Results for "AI fund uK"

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  • Social
    The Only Facebook Number That Matters: $104.2 Billion

    Facebook became a $104.2 billion company Friday in much the same way it became the world’s biggest social network and a cultural game-changer: by stubbornly forging ahead despite criticism and calls that it couldn’t be done.Last week, rumors turned into full-blown financial news stories that the initial public offering was...

  • Web
    Yahoo Faces No-Holds-Barred Proxy Fight

    Activist investor and hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb has thrown the first punch to the head in what is shaping up to be a gloves-off proxy fight with struggling Internet company Yahoo. In disclosing misinformation on the resume of Chief Executive Scott Thompson on Thursday, Loeb made clear his intentions....

  • Web
    Yammer’s First Acquisition – – Will Boost Office Collaboration

    Corporate microblogging and enterprise social networking tool Yammer has taken some of its latest investment funding and made its first acquisition today: a small British software engineering firm called oneDrum. The idea is to extend its features to the desktop, improve collaboration and give Google Docs a bit of a...

  • Mobile
    The Nokia Lumia 900 Will Be the Key to Driving Developer Interest in Windows Phone

    The Windows Phone Marketplace is a sad, sorry place. It is a land of copycat games, worn-out titles and a plethora of apps that border on outright spam. Since the end of 2011, it has grown from about 40,000 apps to nearly 70,000, but any subjective analysis of those new...

  • Mobile
    [Poll] Do Developers Think Consumers Like Push Notifications?

    Easy, instant push notifications are a phenomenon of modern mobile technology. They deliver news, app updates, requests and prompts to users to complete an action. Mobile developers, marketers and advertisers all see push notifications as a key way to reach an audience at the most personal level: straight into their...

  • Entertainment
    5 Lessons From OMGPOP’s Huge ‘Draw Something’ Sale To Zynga

    The obvious lesson from Zynga's purchase of OMGPOP yesterday is that the games industry is still very much a hits-driven business. And when you're the giant in the business and a small startup like OMGPOP has a smash hit, it's easier to buy the hit than try to replicate it....

  • Social
    ResearchGate: It’s Facebook for Scientists

    It's awesome to connect with other like-minded science folk on Facebook, the world's largest social network, but sometimes you want to keep the talk insider baseball - and that means no interjections from your mom, brother and imaginary friends. Seriously. Enter ResearchGate, the social network for scientists. It has just...

  • Social
    Facebook Shares Could Be Overvalued by First Day of Trading

    More than 1,000 people are now trading shares of Facebook on private markets, well above the 50 to 100 that most companies have ahead of their initial public offering.Sam Hamadeh, head of research firm PrivCo., who made the current shareholder estimates for Bloomberg News, said that has pushed Facebook's valuation...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Patent Wars: Are We Ready for This to Go Thermonuclear?

    Everybody is armed, forces are deployed and the battleground is chosen. Let's get this thermonuclear war started. 2011 was the year that the major mobile platform providers loaded up with ammunition in the upcoming world war between Apple, Microsoft, Research In Motion and Google. Apple acquired patents from Novell while...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Patent Wars: Are We Ready for This to Go Thermonuclear?

    Everybody is armed, forces are deployed and the battleground is chosen. Let's get this thermonuclear war started. 2011 was the year that the major mobile platform providers loaded up with ammunition in the upcoming world war between Apple, Microsoft, Research In Motion and Google. Apple acquired patents from Novell while...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Patent Wars: Are We Ready for This to Go Thermonuclear?

    Everybody is armed, forces are deployed and the battleground is chosen. Let's get this thermonuclear war started. 2011 was the year that the major mobile platform providers loaded up with ammunition in the upcoming world war between Apple, Microsoft, Research In Motion and Google. Apple acquired patents from Novell while...

  • Web
    Why the “S&%t X Says to Y” Version of This Meme Exploded

    "The thing about memes is that through repetition, they create a shared language," says Dr. Julie Levin Russo, an adjunct assistant professor at Brown's Modern Culture & Media Program. "If you understand the premise of the meme, you can communicate a lot very easily, with whatever twist you're putting on...

  • Web
    Why the “S&%t X Says to Y” Version of This Meme Exploded

    "The thing about memes is that through repetition, they create a shared language," says Dr. Julie Levin Russo, an adjunct assistant professor at Brown's Modern Culture & Media Program. "If you understand the premise of the meme, you can communicate a lot very easily, with whatever twist you're putting on...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: YCombinator vs. 1M/1M

    Today's roundtable, as usual, was an international affair, with entrepreneurs presenting from different parts of the US, India, Israel, and many other geographies. Before I share what we heard from them today, I want to highlight an important aspect of 1M/1M that is repeatedly underscored in these roundtables: the international,...

  • Social
    Biggest Winners In Facebook’s IPO

    When Hugh Hefner founded Playboy in 1953, he famously offered photographers, writers and artists the choice of cash or stock in the then-private company. While most chose cash, a few held onto shares that were worth millions by the time the company went public.Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg used a similar...

  • Web
    Hackers Propose Out-Of-This-World Way To Circumvent SOPA

    Hackers are looking to circumvent Internet censorship laws like the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act in the U.S. by building their own, satellite-based Internet."The first goal is an uncensorable Internet in space. Let's take the Internet out of the control of terrestrial entities," Nick Farr, a hacker activist who first...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: The Beast Must Be Fed

    Yes, yes, the Internet is killing old media companies. But every once in a while, they take their revenge. They put us through agony over the threats of god-awfullegislationlike SOPA, currently before the U.S. Congress. They cackle as Canucks and other non-Americans grind their molars to dust every time we...

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