Results for "AI fund uK"

We found 825 results for your search.
  • Hack
    Raspberry Pi Vaults Past 2 Million Sold Mark

    It's a computer, but there's no monitor. Or fan, or keyboard, or even a case, for that matter. But the credit-card sized Rasperry Pi is still getting snapped up by consumers: less than two years after the first Pis shipped, over two million have been sold.Raspberry Pi falls into a...

  • Entertainment
    The Case For Sony’s PlayStation 4

    The Playstation 4, Sony’s cutting edge slab of next-gen gaming, splashed onto the scene Friday, delighting the early adopter set and leaving the rest of us with a tough call to make.I love a hardware launch as much as the next rabid early adopter, but when it comes to an...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Has One Job: Drive The Growth Of Windows Phone

    Windows Phone needs a champion, and Nokia is the only company that can give it the undivided attention Windows Phone deserves.If the Windows Phone operating system is to ever succeed, Microsoft is not going to be the company that leads the charge. It can’t be, really. Microsoft is a huge...

  • Mobile
    Nexus 5: A True Google Experience [Review]

    In 2008, the first commercial Android smartphone was made available at T-Mobile. It was the G1 (also known as the HTC Dream) and people considered it the very first “Google Phone.”How quaint that seems in 2013. The real Google Phone has just arrived. The Nexus 5 may be running Android, but...

  • Hack
    Five Quintessential Quadcopters

    Quadcopters aren’t very useful—yet. But, as Charles Forman, quadcopter hobbyist and founder of OMGPop, said in a recent post, they make up for it by being really effing cool. Guided by remote control, they’re not too different from the RC helicopters you might remember from your childhood. But with four propellers and...

  • Hack
    It Came From Above: Why Copters Are The Next Big Thing In Robotics

    They can deliver your laundry. Entertain your kids. Send you a pizza. Or save your life. They’re quadcopter drones, and they’re getting people excited about robotics again.Powered by four synchronized rotors, they’re like high-tech RC helicopters that users can hack and customize in a number of ways.  Though almost always manually...

  • Web
    Why The Visual Web Is A Billion Dollar Trend

    Pinterest's latest funding round boosts its total valuation to $3.8 billion, a number that might strike you as excessive for a social network that basically amounts to a virtual scrapbook.But not if you’ve been paying attention to the Visual Web. This year, several image-heavy networks have been valued at or sold...

  • Startups
    Diverse Startups Can Receive Tech Mentorship And Thrive

    About a year ago, Rachel Brooks was poised to bring her startup to the next level. Her company, Citizen Made, which makes tools to help companies sell custom products, won a L’Oréal Women in Digital grant, giving it the funding it needed to open a new office in New York City. Money...

  • Web
    The Traditional University Lecture Is Dead

      This post is part of Hire Education, an ongoing series in which ReadWrite examines technological innovation in education and how it's reshaping universities that are preparing students for a transformed workforce. Why pay thousands of dollars to sit in a stuffy university lecture hall as a professor drones away...

  • Work
    Red Hat To Oracle: Have You Tried Free?

    Oracle probably isn't the first company that comes to mind when words like "austerity" are used. Perhaps for that very reason Oracle president Mark Hurd recently took to the blog-o-sphere to argue that going all-in with Oracle, even at a premium price, delivers better value. Ironically, Red Hat CEO Jim...

  • Hack
    Bitcoin Won’t Escape Regulation For Much Longer

    When everybody has access to the same Internet, obscurity no longer exists. Not even when it comes to a certain hard-to-understand cryptocurrency. First Congress began looking into Bitcoin regulation. Then a federal judge ruled Bitcoin was actual money, deserving of regulation under U.S. law. Now in the most overt example of...

  • Lead
    Where Do Startup Ideas Really Come From?

    Guest author Scott Gerber is the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.Ideas don't grow on trees—especially the kind of ideas that lead to successful startups. So where do entrepreneurs turn for some good, old-fashion inspiration? Do they look for problems to solve, or run right into them and take the...

  • Entertainment
    5 Transformative Technologies I Would Make Reality If I Won The Powerball Jackpot

    The latest Powerball lottery winners just scored a collective $448 million dollars in one fell swoop. For the average American, that's an incredible load of money to ponder and that's just what I find myself doing—fantasizing about where I'd put that windfall.One thing I know is that it wouldn't be...

  • Hack
    3D Printing: How to Jumpstart A Stalled Tech Revolution

    3D printing, now effectively six years old, should be a blockbuster hit. It's science fantasy made real, a futuristic technology that would put devices akin to Star Trek replicators in people's homes. Its pioneers believe that 3D printing—which uses a variety of techniques to build physical objects from digital designs and a variety of...

  • Mobile
    Ubuntu Edge: A Device In Serious Need Of A Community

    So you've got $830 burning a hole in your wallet, and you really want a hybrid smartphone/desktop device. You know, a smartphone running Android that also dual-boots into a full-blown desktop operating system. You won't actually see the device until May 2014, but you must pay for it today. Sound...

  • Hack
    WigWag Wants To Build A Lingua Franca For The Internet Of Things

    This morning, I had to press a switch to turn on the lights. I had to open my own blinds and turn on my own coffee maker. And I, for one, am sick of it. It’s 2013. Where’s my smart house? There are a lot of roadblocks between our low-tech homes and...

  • Startups
    Samsung’s Boxee Buy: Another Promising Start-Up Bites The Dust

    The unexpected news that Samsung has acquired the video-startup Boxee—reportedly for $30 million—is supposedly a plus for the South Korean company's smart TV plans. In fact, though, it's a likely death sentence for a much-loved start-up's technology—and one that isn't likely to do much for Samsung, either. Meet BoxeeBoxee, which started...

  • Entertainment
    6 Indie Games To Try On Ouya Right Now

    Today, the high-resolution glitz of E3 takes a backseat to an unusual, lesser appreciated side of gaming. Who needs a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One when you can get your hands on the underdog challenger console Ouya, starting today?(See also: Ouya Is A Tiny Box Open To Many Game Possibilities)Since Ouya makes...

  • Work
    NSA Concedes Hadoop Beats Its Pricey Alternatives

    The U.S. has spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting terrorists. Ironically, however, the best technology available to fight terror likely isn't a line item on the National Security Agency's (NSA) $8 to $10 billion budget. More probably it's Hadoop, which is open source and 100% free.This is a big...

  • Web
    Google Is Starting War On Child Pornography, Not Ending

    Google is creating a global database of child abuse images that the company hopes, when shared with other search engines, will help eradicate child pornography from the Internet. While this is certainly a goal worth fighting for, sadly it is also a goal that is out of reach.Given that Google...

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