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    You Can’t Launch the Next Generation of Startups Without Women

    A serious geek I know asked me how many people with gray hair were at Internet conference I had just attended. I answered that there were quite a few. He shook his head and said that when the suits take over, it's the beginning of the end of innovation.There are...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 20 February 2010

    This week's calendar spans three continents, three countries, and who knows how many time zones. Looking for stuff to do in the next seven days? Miami is your best bet, with events on the future of Web apps and on early-stage funding.How do you like your events calendar? As a...

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    Weekend Reading: The Facebook Era by Clara Shih

    We've been on a "leveraging social media to boost your brand" trend lately with our Weekend Reading series here at ReadWriteStart; we previously brought you Gary Vaynerchuk's Crush It! and just last week we covered Butow and Bollwitt's Blogging to Drive Business. This week we continue this trend and additionally...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 13 February 2010

    This week we added three new events to the ReadWriteWeb calendar - all of which are in San Francisco. That makes seven conferences in the Bay Area in the next three months. It also makes for a California events-plosion on our world map of Web tech events.You can download this...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 6 February 2010

    Looking for conferences this month in warm locations? We've got a bunch of 'em in Florida and California. Tired of your hometown's balmy winter weather? We've got you covered, too, with events in New York City. Look at that - who says you can't make everyone happy?How do you like...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 30 January 2010

    There are 15 events in five countries and on three continents in February. Lucky for you, four of them have discounts for ReadWriteWeb readers. Conferences, roundtables, and if you're in San Francisco, free tacos from the famous El Toynaense Taco Truck - it's gonna be a busy month.How do you...

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    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s London

    A settlement for nearly 2,000 years, London is today the most populous greater metropolitan area in Europe with over 13 million residents. Home to popular tourist locations such as Big Ben, The London Eye and Buckingham Palace, London's skyline is unmistakable. While London often serves as the representative bridge from...

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    Weekly Wrapup: Topic Trackers, Facebook Privacy, Mobile Web Sensors, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we continue our analysis of Facebook's sweeping new privacy policies (plus tell you how to protect yourself), explore how mobile phones and sensors are mixing, look at the launch of the U.K....

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 23 January 2010

    This week we added six new events to the calendar, including one conference that has a cow in a space helmet for a logo. Seriously.How do you like your ReadWriteWeb events guide? As a world map? As a downloadable iCal (and Google importable) file? You can even import individual events...

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    Calacanis Announces 2nd Open Angel Forum Event In Boulder

    Hot on the heels of the inaugural Open Angel Forum in Los Angeles this Thursday, event organizer and notable investor Jason Calacanis has announced a second event will be held in Boulder next month. Announcing the event on his weekly live video podcast This Week in Startups, Calacanis says he...

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    Open Thread: Since When Is “Hacker” a Bad Word?

    I was distressed a few days ago when someone in a comment thread mockingly referred to recommendations made by a fairly notorious hacker, suggesting that a gray hat wouldn't give sound advice about personal Internet security.I shook my head for the world of end users to whom hacker is a...

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    Libraries, eBooks, and the Mobile Web: A Long Ways to Go

    According to a new report from Cambridge University (PDF), students aren't interested in being able to read eBooks and eJournals on their mobile phones. Instead, users are far more interested in opening hours, location maps, contact info, and access to the library catalog. Most respondents were also far more interested...

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    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real...

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    How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic

    Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about...

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    ReadWriteWeb Interview With Tim Berners-Lee, Part 1: Linked Data

    During my trip to Boston earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit MIT. At the end of a long day of meetings with various MIT tech masterminds, I made my way to the funny shaped building (see photo right-below) where the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and its...

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    The Advantages of Launching Outside of the Valley

    In 2006, Y Combinator founder Paul Graham wrote an essay entitled, "How to Be Silicon Valley." He argues that a tech hub must have nerds and people with money. At the time, he proposed that Boulder and Portland would be the next tech hubs and indeed both have thrived. Nevertheless,...

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    Layar Adds Foursquare, Beatlemania and Civic Projects to its AR Offerings

    Augmented reality browser Layar recently launched it's v3 publishing site chock full of developer tools. The launch signifies more than 1000 active developers being given the chance to showcase their 3rd party applications. By exposing this immersive platform to outsiders, the company is solidifying its title as a pioneer in...

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    Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009

    2009 has seen a lot of Semantic Web and structured data activity. Much of it has been driven by Linked Data, a W3C project which gained momentum this year. According to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, Linked Data is a sea change akin to the invention of...

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    Top 10 International Web Products of 2009

    Much of this blog's coverage centers on technology and companies based in the U.S, particularly in Silicon Valley.However, thriving tech communities exist around the globe, from Toronto to Tel Aviv, and the success of internationally-based web products serve as a reminder to all of us that innovation knows no borders....

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 28 November 2009

    We hope you're enjoying these weekly events guide. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We...

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