Results for "AI fund uK"

We found 825 results for your search.
  • Work
    Op-Ed: Stop Feeding Facebook, It’s Time for Moderation

    The answer is to moderate our use of and dependence on social media, especially Facebook.Frictionless sharing, the act of passively notifying social media of all manner of activity, scares the hell out of me. Not just because of the obvious privacy implications. Frictionless sharing turns up the volume on useless...

  • Web
    The Other Steve Jobs: Censorship, Control and Labor Rights

    The death of Steve Jobs has rocked people the world over, affecting everyone from the most hardcore Apple fanboy to Barack Obama to all those gathered outside the new Apple store in Shanghai. While Steve Jobs will be remembered for revolutionizing personal computing, the music industry, consumer mobile products, film...

  • Web
    How Storifying Occupy Wall Street Saved The News

    In the dead of night on Monday, November 14, Zuccotti Park in New York City was raided by police. In the preceding days, there were crackdowns at several of the major Occupy protests around the country. The effort had apparently been coordinated between cities. Monday night's actions against the original...

  • Web
    Redux August 2011: Disgruntled Canadian Developer Behind Internet Explorer IQ “Study” Hoax

    After making the rounds on the Internet for a few days, a news story about research purporting to show that Internet Explorer users tend to have low IQ scores was revealed this morning to be a hoax. Evidently, the study, the press release and the supposed company that released it...

  • Cloud
    How Green is Your Cloud?

    Cloud computing, it is often claimed, is a good way for companies to reduce their carbon footprint. The reality, as Tom Raftery explains on Greenmonk, is much more complicated than that. In context, Raftery is writing about a pair of reports from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Verdantix. Raftery...

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    First-Ever Automotive Linux Summit: Two Communities Become One

    Nearly 125 years ago, German inventor Karl Benz introduced his Patentmotorwagen Number 1, the world's first automobile designed to be propelled by a motor. Twenty years ago, Finnish computer science student Linus Torvalds posted on the Internet...Ok, ok, you know the rest. But fast forward to November 28, 2011, in...

  • Developer
    First-Ever Automotive Linux Summit: Two Communities Become One

    Nearly 125 years ago, German inventor Karl Benz introduced his Patentmotorwagen Number 1, the world's first automobile designed to be propelled by a motor. Twenty years ago, Finnish computer science student Linus Torvalds posted on the Internet...Ok, ok, you know the rest. But fast forward to November 28, 2011, in...

  • Web
    Cisco, Google Ventures and VMware Back Puppet Labs with $8.5 Million

    Puppet Labs announced today that it is receiving $8.5 million in Series C financing from Google Ventures, Cisco and VMware. The new round of financing brings Puppet Labs up to $15.75 million, which begs the question – what does the IT automation company need with that kind of dosh? Luke...

  • Work
    EU Commissioner Reding Misquoted on Data Protection Reform

    The Associated Press this afternoon quoted European Commission Vice President Viviane Reding as stating that the E.U. government should not only federalize its approach to granting safe harbor for social networks, but essentially should hold all Internet service providers on the continent, including social networks, responsible for informing Internet users...

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    Intel: $100m to Prove Our Support for Developers

    The announcement of a huge developer fund confirms Intel's ironclad commitment to AppUp, says Softtalkmobile. Last week, at Intel’s Santa Clara HQ, journalists from China, Russia and the UK, rolled up at a lunch time press conference hosted by Intel Capital, Intel’s investment and M&A organisation. The speakers were Arvind...

  • Social
    Give Up, Facebook: You’re Not a Mall

    Even though Facebook suffered social commerce fails with the Delta ticket window and the now-shuttered Facebook Deals, Facebook social shopping applications for Facebook still keep popping up. A new study from Sociable Labs shows that 50% of shoppers are logged into Facebook while shopping on an e-commerce site. While that's...

  • Web
    Nexenta’s Bid to Simplify, Speed Up Virtual Desktops

    What, exactly, is the difference between a storage network appliance and storage management software for networks, in terms of performance and reliability? It's a question The Register famously put to the test last September, pitting network storage hardware from EMC and NetApp against a software-based storage management system from Nexenta...

  • Social
    Where In The World People Do Not Use Facebook

    Way back in December of last year, Facebook released its connections map. recently released an inverse of the Facebook friendship map, showing where in the world people don't use the social network. Facebook has not been able to adequately penetrate the non-Western markets of China, Russia, South Korea and...

  • Web
    Afro Nerd Superstar Explosion: How the Future of 1 Billion People is in the Hands of a Bunch of Nerd Girls and Poindexters

    Over several days, I visited three incubators in Nairobi devoted to startups in the social space. Given the emphasis in Kenya on mobile - as many as 60% of Kenyans pack mobile phones but as few as 5% have Internet connectivity via laptop or desktop computers - the development also...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Nonprofits And For-profits

    During today's roundtable, we had a lot of discussion around nonprofits and for-profits.Foundups: Michael Trout, from Fukui, Japan, pitched Foundups, which he claims will be a platform for open corporations. He talked about everything from raising funding for pre-seed entrepreneurs to get them to the seed stage, crowd funding, social...

  • Web
    Diaspora Becomes PayPal’s Latest Victim

    Stop me if you've heard this one before. A project or person decides to ask for donations or in some other way to raise money via PayPal. A few days go by, things look great and then – suddenly – PayPal freezes the account. Sound familiar? It's happened once again...

  • Hack
    OpenStack Leader: Open Source Needs to Rethink Its Priorities

    Philosophically, the open source concept borrows some selected elements from socialism. It upholds a notion of the "common good," it eschews the appearance of authority or hierarchy, and it often frowns upon capitalizing on one's own work, insofar as being exclusive. In practice, however, open source projects may look less...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: A View Into Israeli Start-ups

    At today's roundtable, we had a jam-packed pitch session with five Israeli start-ups. Israel Startup Network (ISN), led by Arlene Marom, one of our affiliate partners, organized the event with us. Both the audience and the presenters had a significant representation from that extraordinary start-up nation. In fact, Saul Singer,...

  • Work
    DevOps: What It Is, Why It Exists and Why It’s Indispensable

    In June I participated in a Forrester webinar hosted by Glenn O'Donnell called "DevOps: Friction-Free Collaboration for Development and Operations" DevOps (a portmanteau of development and operations) is quite the buzzword now, and the discussion yielded many attempts to define it. One thing we agreed on: Unfortunately development and operations...

  • Web
    London, Riots & Social Media: This Week in Online Tyranny

    London riots feature social media policing and Blackberry Messaging. London's Metropolitan police told reporters they were delving into Twitter and other social media as part of their investigation into looting. For the better part of a week, many parts of London, centering on Tottenham, have erupted in fire and looting....

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