Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
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    From CES, A Few Hints About the Future of TV

    This year's Consumer Electronics Show is getting ready to wrap up in Las Vegas tomorrow. There may not have been a single blockbuster product announcement, but when it comes to the future of television, CES is always good for a few hints about what to expect. By piecing together some...

  • Web
    Foxconn Workers Threaten Mass Suicide [Updated]

    Described by gaming site Kotaku as a potentially "deadly game of chicken," over 300 workers at the Foxconn factory in China threatened suicide. On Jan. 2, a group of workers appeared on the roof of the main production facility in Wuhan and threatened to jump. Foxconn produces devices for Microsoft...

  • Mobile
    Cloud, APIs, LTE: AT&T Makes the Biggest Splash On Day 1 of CES 2012

    The most profound announcements made on the first day of the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show was, by far, made by AT&T. The carrier is hosting its annual developers' summit in Las Vegas and made a bevy of announcements today including new HTML5 APIs for developers, six new Android phones and...

  • Web
    SOPA, GoDaddy and the Bottom-Up Democracy (or Mob Rule) of the Web

    It used to be that large companies could pretty much do as they pleased in their ongoing quest to maximize profits and please shareholders. It was only when the harm done to workers, consumers, the environment or a firm's own self image got particularly bad that anything changed. This isn't...

  • rfid-wireless-battery
    Interview with Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation, Part II

    Given Zemlin's unique perspective as someone at the heart of the open source community (see Part I of this interview), I was keen to hear his views on why he thought Linux was becoming so successful in the embedded sector. His analysis was interesting: "Linux has reached this critical mass...

  • Web
    The Future of the Camera

    First it was smartphones integrating cameras. Could we be about to see the inverse - cameras integrating smartphone technology? That's the concept being explored by Seattle design company Artefact. They've come up with an intriguing prototype for a camera that incorporates smartphone technology - a.k.a. a SmartCam. Artefact claims that...

  • Web
    Big Data, Big Attraction for Organized Crime

    Maybe Marc Goodman's talk from the Strata Summit on the business of illegal data grabbed me because I just finished watching the entire series of The Sopranos from start to finish last week. But even if you don't have a penchant for mob shows, Goodman's talk is worth the time...

  • Social
    What You Need to Know About SOPA in 2012

    The Internet is in an uproar over the Stop Online Piracy Act. The battles lines are drawn. Big Media (the record labels, movie studios and TV networks) support the bill while Big Tech (search engines, open source platforms, social networks) oppose it. The bill, introduced to Congress by Representative Lamar...

  • Entertainment
    As Lawsuits Grow, Grooveshark May Be Headed the Way of Napster

    Things are not looking good for Grooveshark. The controversial music streaming site has been banned from the major mobile app stores and is in the process of being sued by Universal Music Group for copyright infringement. Yes, that's the same UMG that apparently thinks its right to remove content from...

  • Social
    Facebook Buys Gowalla, The Location Sharing Service That We All Thought Was Dead

    CNNMoney reports that Facebook has just acquired the location-based sharing service Gowalla. Sources say that Gowalla's employees will move to Facebok's Palo Alto offices and work on the Timeline feature, which is all about telling stories. Gowalla had recently shifted its vision to storytelling. When Gowalla launched in 2009, it...

  • Mobile
    What Amazon Did To Fork Android For the Kindle Fire

    It has been a little more than a week since the Kindle Fire has been available to the general public and fundamental approach that Amazon has taken to the device is beginning to take shape. This is not exactly a question of iPad vs. Kindle Fire nor the notion that...

  • Mobile
    How Amazon’s Kindle Fire is About to One-Up Handheld Gaming Systems

    With less than a week to go before Amazon starts shipping its Kindle Fire tablet, the company today announced the inclusion of several more Android apps. The list of new additions includes Netflix, Pandora, Facebook, Twitter and many other hugely popular apps. Quite a few of the applications Amazon announced...

  • Work
    Eric Schmidt, Patents, and the ‘Sword of Damocles’ Defense

    Populism is a tool that only works in one's defense when one does not appear big or strong enough to wield it by himself. In its rise to fame, Google has been a champion of populist causes, most notably the association of freedom of ideas with freedom in licensing. Up...

  • Web
    Can Google TV’s Latest Update Save the Platform?

    Today, the next generation of the Google TV platform was announced. The update brings Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) to Google TV devices and will include a new user interface, improved search functionality and a selection of TV-compatible Android apps. By revamping the UI, Google addresses one of the biggest complaints consumers...

  • Entertainment
    Can Hulu Save Nintendo From Apple?

    Hulu Plus, the paid subscription offering from the premium video streaming site Hulu, will be available on the Nintendo Wii console and 3DS handheld system by the end of the year, the company announced. Hulu Plus joins Netflix as the second video streaming service available on Nintendo gaming consoles. Both...

  • Mobile
    The Logistical Mess Created by Ice Cream Sandwich For the Android Update Alliance

    Yesterday's release of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich is going to pose a bit of a problem for the Android ecosystem. Overall, Ice Cream Sandwich should prove to be a boon for the leading smartphone platform. There will be new devices with great new functionality and user interfaces coming from...

  • Mobile
    New Version of CyanogenMod Boasts New Features for More Devices

    Good news today for amateurs hackers and serious Android enthusiasts - CyanogenMod has released a new version today that updates its platform and brings new features and functionalities to a host of Android devices. CyanogenMod 7.1 brings the open source code to 24 new devices with a substantial change log...

  • Web
    Google Books Now Available in the U.K.

    Google's e-bookstore is now available in the United Kingdom. In addition to its primary offerings, Google has partnered with independent booksellers like Gardners' Hive and Blackwell's, so U.K customers can buy books through those stores.Google's e-book format is widely compatible, available on Android and Apple devices, Sony, Kobo and Elonex...

  • Mobile
    Tablet Owners Use Gaming Consoles, Laptops and Print Media Less

    It hasn't even been two years since the first widely popular consumer tablet hit the market, but the devices are already making a big impact. Among people who own an iPad or other tablet computer, many of them are engaging with other, older forms of media less than they used...

  • Mobile
    What Should We Expect When Apple Launches the iPhone 5 in Two Weeks?

    After months of speculation and rumors, the iPhone 5 will be unveiled in two weeks. The device is expected to launch at Apple's next media event, which will be held on October 4, according to AllThingsD. With so many supposed leaks and rumors flying around every day for the last...

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