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  • Work
    Clouds And Virtualized Storage: Catalyst For Change

    We tend not to think about storage - until we don't have enough. We carelessly store documents, emails, images, video, and massive amounts of all kinds data only to wonder why there never seems to be enough places to put our company's stuff. But as new technologies combine to provide...

  • Work
    ReadWrite Predicts: 14 Stone Cold Locks For 2013

    Predicting the future is a sucker's game. No matter how smart you think you are, events have a way of overtaking logic and making predictions not just wrong but completely beside the point. That's why we have smartphones instead of jetpacks.That said, the ReadWrite team couldn't resist the year-end opportunity...

  • Social
    What Flickr Really Needs To Copy From Instagram – And It Isn’t Photo Filters

    Love applying moody effects to your iPhone photos? Well, you're in luck - after this week, you can do that on just about every image app you've ever downloaded. In the latest lap of the overwrought social media arms race, Twitter and Flickr have updated their mobile apps to offer photo...

  • Work
    Want Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Grant? Combine Devices, Sensors And The Cloud

    Microsoft's Imagine Cup rewards student innovators with thousands of dollars worth of prizes, the chance to network with other entrepreneurs and valuable experience. But to develop those skills into a viable business can require additional funding, and Microsoft's Imagine Cup Grant winners, announced Tuesday, now have that.Team Graphmasters of Germany...

  • Entertainment
    Time Warner CEO Thinks YouTube’s $100 Million Content Investment Is “Cute”

    Much has been made of Google’s foray into original content with its $100 million investments in its bid to compete with television. But as Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes pointed out at this week’s Business Insider’s IGNITION conference, Google’s content investments are essentially chump change - nowhere near enough to...

  • Work
    ReadWrite DeathWatch: AMD

    Intel's success and a shrinking PC market have seriously hurt the No. 2 chipmaker. Does it have enough fight left to reinvent itself?The BasicsIn 1982, Advanced Micro Devices cut a deal with Intel to provide secondary manufacturing services for IBM. Under the terms of the agreement, AMD could manufacture Intel's...

  • Startups
    Why Are Indians So Entrepreneurial In The U.S.?

    A recent study exposed an alarming trend in the tech industry. Immigrant entrepreneurs, who in recent years have launched half the startups in Silicon Valley, are founding drastically fewer companies. Except for one group: Indians. What makes entrepreneurs from India so different?The startup study was sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation...

  • Web
    YouTube Premium Content Goes Global – Without Asia

    Banking on the success of the 100 Original Channels it launched last year, YouTube announced on Sunday that the company has funded 60 more channels, this time with an international twist. But where's Korea? Japan? China?“Given the success of these and the tens of millions of other amazing channels already...

  • Social
    Sorry Facebook, This Was A Privacy Bungle! Here’s What You Should’ve Done

    A week ago Facebook got itself caught up in yet another privacy controversy, when old Wall posts from 2007-09 were automatically converted into Timeline posts. The confusion was that for some people, those old posts seemed private in nature. So it was thought that Facebook had mistakenly turned private messages...

  • Web
    New Ethics Scandal Rocks Wikipedia

    A week after allegations of high-level Wikipedia editors promoting paid content, questions remain on how much damage the actions will inflict on the popular wiki site.The story broke September 18, when CNET reporter Violet Blue posted a detailed analysis of internal Wikipedia discussions surrounding the apparent activity of former Wikimedia...

  • Web
    Cloud Computing Makes Software Piracy Obsolete

    The fight against file sharing has reached a new pitch as industry organizations battle file sharing as though their lives depended on it. As, in fact, they do. The foundations of the antipiracy crusade are evaporating as the cloud undermines the very notion of software piracy.Two cross-Atlantic trade organizations with...

  • Deals
    Why Venture Capital No Longer Defines Innovation

    Today’s venture capital deal flow to innovative new companies looks a lot like a fat man trying to squeeze into a slim Italian suit. It just doesn’t fit. The new shape of innovation is a lot more inclusive of new approaches and sources of startup funding.In 2000, venture capitalists poured...

  • Web
    Microgrids and Solar Power, the Answer to India’s Power Crisis

    As India experienced its worst power failure ever last week, leaving 600 million people without electricity, disrupting the operation of hospitals and public services and shutting down transportation in key regions vital to the country’s economy, New Delhi will have to face up to some critical power realities.On one level,...

  • Web
    Google’s Stupid Street View Flub Will Result in Increased International Scrutiny

    Google has acknowledged that it broke its promise to delete all the personal data its Street View cars collected from unsecured Wi-Fi networks in Britain and other countries two years ago. While Google says the failure was a mistake, its long-term consequence could mean more scrutiny from British regulators, which...

  • Social
    The Twitter Rebellion: Offers a Hacker’s Alternative

    Twitter is looking into making TV shows. That direction would have been unimaginable four years ago. But the Flock has made its nest. Twitter is a media goose that wants to lay a golden egg. And entrepreneur Dalton Caldwell doesn’t believe the company can squeeze it out.Caldwell is building,...

  • Web
    [Infographic] Why Software Users Upgrade – And Why They Don’t

    Upgrading applications when prompted may seem like a no-brainer, but joint research funded by Microsoft’s Skype, security vendor Symantec and GPS maker TomTom released on Monday found that nearly half of Americans polled don’t bother.International Technology Upgrade WeekGranted, the findings (see below for Infographic)justify “International Technology Upgrade Week” (happening now,...

  • Work
    New Cisco Connect Cloud Enrages Users Over Privacy Issues

    The debut of Cisco’s Connect Cloud service this week has been marred by technical problems and some serious disconnects between user expectations of privacy and Cisco’s apparent eagerness to monitor user data.The new Connect Cloud service is Cisco’s attempt to introduce a new way for home and small-business owners to...

  • Web
    Microsoft Athens HQ Bombed by Suspected Terrorists

    Photo by ReutersBlowback from the Greek financial crisis has engulfed Microsoft. Gunmen firebombed the software giant's Athens headquarters on Wednesday, gutting the ground floor of the four-story building, Reuters reported. The violence underscored the impact of the crisis as the country struggles to contend with crippling debt that has left...

  • Work
    Internet Society: There’s Room for Compromise on Net Neutrality

    The group of caretakers of Internet standards and practices has been on record supporting fundamental principles linked with net neutrality. But in Part 3 of ReadWriteWeb's interview with Sally Wentworth, the Internet Society's public policy spokesperson says that enabling a service provider to engineer a competitive advantage for itself may also...

  • All Categories
    LinuxCon Japan 2012 – Schedule – Tizen

    Please note that the schedule is still fluid and will change as speakers and sessions are finalized. Wednesday, June 6th All Keynote Presentations Are In Room 503 8:30 Registration 9:15 Welcome Jim Zemlin, Executive Director at The Linux Foundation 9:30 Expectations for Tizen Dr. Kiyohito Nagata, Senior Vice President, NTT...

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