Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Web
    There Are No Lulz in Prison: U.S. Gov Seeks Longer Prison Sentences for Criminal Hackers

    Criminal and black hat hackers beware - If the U.S. government finds you, it is not going to be lenient.The stakes are rising in the world of cybersecurity and the Obama administration is not taking it lightly. The White House has proposed to congress an increase in maximum jail time...

  • Web
    Cloud Poll: What Does Federal CIO Vivek Kundra’s Departure Mean for Open Data and the Cloud?

    Yesterday we reported that Vivek Kundra, the first CIO of the U.S. federal government, will leave his post for a fellowship at Harvard. Kundra lead the open data project which suffered a massive budget cut, and the White House's cloud computing initiatives.With the leader of two banner projects for...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Raises $100 Million; U.S. Launch Imminent?

    European music streaming service Spotify has closed a $100 million round of funding in anticipation of a launch in North America. The round comes from DST, Kleiner Perkins and Accel.American consumers who pay attention to the tech and music industries may have a bit of Spotify whiplash. It is coming....

  • Web
    Lulzsec Hacks U.S. Senate

    The hacking group Lulzsec broke into the U.S. Senate's website and stole information. On its site, it posted which it reposted "a small, just-for-kicks release of some internal data from"The Senate's Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Maria Bradford, told Reuters that the group penetrated the public side of the site...

  • Mobile
    Qualcomm Talks Future of Mobile, AR, 3D, Sensors & More at Uplinq 2011

    "Mobile is the largest technology platform in history," began Paul Jacobs, chairman and CEO of Qualcomm, leading the opening keynote at his company's Uplinq conference this morning in San Diego. "And it has become a force for social change."Jacobs focused his talk on the continuing evolution of mobile, the opportunities...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Rumored to be Partnering With Facebook

    Rumors have emerged that Facebook is partnering with streaming music company Spotify to integrate the service into the Facebook platform in Europe.According to Forbes, Spotify will have an icon to the left of the Facebook news feed with photos and events. Clicking on the icon will download the Spotify desktop...

  • Entertainment
    Minecraft Coming to Android (But Probably Not the Droid You Were Looking For)

    Fans of Minecraft, the popular building block game, have long been waiting for a mobile version. iOS and Android versions have been "in the works" since early this year, but now there are a few more details available. We still don't know when the mobile versions of Minecraft will be...

  • Mobile
    Poll: What was the Most Exciting Developer News from Google I/O?

    Now that Google's big developer conference, Google I/O, has wrapped, we thought it would be fun to look back on all the news Google announced this week, especially as it pertains to Android developers. As you digest the information -there wasa lot of it!- and reflect on all the things...

  • Web
    Google I/O Live Blog: Google Launches Music, Movies, “Ice Cream Sandwich” & More

    Google's yearly developer conference, Google I/O, begins today in San Francisco and we're live at the event to bring you the opening keynote. The speculation thus far has been that Google will finally unveil the long-awaited Google Music offering, which has indeed just gone live on the Web.Stay tuned for...

  • Entertainment
    Library of Congress Launches A National Jukebox

    The U.S. Library of Congress, in conjunction with Sony Music Entertainment, has launched a new website today, the National Jukebox. The site will stream some 10,000 sound recordings from several historic music collections. This includes music and other audio recordings from the Victor Records collection, one closely associated with the...

  • Web
    Move Over Netflix, Android Gets Google Movies

    While Netflix has been seen in the wild on Android devices, the last we've heard from Netflix itself was last November, when the company explained that digital rights management was holding back an Android version of the beloved streaming movie service.If you're a Google fan, this has left you largely...

  • Web
    YouTube Unveils Movies for Rent and Content Partnerships

    YouTube announced today that it is adding around 3,000 movie titles available to rent on demand for users in the United States, confirming rumors from late April that said Google's video service was looking to partner with major and independent studios to rollout premium content. YouTube is also bolstering its...

  • Web
    Federal Lawmakers Join the Wave of Do-Not-Track Legislation

    Tracking is a big word right now. iPhones were found to be tracking your location and storing it, prompting Apple to release a quick fix. Google's offices in Seoul, South Korea were raided over AdMob tracking. Any way your electronic activity can be traced and stored, there are several companies...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Music Store Allows Users to Bypass iTunes to Sync to iPods

    The more features and improvements that European streaming music service Spotify makes, the more we here in North America cannot wait until it finally jumps across the pond. Today the company announced that its users will be able to integrate and download playlists onto assorted iPod, iPhone and Android devices...

  • Web
    Writing Helper Brings Editing Collaboration to WordPress

    As professional bloggers will tell you, the collaboration and archival process for editing posts is one of the most onerous parts of the job. Hey, writing is the easy part! Wordpress announced today that it is unveiling a set of new features to its platform called Writing Helper that should...

  • Entertainment
    “No Timeframe” for Playstation Network Return After Hack

    The Sony Playstation Network hack that has plagued the video game platform since April 20 has forced the company to shutdown the service indefinitely while it works to rebuild the platform.The Playstation blog, a space normally used for gaming updates, tips and anecdotes, has been updating the status of the...

  • Web
    YouTube Expanding On-Demand Movie Service with Mainstream Hollywood Titles

    According to a report from the Hollywood-tracking news outlet The Wrap, Google's YouTube will soon be expanding its on-demand movie rental service to include mainstream Holloywood films. Major movie studios including Sony Pictures Entertainment, Warner Brothers and Universal are all said to be on board, as are a number of independent...

  • Entertainment
    Google Reportedly In Talks With Music Service Spotify

    Google is in talks with European-based streaming music service Spotify, according to a report today on CNET. Google has been rumored to be working on launching a streaming music service of its own for years now, with clamor over the potential service reaching a peak last summer when Big G...

  • Web
    Librarians React to Amazon’s New Lending Library: More Questions Than Celebrations

    At first glance, yesterday's news that Amazon is launching a Lending Library - an arrangement to make Kindle e-books available for libraries to loan - sounds like good news for libraries. But many librarians are taking the news in stride, glad to have more options for their patrons, but cautious...

  • Social
    HTC Dominating Online Chatter, Says Market Research Firm

    After having analyzed over a million conversations taking place in social media channels, market research firm SocialNuggests says that consumers are currently more interested in talking about HTC devices than iPhones. According to the firm's March smartphone index, the iPhone 4 was ranked 10th, while the HTC Thunderbolt came in...

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