Results for "AI fund uK"

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  • Mobile
    Kim Kardashian And Her In-App Purchases Must Be Stopped!

    When it comes to cracking down on the predatory practices of in-app purchases found in “free to play” mobile app games, the European Union is looking out for the kids. “In particular, children must be better protected when playing online,” reads the European Commission press statement announcing its latest enforcement action.But...

  • Operate
    10 Great International Cities For Your Business

    Guest author Scott Gerber is founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.Entrepreneurs are often known for their sense of adventure. And what better way to run or expand your business than by seeking out opportunities in an up-and-coming, thriving metropolis that's miles from your home base?Ten entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council...

  • Entertainment
    Stampede Of Teens: What YouTube’s Convention Taught Me About Its Culture Of Superfans

    As I entered the Anaheim Convention Center last Thursday, the first noise I heard was the bellowing of hundreds of teenage voices. I was here to learn the latest about YouTube at VidCon, the video site’s largest annual event, but I was surrounded by thousands of fans who had a...

  • Entertainment
    Silicon Valley’s Grand Finale: “Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency”

    HBO’s Silicon Valley, the fictional chronicle of a startup crew struggling to make their mark on the world, rounds out its outstanding first season with Episode 8: “Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency.”ReadWrite screened the final episode at a movie theater in downtown San Francisco, thanks to our friends at fellow tech new site...

  • Web
    Why Net Neutrality Became A Thing For The Internet Generation

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything. FCC commissioner Mike O’Rielly had just finished torrid remarks opposing the notice for proposed rulemaking over the open Internet yesterday when a young woman...

  • Mobile
    More Than Java: What’s Really At Stake In Google And Oracle’s Copyright Case

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything. Any artist that's ever dealt with copyright will tell you one basic fact: Copyright is the most confusing, convoluted and capricious aspect of intellectual property...

  • Mobile
    How The Samsung Trial Highlights Apple’s Cold War With Google

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything.Apple’s lawyers once again get to lord over Samsung in patent court—even if Apple is only getting a fraction of what it wanted from the...

  • Hack
    Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton: How We’re Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.I’ll never forget my first time seeing a Raspberry Pi. The tiny, credit-card sized computer is powerful enough to operate as a home PC, a media center, a gaming console, or anything you can dream up. At...

  • Cloud
    6 New Salestech Tools You Should Try Right Now

    For awhile, conventional wisdom said the world of CRM was particularly harsh for newcomers. With behemoths like Oracle, Salesforce and Microsoft, there just wasn't much room for startups. But much has changed over the last few years, and the CRM space is now alive and well—and more competitive than ever.Disruptive...

  • Mobile
    The Top Apps (And Tips) To Help You Dominate Your 2014 NCAA Tournament Bracket

    How do you win your NCAA tournament bracket? If there was one surefire formula to domination, the same people would win their office pools every year. Instead, it is often the person that knows the least about basketball that takes home the bragging rights, choosing their teams seemingly at random.One...

  • Work
    Cloud, Schmoud—To Really Succeed, Web Companies Need Their Own Data Centers

    Nearly 10 years ago Excite and Jotspot founder Joe Kraus exulted: "There’s never been a better time to be an entrepreneur because it’s never been cheaper to be one." Powerful open-source software running on cheap, commodity hardware meant that entrepreneurs could get to scale and/or profitability much faster without raising capital. Everything...

  • Hack
    5 Crazy Things We May Soon Be Able To 3D Print

    What’s cooler than the stuff you can 3D print today? The things that 3D printers are almost, but not quite yet, capable of printing someday soon. See also: 10 Crazy Things 3D Printers Can Make Today 3D Printing has come a long way since inventor Charles Hull first prototyped it...

  • Mobile
    How Mobile Cloud Services Will Consolidate After The Death Of StackMob

    Stackmob CEO Ty AmellStackMob is dead. PayPal bought it and wasted no time killing the product and integrating its team and tools into its own infrastructure. If you ask just about anybody that plays in the mobile backend-as-a-service industry, this comes as little surprise.StackMob started in 2010 as a complete developer...

  • Hack
    10 Crazy Things 3D Printers Can Make Today

    It’s been over 30 years since Chuck Hull invented the first 3D printer in 1983. Ever since then, the idea of machine-printing objects from scratch has gone from fiction to reality, opening up new opportunities for every field from science to art. See also: Why You’ll Want A 3D Printer In...

  • Mobile
    The Mac At 30: How OS X Might Live On In An iPad Pro

    On Friday, January 24, the Mac will turn 30. The personal computer is clearly an important part of Apple’s past. But what role does it play in Apple's future?The key may be OS X, the 14-year-old operating system still running Macs today.When Apple unveiled the iPhone in 2007, it pulled off...

  • Developer
    GameSalads to pay $500,000 dollars for Tizen porters and developers game.

    As you'll have noticed: Tizen and it's apps are burning hot and yet another competition has been fired up! This time it's directed at GameSalad developers so they'll be ignited to port their apps to Tizen and to a store next to your device. GameSalad is using half a million...

  • Social
    Facebook Isn’t Cool With Teens, But That’s Totally NBD

    Yet another study—this one based on ethnographic, not statistical, research—claims that teens are leaving Facebook in droves. But where Facebook is going, it might not need them.Thanks, Mom And DadAs part of a recent European Union-funded study, social-science researchers spent time with 16-to-18 year olds in the UK and found that...

  • Mobile
    In 2014, The Mobile Web Will Die—And Other Mobile Predictions

    ReadWritePredict is a look ahead at the technology trends and companies that will shape the coming year.In 2014, the mobile Web will die. That’s right, that bastardized version of the normal Web will crawl into a shallow grave and leave us all in peace. No more websites crippled with horrible “” URLs....

  • News
    Intel President : Tizen open’s up opportunities for innovation and new markets

      In recent times Intel has been struggling in the Mobile Processor race with ARM dominating this sector. Intel will continue their fight in phones and tablets with their new range of processors, but there is another battle ground and that is wearables i.e Technology that you can wear, which...

  • Cloud
    Amazon Web Services Worth $50 Billion By 2015, And That May Be Too Low

    Amazon CEO Jeff BezosFor a company that charges so little for its products and services, Amazon sure is worth a lot. Nowhere is this more true than in its Amazon Web Services (AWS) business unit. Despite dropping prices dozens of times over the past few years, one analyst is now...

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