Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    The Augmented Reality Industry’s Jan Brady Complex

    I'm starting to think that the Augmented Reality industry is very close to developing a Jan Brady complex. If you know what a "Jan Brady complex" is, then skip to the next paragraph. For those who didn't grown up with the 1970s-era television show The Brady Bunch, a Jan Brady...

  • Social
    What Websites Do You Like? New Twitter Tool Will Tell You

    The Website Taste Predictor is a new Twitter tool that analyzes your Twitter account in order to recommend websites you would like. The project uses Twitter's OAuth authentication protocol to access your Twitter account so you don't have to enter in your username and password in order to try it...

  • Web
    E-Books on the iPad: Who Controls the iBookstore’s Inventory?

    Thanks to a deal with Apple, books from Smashwords, the e-book self-publishing service for independent publishers and authors, will be featured in the new iBookstore on the iPad. There are already about 2,000 Smashwords books in the iBookstore today and as the company's CEO Mark Coker told us, the company...

  • Web
    No Surprise: Most People Want to Use the iPad to Surf the Web

    According to a new study by market research firm ComScore, the majority of U.S. Internet users would use the iPad to surf the web (50%), send and read emails (48%) and listen to music (38%). Only 26% of respondents told ComScore that they were likely to download apps from the...

  • Mobile
    Get 7 Million Songs In Your Pocket: MOG Unveils Mobile App

    Calling itself an "all you can eat, on demand, whenever you want it" music service, MOG gives its users access to "just about every artist, album and song ever made" for $5 a month - certainly not a deal to scoff at. Today, at the South By South West festival...

  • Work
    Are The Fortune 100 Now Beginning To Embrace Social Media Tools?

    A study by Burson-Marsteller finds that 79 percent of the largest 100 companies in the Fortune Global 500 index are using social media tools.At first glance, this may seem significant. But a closer look shows that Fortune 100 companies are showing interest but nothing to prove that social media tools...

  • Web
    Despite the Rumors, RickRolling Isn’t Dead

    Dramatic headlines cried out overnight that RickRolling was dead. The original Rick Astley video with more than 30 million views has been pulled from YouTube due to copyright violation. In fact, however, YouTube appears to have simply moved the video to Vevo, its music video website in partnership with Universal...

  • Social
    Can You Get Paid to Tweet? (Part 2)

    You can get paid to tweet. Average, non-celebrity users are making some decent pocket change using Twitter ad services like Twittad, Magpie, Sponsored Tweets, and And while reports of $10,000 tweets abound, average users are pulling in much smaller amounts, usually three figures at most. But aren't these programs...

  • Web
    AR App Development: Metaio Releases Unifeye Mobile SDK

    At today's Mobile World Congress, augmented reality company Metaio unveiled its Unifeye Mobile SDK and Android demo at Sony Ericcson's Creation Day. The company is offering developers a chance to experiment with feature tracking, 3D animation rendering and real-time interaction. In other words, the world of augmented reality applications is...

  • Mobile
    Carriers Connect to Rival Apple’s App Store

    The Apple App Store, the company's one-stop-shop for over 100,000 different mobile applications, is getting a new rival - the Wholesale Applications Community. Twenty four individual mobile companies are joining together to form the group, which will represent over three billion customers world-wide. While the applications will not be for...

  • Web
    Walking Among Giants: Who Wins With Virtualization?

    In this short analysis, we take a snapshot of a handful of key American technology leaders and what they stand to gain from virtualization. We believe that this trend is becoming a building block for dynamic infrastructure deployments for the enterprise and wanted to check in with some of our...

  • Web
    Amazon Now Sells 6 Kindle Books for Every 10 Physical Books When Both Editions Are Available

    According to Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos, "millions of people now own Kindles." Sadly, Amazon has always kept the exact number of Kindle sales under wraps. According to some analysts, consumers in the US bought roughly 3 million e-readers in 2009 and the majority of these were probably Kindles. Amazon also...

  • Web
    Why Amazon, B&N and Co. Should Embrace the iPad

    Judging from what we have seen so far, Apple's new iPad will be a great device for reading e-books. The iPad will obviously come with Apple's own e-reader software - but that's only half the story. Users will also be able to read their Kindle and B&N e-book purchases on...

  • Web
    Apple Announces the iPad: WiFi, 3G, iWorks and an E-Book Store ($499 and Up)

    Apple just announced the launch of the iPad, Apple's rumored tablet computer. Judging from what we have seen so far, the iPad is basically a very large iPod touch with a modified interface. According to Steve Jobs, the device will be far better than an iPhone or netbook for browsing...

  • Web
    MusicDNA Wants to Compete With Apple’s iTunes LP Format – But Will Anybody Care?

    For the most part, digital music has killed the liner notes that used to come with CDs. Now, MusicDNA, a new file format that looks a lot like Apple's iTunes LP format, wants to bring liner notes to the 21st century. MusicDNA is a new rich-media extension for digital music...

  • Web
    Friday Podcast Parade! The Wonderful World of Augmented Reality

    Once again, the weekend is upon us - time to unplug, unwind and relax!But lest your brains turn to jelly during your time offline and away from work, load up your iPod with our weekly selection of podcasts sure to entertain and inform. The topic of this week's parade is...

  • Web
    Open Thread: ‘Sexy Girls,’ Smart Women & Tech

    I've tried to pick some interesting and controversial topics for these open threads over the past few weeks, but if there's one topic that's sure to divide public opinion and light the sky with burning effigies, it's this one.I'm a woman, and I'm in technology, and I demand here and...

  • Web
    Amazon Allows Some Publishers and Authors to Opt Out of E-Book DRM

    Amazon quietly made a major change to its Digital Text Platform last week that went largely unnoticed: Small publishers and individual authors who use the Digital Text Platform can now opt out of the Kindle's digital rights management (DRM) program. While this change only affects a relatively small number of...

  • Entertainment
    Going Mainstream: eMusic Signs Deal with Warner Music

    EMusic, the popular subscription-based music service, just announced that it has signed a deal with Warner Music, the world's third-largest music company. This is eMusic's second deal with a major record label. In its early days, eMusic mostly focused on featuring music from independent labels. Since the middle of 2009,...

  • Social
    Top 50 Social Brands of 2009. Spoiler: You Know All of Them

    "2009 was the year of Social Media" according to Buzz Study, the blog that keeps tabs on Infegy's Social Radar. They're not speaking from experience, they're speaking from what they've seen in the billions of "blog posts, news feeds, forums, social networks and Twitter posts" the service has collected over...

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