Results for "AI fund uK"

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  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone and Android: March 2011 Edition

    In our continuing series here on ReadWriteWeb, we round up some of our favorite new apps for smartphones (well, iPhone and Android) each month. With March having just wrapped up, we've listed some of the new apps that caught our eye over the past few weeks below. This month, we...

  • Work
    Enterprise Startup Spotlight: eXo, Keeping Java Alive in the Enterprise

    eXo offers an open source Java framework for enterprise social software tools. It includes reusable components for building content management systems, user management tools, activity streams, e-mail integrations, mashups and more.This week it announced Cloud IDE, a Web-based development environment for cloud applications.Along with companies like SpringSource, eXo is keeping...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Spotlight on Latin and Central America

    For this week's One Million by One Million roundtable, we turned the spotlight on Latin and Central America. One of the things I have enjoyed tremendously about 1M/1M is its distinctly international nature. Over the years, we've had entrepreneurs from all over the world attend and pitch, and I'm delighted...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Want to Stand Out in the Bay Area? Make the “Hottest Companies in San Francisco” List

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web
    Meet Bryce Roberts: The Man Who Challenged AngelList

    Bryce Roberts is co-founder of O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures (OATV) and an investor worth paying attention to. Roberts is in the news this week because of his high-profile critique of Angellist, the hot new investment network Robert Scoble has called the new Silicon Valley hype machine. Roberts celebrates 10 years in...

  • Web
    Iran’s “Cyber Army” Hacks Voice of America

    Iran's regime-controlled hackers have broken into a number of websites run by the U.S.government broadcasting organization Voice of America and changed their landing pages. This was confirmed by Iran's semi-official state news agency, Fars. The sites were reported to have been restored to normal but at last check the main...

  • Mobile
    New NFC-Enabled Phones to Hit Europe

    At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, Orange announced it will introduce its first NFC-enabled smartphone in the second quarter of this year to select European markets, with others soon to follow. The phone is a mid-tier Samsung Wave 578, which runs the Samsung bada operating system. As it...

  • Mobile
    New NFC-Enabled Phones to Hit Europe

    At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, Orange announced it will introduce its first NFC-enabled smartphone in the second quarter of this year to select European markets, with others soon to follow. The phone is a mid-tier Samsung Wave 578, which runs the Samsung bada operating system. As it...

  • Mobile
    NFC Business Models, Challenges and Adoption Examined

    NFC, or near field communication, is an emerging technology that enables the exchange of data between devices in close proximity to each other, typically mobile phones. Much of the interest in the technology at present is in its potential to serve as the basis for a mobile payments system, such...

  • Mobile
    Linux Foundation Offering Android & MeeGo Development Courses

    The Linux Foundation, a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux, has announced it will be offering a series of both Android and MeeGo courses for developers. There are six training courses available - three for Android and three for MeeGo. The courses were built in collaboration with...

  • Cloud
    Is World IPV6 Day the New Y2K?

    IANA handed out the last of the IPv4 licenses earlier this week, as we reported. The analyst firm ZapThink compares the impending depletion of IPv4 addresses to Y2K. Y2K ultimately led to little more than a boom in ERP and colloidal silver sales, but as ZapThink points out there was...

  • Entertainment
    Rare Huge-Format Koran Digitized for Study

    The John Rylands Library at the University of Manchester in England is digitizing one of the largest and most important Korans in existence, one that could previously be studied by few due to its size, weight and fragility. Funded by the non-profit Islamic Manuscript Association, the project will take just...

  • Cloud
    Touring Texas with the Bloggers Part 1: Cloud Factories

    This week I attended HP ISS Tech Day at Hewlett-Packard's Houston facility along with several other bloggers. We were given a tour and demonstrations of HP's Industry Standard Servers (ISS) technology. We didn't see new, unreleased products and we didn't talk about potential tech breakthroughs of the future. We focused...

  • Cloud
    Touring Texas with the Bloggers Part 1: Cloud Factories

    This week I attended HP ISS Tech Day at Hewlett-Packard's Houston facility along with several other bloggers. We were given a tour and demonstrations of HP's Industry Standard Servers (ISS) technology. We didn't see new, unreleased products and we didn't talk about potential tech breakthroughs of the future. We focused...

  • Web
    BlockChalk Starting to Look Like Delicious Meets Foursquare Meets Technorati

    BlockChalk, an unusual location based service that has yet to launch publicly but will focus on allowing users to post messages to their neighbors, announced today that it has hired Ian Kallen, an engineer who helped build high-profile blog search engine Technorati for 5 years.Kallen said of the BlockChalk team,...

  • Web
    Snowflakes in the Valley: What Happens When 40 Nordic Entrepreneurs Visit Silicon Valley

    During the holidays, the Web becomes an even more significant part of our lives, connecting us to our relatives and friends around the world. The Internet might be truly global then, but the world of startups still revolves much around Silicon Valley. Together with 40 Nordic entrepreneurs, we decided to...

  • Web
    The Cloud Made Open Source “Invisible” This Year

    "The big open source news in 2010 is that open source became essentially invisible," writes outgoingCanonical COO Matt Asay in his 2010 year in review column for The Register. It's not that the media stopped reporting on open source Asay explains. In fact, according to Google News, the number of...

  • Web
    Springboard Launches Accelerator Program for Early Stage European Startups

    Springboard has launched a new mentorship-led accelerator program for European startups. Springboard debuted in 2009 as an "accidental incubator" emerging from the company Red Gate Software. Springboard aims to help early stage startups. The program offers seed capital, office space, and "most importantly - that magical ingredient of 'smart-community' with...

  • Social
    Beyond Facebook: Facebook, Napster Forefathers & A Whole Lot of Investors Launch New Network, Path

    What if your social network was made to stay small? What if its privacy settings worked like Facebook's used to? What if that seductive but false promise made by so many spam advertisers, "see who looks at your profile" actually became possible?Those are a few of the fundamental qualities of...

  • Mobile
    Are You Ready for IPv6? You’ve Got 6 Months

    Are you ready for IPv6? Did you know you'd better soon be ready? Is your ISP, or even country ready, and do they know why?If you don't even know what IPv6 is, you are not alone. There are billions of people who don't know, and they shouldn't, since this fundamental...

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