Results for "AI fund uK"

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    Can Media Take Tips from Twitter? Techmeme’s Experience as Case Study

    Can media organizations leverage the social web to get story tips faster than they could through traditional methods? A number of news aggregators believe so and are looking to Twitter for tips.Six weeks ago popular tech news aggregator Techmeme began accepting story tips submitted on Twitter. Today PopURLs, an older...

  • Work
    Index Ventures: Good News for European Start-Ups

    Index Ventures today announced the closing of a €350 million early-stage fund, Index Ventures V. Early stage? Wow! And early stage + Europe = Double Wow! How does Index Ventures raise such big funds for early-stage ventures when most investors are still trying to figure out if Treasury Bonds are...

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    Etsy is an International Word of Mouth Phenomenon (Charts)

    Wouldn't you love to have people in every corner of the globe talking about your website face to face and on their blogs? That's the enviable position that online crafts marketplace Etsy finds itself in according to survey results the company published today. Word of mouth and personal blogs are...

  • Work
    The Other Decoupling Theory

    A lifetime ago, before the market meltdown, when it was just an ordinary recession, there was a theory that the big emerging markets (BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China) were "decoupled" from the US economy. According to this theory, when America had problems due to subprime mortgages, these countries would only...

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    Vint Cerf: We Still Have 80 Per Cent of the World to Connect

    "By 2010 we will have run out of IP addresses if we don't do something about it," Vint Cerf, Google's chief Internet evangelist and the man commonly referred to as "the father of the Internet," told ReadWriteWeb last month. (Video embedded below.)With the number of Internet-enabled devices particularly mobile phones...

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    ReadWriteWeb Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    Next month Austin, Texas will fill to the brim with geeks from all around the world gathered to attend the South by Southwest Interactive festival. While smaller than the Music part of SXSW, Interactive is very big and very fun. One part of the event that always goes over our...

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    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Overtakes MySpace, OpenID Success, Kindle 2, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we look at the latest social networking statistics showing that Facebook has overtaken MySpace, review a product that's had great success using OpenID, continue our series on recommendation engines, check out the new version...

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    The 15th Stanford Accel Symposium

    Stanford University has produced more entrepreneurs of mega-ventures than any other college. And success breeds success. The money people love to connect with anybody coming out of Stanford, and that helps Stanford get the best students, and so it repeats.ReadWriteWeb will be reporting from the 15th Stanford Accel Symposium on...

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    Pope in a Box: The Vatican Comes to YouTube

    Pope Benedict XVI made a big jump into the world of social networking today, making public statements about Facebook and MySpace and launching an official Vatican channel on YouTube.The Pope celebrated the World Day of Communications on Friday with a statement calling social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace "a...

  • Web
    Is Twitter Strangling its Famous API?

    The most extreme developers may find themselves left out in the cold.Twitter watchers know that a large part of the service's use comes through its Application Programming Interface (API) and that's been a big part of what helped the young service grow. Now that the company has Britney Spears, CNN...

  • Web
    State of Innovation in India: 2009

    A year ago, I wrote about the State of Innovation in India, keying off an article I had written 10 years previously. Rather than wait another 10 years, ReadWriteWeb has decided to make this an annual review. This time, we have restricted ourselves to web technology. We are looking for...

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    Open Knowledge Sharing for the Dynamic Web

    The EU-funded OpenKnowledge program is a smart toolkit designed to unlock the hidden resources of the web that can't be accessed by web sites and browsers alone. With a small, downloadable piece of Java code, users can coordinate and share information with each other more directly than through traditional means....

  • Web
    Cloud Computing Is More Than a Computer in the Cloud

    It is quite a remarkable feeling to watch as the pieces fall into place and the picture, anticipated for so long, is finally revealed in all its splendour. As with any jigsaw that lacked a guiding picture on the box, the final result is that inevitable mix of vindication and...

  • Entertainment
    5 Great Books to Build Your Character

    Tough economic times and startups have at least one thing in common - you need character and determination to survive. Character is what it takes to win, to believe and to persuade others. It's a mix of passion, determination, sleepless hours, hard work. Character is about crossing the finish line,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Nokia’s iPhone Competitor, Netflix API, RDF Apps, and More

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. This week Nokia launched an iPhone competitor called the Tube, Netflix released an API, Google Blog Search re-designed, and we ran a poll about Flash coming to iPhone. On the trends side, we investigated the lack of...

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    CERN Officially Unveils Its Grid: 100,000 Processors, 15 Petabytes a Year

    CERN today officially unveiled the massive computer network that will crunch the enormous amount of data coming from CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). CERN expects that the LHC will produce around 15 petabytes of data every year. While the LHC was in its planning stages, CERN's IT department decided that...

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    The Great Credit Crisis Swindle – How Entrepreneurs Can Survive it

    Seen the headlines recently? These are scary times. Entrepreneurs are far too busy to focus on the mayhem in the markets - and they know that they cannot do anything about it. So the standard response is just to deal with it as a background worry. But some re-assessing of...

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    Google and Privacy: A History

    Google's finally gone and done it - they've built and released a browser, the most fundamental window to the computing experience of a new era. That's big news, but the small print is raising some concerns. What appears to be a recycled Terms of Service (from Google Docs) gives Google...

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    Most Popular Websites For Kids

    Continuing our coverage of the mainstream web, in this post we look at some of the most popular websites for kids. We've gathered information from a recent report (pdf) from Nielsen Online, via Marketingvox, which studied the online habits of Britons under the age of 23. We also polled friends...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 28 July – 1 August 2008

    It's time to wrap up the week's web tech news, reviews and analysis on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reviewed a super-hyped new search engine called Cuil, analysed the BT acquisition of web telephony platform Ribbit, looked at why Google bought video startup Omnisio, and investigated why popular Facebook...

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