Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Web
    9 Ways Apple Could Persuade You to Buy Their TV (& Change TV as We Know It)

    Talk of an Apple TV has stirred again lately with financial analyst Gene Munster predicting Apple will release in the 2012-2013 timeframe. Many arguing against an Apple TV point to the significant margins they have commanded in the industries they traditionally operate, and that these margins would not be attainable...

  • Entertainment
    The GameStop Android Gaming Tablet Could Be Brilliant

    Everybody wants to make their own tablet these days. Heads turned last year when BlackBerry announced it would be making the PlayBook. Then Hewlett-Packard got in on the act with the TouchPad. Samsung has three lines of tablets in the pipe. HTC already has two with more coming. Asus, Acer,...

  • Developer
    MOSAID Acquires 2000 Nokia patents

    A Canadian-based company, Mosaid, has acquired about 2000 Nokia patents and applications. This deal will certainly generate funds from settlements and licensing deals for both companies. Nokia is capitalizing on the depth of its patent collections as it currently has thousands of patents to its name. Mosaid will establish a new company which...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Comprehensive WikiLeaks Timeline, Part 2

    Our original WikiLeaks timeline, including every story we had written about the organization, spanned a period of almost three years, from February 18, 2008 to December 29, 2010. It listed almost 70 posts. The WikiLeaks story has yet to end, despite the fact that some have theorized it soon will....

  • Work
    Eric Schmidt: Google More Interested in ‘The RAZR Guys’ Than Patents

    Last Thursday afternoon, in response to a softball question from Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff on the subject of the relationship of Google's proposed takeover of Motorola Mobility to the ongoing patent wars, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt cleverly avoided linking the two. In fact, he suggested that Google was more...

  • Hack
    CSIdentity Provides Wholesale ID Theft Protection

    What is the second thing that a company should do when it discovers a data breach with personal information? Call CSIdentity and arrange for its wholesale ID theft protection service. (The first, obviously, is to fix the leak and make sure it doesn't happen again.) The company announced a program...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: 4 Steps to Measuring Social Engagement

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Mobile
    How Can HP WebOS Take Advantage of Android, Post Motorola Acquisition?

    With Google's takeover of Motorola, a lot of the focus has been on how it will affect the Android ecosystem. Google claims that nothing will really change and that Android will remain open and free to its partners. The major Android partners seemingly agree that the Google is doing the...

  • Mobile
    Patents, Partners & Capitalistic Greed: Factors That Led Google to Buy Motorola

    There is a middle ground in Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility that is not just about just patents. It is not all about Google controlling its own original equipment manufacturer. Nor is it about solely defending the future of the Android ecosystem. This is about Google's standing in the mobile...

  • Web
    Researcher Slams Sophos: How Secure Is Your Security Company?

    The cyber security industry talks a big game. There is a certain amount of truth to the notion that security companies' marketing departments play up viruses or Trojans or known vulnerabilities to alert the public to their products. Security is a $16 billion industry and hyper-competitive. Yet, with all the...

  • Web
    OverDrive Hints That Kindle Library Lending is Coming in September

    The CEO of OverDrive, which distributes e-books and audiobooks to libraries, has dropped a pretty obvious hint that the Kindle will join other major e-readers in public libraries in September. EarlyWord reports that Steve Potash looked "like a kid with a delicious secret" at OverDrive's Digipalooza conference last weekend, saying...

  • Work
    Zendesk Announces Enterprise Plans

    Zendesk is a hosted help desk solution we've covered many times at ReadWriteWeb. Although Zendesk has served big companies like Adobe and Sony Music, it's better known as the help desk provider for sexy startups like Twitter. It's hoping to change that today with the announcement of an enterprise plan...

  • Work
    Corporate YouTube Lessons From A Racing Engine Builder

    Can you imagine a better way to promote your racing engine business than to take your Web site visitors, on a mind-bending video demo ride? For the last decade, Tom Nelson of Nelson Racing Engines (NRE), in Chatsworth California, has been building the nastiest, tire shredding, frame-twisting, internal combustion engines,...

  • Web
    You Can Read, But You Can’t Buy: iOS E-Reader Apps Remove Links to Bookstores

    New rules governing how iOS apps handle in-app purchases went into effect on June 30, and the date passed without much fanfare and seemingly without much compliance from many apps that continued to offer content for sale. These apps included e-reader apps with links to their associated online bookstores, as...

  • Web
    Netflix Deal with DreamWorks a Potential Roadmap for Premium Streaming Market

    Netflix and DreamWorks Animation are reportedly in negotiations to bring DreamWorks movies to the video streaming service. In and off itself, that is not major news. Netflix makes and breaks content distribution agreements with different partners all the time. Yet, the DreamWorks deal would directly affect the pocketbook of one...

  • Mobile
    AppMobi Introduces cloudKey, Hopes to Eliminate Centralized Credit Card Databases

    Today, mobile application development vendor appMobi launched a new 1-Click payment technology called cloudKey which secures users' credit card information for online purchases on their device, not on remote servers. With the wave of recent high-profile hacking attacks on companies like Sony, Citi and AT&T, even non-security minded folks have...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Which Phone Will Win the “Nexus” Lottery?

    A very juicy rumor this week claims that Google is evaluating a handful of prototypes to determine which one will be the next "Nexus" device. According to the report, via AndroidandMe, there are four brand-name companies in the running and one more unnamed device that will be a "really big...

  • Entertainment
    Finally! Music Streaming Service Spotify Arrives in the U.S.

    After two years of waiting, the U.S. market finally gets a chance to try out Spotify, the music-streaming service that's now wildly popular Europe. But why is there so much hype around Spotify, you may wonder? Don't we already have plenty of music streaming services here, like Pandora,, Slacker...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify: Much-Hyped Years-Old European Music Service Enters Now-Crowded US Market [Poll]

    Is the European music streaming service Spotify finally ready to come to the United States? When U.S. Web users visit they see the above image along with a field below the banner where a they can enter an email address to request an invite. Haven't we seen this before,...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for iPhone & Android, June 2011

    In our continuing tradition of rounding up new mobile application releases we found interesting and/or exciting over the past month, we present you with this new list of apps for June 2011. Previously in June, we shared a list of apps that came out in May and during the first...

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