar advertising deals with giant companies, based on non-professional commercials created by fans. That's something that a whole lot of companies have been trying to do,...

  • Entertainment
    Datz Music Lounge: Gimmick or the Future of Digital Music?

    If you live in the U.K. and you have 100 British pounds to spare, you can now subscribe to the Datz Music Lounge, where those 100 pounds can buy you unlimited access to DRM-free MP3s for one year. According to Music Week, Datz features about 2 million tracks from EMI,...

  • Mobile
    Qik Teases BlackBerry Users with Alpha for Pearl and Bold

    Qik, the service that turns mobile phones into handheld streaming video cameras, is pushing to make mobile streaming video accessible to the masses - no matter what handset they're carrying. Earlier this month, Qik announced that it had added support for consumer-focused phones - generally falling outside the "smart phone"...

  • Mobile
    Qik Comes to Mass Market Phones: Mobile Live Streaming Goes Mainstream

    Live video streaming while on the go has always been the domain of relatively high-end smartphones like the Nokia N95. Starting today, however, Qik is also opening up its service to a large number of popular mass market phones from Nokia and Sony, making it one of the first live...

  • Entertainment
    What’s that Space Cowboy? Adds Lyrics, one of our favorite music recommendation and discovery services, announced a partnership with LyricFind today, which will bring lyrics for about 800,000 songs from major and independent labels to This will make the only music recommendation service that features lyrics on its site. users will now...

  • Web
    Is Facebook Becoming MySpace?

    Given Facebook's growing marketshare both here in the U.S. and worldwide, there's a growing concern that Facebook will soon morph into that other social network - one that many of us had happily left behind: MySpace. But unfortunately, hints of MySpace have been cropping up into Facebook lately thanks to...

  • Web
    Nokia Reveals iPhone Competitor And Goes to Battle With iTunes (UPDATED)

    At an analyst and media event in London today, Nokia unveiled their company's first touch-screen phone, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, otherwise known as the Nokia "Tube," a device designed to compete directly with Apple's iPhone.Along with the phone, Nokia also detailed plans for their new "Comes With Music" service, a...

  • Web
    The Digital Office Part 1: Hardware & Gadgets

    If you had a 'clean sheet' opportunity to create the ideal digital office environment for you and/or your business, what would you buy? What hardware and software would give you a productivity advantage, while being fun and affordable? Here is what we did in our London based marketing agency. This...

  • Mobile
    Forget Push Email, Here Comes Push Facebook For Your Mobile

    From a company called Blue Whale Systems Ltd., makers of a free mobile push application called BlueWhaleMail, there now comes a new push application: Facebook. Via the BlueWhaleMail app, you can be notified of your friends' status updates, wall posts, and news items. You also have the ability to send...

  • Web
    Imeem Taking Off – Before MySpace Music Has Even Launched

    Music-based social networking site Imeem is getting a lot of the right kind of press currently, based on strong traffic growth and key deals with record labels. We last wrote about Imeem in March, when they launched a developer platform that enabled read/write access to user information and more. As...

  • Web
    Brandstreaming: What Is It & Who’s Doing It?

    If there's a hot new social media trend happening, you can bet that companies are trying to find a way to use it too. It happened of course with blogging, it happened with Twitter, and it is now happening with FriendFeed and other lifestreaming apps.UPDATE: On August 16, 2008 ReadWriteWeb...

  • Entertainment
    The Final Days of DRM: Yahoo Music Store Closing, Will Eat Your Purchased Music

    Digital Rights Management technology is dying, it's becoming understood that hobbling tunes to enforce scarcity isn't the best way to monetize the music business online. What about all the suckers who bought DRM laden music in recent years, though? When the Yahoo! Music Store closes its doors this fall, the...

  • Web
    No More Downloads, Amazon Moves Its Online Video Store To The Cloud

    Amazon's original video store, Amazon Unbox, is a lot like iTunes - you shop online and the files must be downloaded to your computer in order to view them. For many people, the service wasn't worth the effort. After downloading the large files, they could only be watched in Amazon's...

  • Web
    Google Gears Coming to Gmail and Google Calendar Soon

    According to Andrew Fogg from kusiri, Google will start rolling out offline support for both Gmail and Google Calendar through Google Gears within the next six weeks. Google enabled offline access to Google Docs earlier this year, after they had already been using if for Google Reader for over a...

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