Results for "Sony"

We found 1034 results for your search.
  • Web
    Hulu Plus Opens to All, No Invite Needed

    Hulu Plus, the premium version of online video hub Hulu, has now opened its doors to all interested users, according to a post this morning on the company's corporate blog. Says Rob Wong, Director of Product for Hulu, users no longer need an invitation to sign up for Hulu Plus....

  • Mobile
    Android Becomes Top Mobile Operating System in U.S., No. 2 Worldwide

    Research firm Canalys released new numbers today on the mobile smartphone market, and they are impressive, especially when it comes to Android. According to the latest report, the Android platform has grown 1,309% since Q3 2009, going from 1.4 million handsets to 20.0 million by the close of Q3 2010....

  • Mobile
    Apple Passes RIM, Becomes Fourth Largest Mobile Vendor in the World

    According to a new report from International Data Corporation (IDC), Apple has just passed RIM, makers of the Blackberry smartphone, to become the fourth largest mobile vendor in the world. Prior to this quarter (Q3 2010), RIM held the number four spot. It's now at number five. Apple's move up...

  • Web
    Amazon: Kindle Books Now Outsell Print Bestsellers 2 to 1

    Just a few months ago, Amazon announced its Kindle editions were outselling hardcover books. Now, the Seattle-based online retailer also announced that for its top 10 best-selling books, its customers are now buying the Kindle edition twice as often as print copies, even as sales of print books on

  • Web
    Is it Too Late for Foursquare Competitors? SCVNGR Hopes Not, Launches New Apps

    SCVNGR, one of the up-and-coming startups in the "check-in" application category has been on a roll lately. It has almost 500,000 users, is on track for reaching one million users by year-end, has integrated with Facebook Places, has launched a self-serve platform and has established partnerships with 1,000 businesses including...

  • Hack
    Goodreads Launches Social Reading API

    Goodreads has opened its API that will give parters free access to the book lovers' social network and the book reviews, meta data, and literary discussions.Developers using the API can pull Goodreads ratings for over 2 million different titles and reviews for over 500,000 titles. Goodreads has more than 4...

  • Web
    Netflix Launches Disc-Free Streaming for the Wii

    Until today, an exclusive agreement between Netflix and Microsoft meant that only Xbox users were able to use a native Netflix app on their consoles to stream movies and TV shows from Netflix without the need to insert a disc into their machines. Starting today, however, Netflix users with a...

  • Web
    Digital Stripping and the Evolution of Online Publishing

    In June 2010, Apple released the latest revision of Safari. Included in the release was a fancy little feature called "Reader" which gives users the ability to view Web content separately from the collective clutter of banner advertising, top lists and social bookmarking widgets. The release marked the first time...

  • Entertainment
    Playstation May Use Your Facebook Account to Customize Your Gameplay

    The latest firmware update for Playstation 3 included an interesting bit of code. This code will allow Sony to marry your Facebook information with your games in a number of interesting ways. The possible customizations of your games with your social network data include a personal play-list for Rock Band,...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Barcode Scanning up 700% This Year

    ShopSavvy, BarcodeHero, Stickybits, CheckPoints, Tecca, Microsoft Tag, RedLaser, SnapTell, Shopkick, the recently updatedAmazon Mobile - if you're like many smartphone owners, you've used at least one (if not more) of these mobile barcode scanning applications. In fact, you're now part of a growing trend of users who do.According to a...

  • Web
    5 Things Hollywood’s Power Players Can Teach Entrepreneurs

    Startups and Hollywood are more alike than we give credit. After nearly 12 months at a Y-Combinator company in Silicon Valley, I find myself noticing an eerie resemblance between my previous life in the film industry in NY/LA.This week's release of The Social Network, an interpretation of the rise of...

  • Web
    5 Apps That Connect Your Internet Devices

    As different Internet-connected devices become scattered around your home - laptop, smartphone, iPad, netbook, Internet TV box, and more - it's useful to have apps that connect them together and sync data when necessary. Below we look at 5 products that do this. Ultimately, they help you take control of...

  • Web
    How GetGlue Taps Into Our Emotions

    Sometimes a successful web product takes a while to find its niche. Occasionally it morphs into a different product altogether, along the way. Both things have happened to GetGlue, the service where users "check in" to watching TV shows, reading books, listening to music - indeed, to just about anything....

  • Work
    MindTouch Offers a Platform for Selling Guides and Creating Support Networks

    Platform development - it has to be one of the most discussed topics in the past few months and an exciting space to watch as the world of the open Web shifts to the emerging micro app universe.Recently we have noticed that platforms with specific purposes are faring well as...

  • Mobile
    EU Funds “Universal Apps” Project

    A research project that aims to develop a standard for universal applications has just received £10 million in funding from the European Union. The project, called Webinos, is being led by the Fraunhofer Institute, the same group that developed the technology behind the ubiquitous music file format MP3. Webinos' end...

  • Mobile
    Android Will Be Number 2 Mobile Operating System Worldwide by Year-End

    Research analysts at Gartner have forecasted that Google's Android mobile operating system (OS) will become the second largest platform in terms of market share by year-end 2010. Symbian, however, will remain number one. Garner also notes that by 2014, the end of the forecast period for this latest market research...

  • Entertainment
    Music Videos Adapt to Web & MTV Now #1 Online Music Destination

    Music videos became famous in the early 80's on MTV. Nowadays, music videos are more likely to be viewed on the Web. Seven of the top ten YouTube videos of all time are music videos - from the likes of Lady Gaga, Shakira and Justin Bieber. The increasing popularity of...

  • Web
    First Android TV Launches Weeks Before Google TV Arrives

    Earlier this week we looked at the upcoming launch of Google TV. It's slated for this fall (U.S.) and will be integrated into a new line of Sony Internet TVs. Meanwhile a Swedish company has just launched its own Internet TV, built on top of Google's open source Android Operating...

  • Web
    Google TV Developer Platform: What to Expect

    In May, Google announced a new Internet TV product called Google TV. As we noted at the time, the most interesting aspect of the announcement was the developer ecosystem that Google is introducing to television. Google TV will not just allow you to view television programs and online video content,...

  • Web
    Open Thread: How Do You Stream Internet Content to Your TV?

    One of Apple's announcements yesterday was a completely redesigned Apple TV. It's competing in a crowded and still confusing field of products that stream video from the Internet to your TV. Boxee and Roku are two smaller companies trying to crack it; and Google TV was unveiled in May. The...

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