Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Data Shows Which Manufacturers and Carriers Delay Android Updates

    Data revealing which manufacturers and carriers' delay providing Android upgrades has been documented in detail by mobile blogger JR Raphael.  By examining Android phones released in 2009 and 2010 on the four major U.S. carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon), Raphael was able to pinpoint which manufacturers and carriers provided...

  • Mobile
    YouTube Reports 200m Mobile Daily Mobile Views, 2.0 App for Android

    A YouTube video is viewed on a mobile device on average more than 200 million times a day, Google announced today. That's a 3X increase over the end of last year. The service's incredible momentum was announced alongside version 2.0 of YouTube Mobile for Android, which puts a heavy emphasis...

  • Mobile
    Hulu Plus is Coming to Android

    During Samsung's keynote address at yesterday's Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2011) in Las Vegas, Hulu CEO Jason Kilar joined Samsung U.S. President Tim Baxter on stage to announce that Hulu Plus, the premium version of the streaming service for TV and movies, will be coming to Android devices in the...

  • Web
    From Web to TV: What Publishers, Producers and Advertisers Are Facing

    As technology companies like Google, Sony, and Intel are working to deliver Web content into the living room, Web publishers, content producers, and advertisers are busy looking into the (not so distant) future to determine how to be successful in this new space. As a Web publisher with a strong...

  • Web
    Deadtech: Kodachrome Goes the Way of the Great Auk

    Not all legacy tech sticks it out, alas. Preceding floppies into the long techno-dark is Kodachrome.The last roll of the color film will be developed tomorrow at Dwayne's Photo in Parsons, Kansas, ending a 75-year run. Kodak's "discontinuance notice" explained the simple fact behind the end of a product that...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Internet TV

    Looking back on the year in Web technology, we can see that several product categories have evolved significantly over 2010. We've already written about App Stores and eReaders. Another market that progressed in 2010 was Internet TV. Among the developments: Apple announced a major overhaul of Apple TV, Google launched...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Growth of eBooks & eReaders

    eBook sales almost doubled over 2010 and now make up 9% of total consumer book sales, according to the Association of American Publishers. This growth was fueled by intense competition amongst eReader manufacturers over 2010. Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook and others attempted to undercut each other...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Products of 2010

    Mobile technology has seen major advances over the course of 2010, with new platforms, new services and new usage trends all taking hold to spread the adoption of not just the mobile Web, but the Web itself. The number of smartphone owners are increasing, mobile operating systems are proliferating and...

  • Mobile
    Opera: State of the Mobile Web, Year-End 2010

    Opera Software has released its State of the Mobile Web report for November 2010 today, but has also taken the opportunity to look back at the preceding months to summarize trends and statistics related to global mobile Web usage for 2010. The findings? Mobile Web surfing is way, way up.Opera...

  • Web
    Google Asks Manufacturers to Hold Off on Google TV Debut at CES

    It looks like there's been an interruption in Google's regularly scheduled programming. The company has asked three separate television makers to hold off on their Google TV debuts at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next month after receiving a round of lukewarm reviews.Already, both Sony and Logitech have...

  • Web
    Berkman Plans Digital Public Library of America

    Harvard Law's Berkman Center for Internet and Society has announced a "research and planning initiative" to construct and open a so-called digital public library. With the backing of an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant, Berkman will bring together a large group to help "define the scope, architecture, costs and administration"...

  • Web
    I Know What You Read Last Summer – E-Readers and Privacy

    Since WikiLeaks released 250,000 secret U.S. government cables a little over a week ago, the world is suddenly terribly concerned about what we may or may not be reading. Some countries - and some U.S. government agencies - are blocking their people from accessing the Wikileaks site, for fear of...

  • Web
    Marc Benioff’s Dreamforce Keynote Live Blog

    Today is the first day of the 8th Dreamforce, the annual conference for users. In advance of the keynote, has already announced and Chatter Free. We're listening for other new announcements during the keynote.9:15 Benioff opens by noting that attendance for the event is at 14,500;

  • Mobile
    5 Secrets Found in Gingerbread’s SDK

    Yesterday, Google launched a new version of the Android operating system, Android 2.3, code-named "Gingerbread." Since then, developers have been scouring through the software development kit (SDK) to see what's new. A few have found some interesting items - including hints at possible video chat in Google's GTalk app, references...

  • Web
    Amazon Enables E-Book Gifting for Kindle

    Just ahead of the holiday shopping season, Amazon has enabled a new feature in its Kindle store: e-book gift giving. Amazon's customers will now be able to give Kindle books to anybody with an e-mail address, whether they are existing Kindle users or not. According to Amazon, the Kindle store...

  • Mobile
    Hasbro Plans to Bring 3D to the iPhone and iPod Touch

    Remember the Nintendo's Virtual Boy? In 1995, the Japanese game company launched this 3D version of its popular Game Boy. The device turned out to be a big flop. Today, however, the 3D hype is back and toy maker Hasbro has decided to jump on the bandwagon with the My3D...

  • Web
    Discovering Content on Internet-based TV

    Watching TV is becoming a more interactive experience - at least that's what a number of companies building interactive TVs and media center products are hoping. From Apple CEO Steve Jobs' "hobby" project, Apple TV, to media center startups like Boxee, there are new ways to "watch" TV that involve...

  • Computers
    MeeGo Tablet running TAT’s User Interface

    TAT is a Swedish software technology and design company based in Sweden with local offices in Korea and USA. They specialise in Mobile device User Interfaces (UI) and currently mobile manufacturers and network operators including: SonyEricsson, Motorola, S60, Samsung, Vodafone and Orange. Additional partners also include Texas Instruments, Freescale, Teleca,...

  • Technology
    MeeGo Tablet running TAT’s User Interface

    TAT is a Swedish software technology and design company based in Sweden with local offices in Korea and USA. They specialise in Mobile device User Interfaces (UI) and currently mobile manufacturers and network operators including: SonyEricsson, Motorola, S60, Samsung, Vodafone and Orange. Additional partners also include Texas Instruments, Freescale, Teleca,...

  • Web
    Could Kinect Control Your Internet of Things?

    The Kinect has gone on sale today. Microsoft's new touchless, full body (plus facial expressions), gesture-based interface for the XBox360 gaming system is going to make a big splash in the contemporary consumer market- but how far could it be extended as an interface for the technology of the future?...

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