Results for "AI fund uK"

We found 825 results for your search.
  • Social
    What Instagram Taught A Photographer About Life

    Dirk Dallas, a graphic designer currently residing in southern California, downloaded the photo-sharing and -filtering app Instagram the day it came out on October 6, 2010. He then promptly deleted it.“It didn't make sense because unless you follow people or have followers, what is it?” the 30-year-old university professor says...

  • Developer
    Samsung to invest in Ubitus cloud gaming service

      Ubitus Inc., a leading provider of cloud gaming technology solutions, today announced that it has received an investment of more than $ 15 million in cash from Samsung Venture Investment Corporation (Samsung Ventures) for the development of cloud gaming technology to the next level. Since cloud gaming spreads first...

  • Web
    Persecution Of A Fall Guy For Anonymous: The Feds vs. Barrett Brown

    Barrett Lancaster Brown, best known as the so-called former mouthpiece for the hacker collective Anonymous, is sitting in a jail cell in Texas. For the past eight months, Mansfield Law Enforcement Center has been home for the journalist and activist now known as Prisoner 45047177.Three hots and a cot will continue to be...

  • Cloud
    How The Internet Of Things Will Transform Everything – According To IT Experts

    A new survey of IT decision makers by SAP and Harris Interactive reithat the rise of machine to machine (M2M) communications - more commonly referred to as the "Internet of Things" - is on the cusp of transforming our homes, our cities and how business is conducted. How, you ask? By...

  • Mobile
    Shazam Gets New CEO: Music-ID App Maker Has Big Plans

    Shazam, a company mostly known for its music identification app, has hired Rich Riley as its new CEO. Riley comes from high up on the corporate ladder (formerly Executive Vice President Americas at Yahoo), but he's only one piece in the company's larger roadmap, which includes going plans to go...

  • Mobile
    The Next Steven Spielberg Uses A Smartphone

    The next Hollywood blockbuster may not be made using a smartphone, but that day is soon coming. This year's Academy Award winner for Best Documentary Feature, Searching for Sugarman, was shot mostly on traditional, costly 8mm film. The director shot some final scenes, however, with his iPhone and the $2...

  • Work
    What The Donglegate Fixation Made You Miss At PyCon

    Sadly, the only news coming out of PyCon last week was Donglegate. In a sad case of he-said-she-blogged, two people lost their jobs and the technology industry took a deep look inside and discovered that (surprise!) it's a male-dominated, sometimes misogynistic bro-fest. Lost in all the finger pointing of the...

  • Mobile
    Google Keep: The Second Coming Of Android’s Voice Actions

    Last week, Google unveiled Keep, a note-taking service similar to, but much more limited than, established apps like Evernote and Apple's Notes. But there's another service to which Google Keep bears an uncanny resemblance: Voice Actions, an Android feature Google launched more than two-and-a-half years ago, only to see it almost...

  • Entertainment
    6 Million People Pay For Spotify – Is That Good Enough?

    Who says freemium doesn't work? For Spotify, the hybrid free/paid business model has reeled in 6 million paying subscribers out of its 24 million total listeners. Not bad. But as the music streaming space heats up, the company will face some enormous challenges, both in the short term and down...

  • Web
    How Solar Power Can Succeed

    Last year, the South Pacific Island of Tokelau, a tropical atoll governed by New Zealand, became the first completely solar powered territory on Earth. Having invested $7.2 million on the project, the island of 1500 souls is now redirecting money it would have spent on oil to education, irrigation, and health...

  • Mobile
    10 Things Google Could Have Bought With The $12.5 Billion It Spent on Motorola Mobility [Gallery]

    Last week, Google's Motorola Mobility division axed 1,200 jobs - about 10% of its workforce. These latest cuts were in addition to the 4,000 job reductions Motorola announced last August. In a statement released to the press, Motorola glumly stated:These cuts are a continuation of the reductions we announced last summer. It's...

  • Entertainment
    Why Google’s Rumored Spotify-Killer Makes Perfect Sense

    Google is reportedly working on a music subscription service to compete with the likes of Spotify, MOG and Rdio. It might seem crazy to jump into a crowded market whose basic business model is already questionable – but for Google it makes perfect sense. The company is already a huge, albeit...

  • Web
    4 Ways Google Has Already Appeased Big Copyright

    Google and the entertainment industry have long had a complex relationship. After years of taking heat from the MPPA and RIAA, the search giant is desperately trying to shed its reputation as an accomplice to copyright infringement. Why? Well, avoiding billion dollar lawsuits like the one Viacom filed (unsuccessfully) a few...

  • Web
    Made To Order: Big Moves In Online Food Delivery

    Thanks to your smartphone, we spend arguably almost every waking moment online. And the past few years have taught retailers and consumers the value of e-commerce on these multi-function devices. But are we missing something? Is this platform also the future of online food ordering and delivery?A flurry of major moves...

  • Mobile
    Africa Gets Cutting-Edge Solar Broadband, Phones From Microsoft

    Microsoft has launched a Kenyan pilot network of solar-powered towers that tap into unlicensed "white space" frequencies to provide wireless connectivity to rural communities in the east African nation. Microsoft also said it would contribute "tens of millions of smart devices" in consumers and small businesses by 2016, with a phone...

  • Web
    10 Reasons Why Now Is Not A Good Time To Buy Apple Stock

    My nephew called me the other day, the morning before Apple released it fourth quarter earnings last week, and asked me if he should buy Apple stock. His "friend," a stock broker, said he couldn't think of "one good reason why not to buy the stock."I didn't get a chance...

  • Work
    Puppet Labs Takes $30 Million VMware Investment – Some Strings Attached?

    Having recently spun out its developer-focused technology into Pivotal Labs, VMware is back at the DevOps table with a $30 million investment in Puppet Labs, a leading open-source vendor of cloud automation tools.  The investment also comes with a partnership whereby the two companies will "work together towards more extensive...

  • Cloud
    Can Venture Capital Fix Our Dysfunctional Educational System?

    Venture capitalists are betting that technology will play a major role in fixing a broken U.S. educational system. Accel Partners, Spectrum Equity and Meritech Capital Partners put their chips down last week with a $103 million investment in, which sells monthly subscriptions for training videos in business, technology and...

  • Cloud
    Why Writing With Our Hands Is Still Important

    I first noticed something was off when I went to pay my rent one month. The window for a timely online transfer of funds was closing, so to get the money to my landlord in time, I'd have to do something unusual. I took out my checkbook, grabbed a pen...

  • Entertainment
    The 5 Most Pivotal Moments For Digital Music In 2012

    2012 was a big year for music. No, I'm not talking about Adele, Call Me Maybe or the Tupac hologram. The big news this year were the shifts at the intersection of music and technology that occurred as the industry continued to figure out its digital future. Indeed, the biggest moments...

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