Results for "AI fund uK"

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  • Web
    The Vista Disaster Back Story

    Microsoft's failure to close the Yahoo deal, despite all kinds of loud talk and machinations, makes the Beast of Redmond look increasingly weaker. They may still pull it off, but even then the question is why do they need Yahoo so badly? The answer is that their dramatic failure with...

  • Web
    Does Microsoft + Powerset Beat Google?

    What can the plan be with Microsoft's purchase of hot startup Powerset? The 3-year old company, founded by Dr Barney Pell, recently launched a semantic search experience for Wikipedia.It is doubtful that Microsoft bought the company just to enhance Live Search. Possibly the plan is to replicate the Wikipedia solution,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 23-27 June 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we reported on Nokia's buyout of the open source mobile OS Symbian, reviewed a "memory augmentation" service and a semantic search engine, and looked at what LinkedIn's strategy tells us about the...

  • Social
    LinkedIn and The Strange Case of The Disappearing Market

    Is LinkedIn worth $1bn? Yes. Why? Because Bain Capital says it is. The stock is not public, so you and I cannot trade it. The whole notion of the average punter trading tech stocks (or the average punter's pension fund trading it on your behalf) seems rather quaint, from some...

  • Web
    Students: The New Hiring Frontier Online, for Good and Evil

    The British government is telling press that there is a growing trend in online organized crime rings hiring college students to do their dirty work and solve difficult technical problems - often under pretense that the work is legal security consulting. Here at RWW we're seeing, even participating in, a...

  • Web
    Huffington Post To Take on Local Newspapers

    Last night at Guardian News & Media's internal Future of Journalism conference, Arianna Huffington revealed that her Huffington Post property is planning to expand into local news. Initially, the site will launch an edited news aggregation site (similar to the main Huffington Post web site) localized for the US metro...

  • Web
    Vuze is Another Good Download for Today; BitTorrent Client Gets Friendlier, More Useful

    The law-abiding and popular BitTorrent client Vuze added some key new features this week that make it an even better choice of ways to get video on the internet. When you encourage your friends and family to be part of a world's record today by downloading Firefox, it could be...

  • Web
    People in Tech: Andraz Tori, CTO/Co-Founder of Zemanta

    Zemanta is a an interesting European startup that is applying semantic technologies to blogging. Sarah Perez covered the company's launch in March. One can think of Zemanta as an auto-complete function for blogging. As you are typing up a new post, Zemanta's browser plugin fetches related content - images, articles,...

  • Web
    Strands Lifestreaming: What They’re Doing and Invites for Readers

    Recommendation service launched a lifestreaming service this week that aims to pull together the company's wide range of services in particular media and online activity into one central place for users to share socially. The new Strands is a way to share your music, bookmarks, blog posts and other...

  • Mobile
    Android Developer Challenge I Winners Announced: Our Picks

    The Android Developer Challenge is a two-part contest whose goal is to encourage developers to build apps for the new Google mobile platform, code-named "Android." In this first round, dubbed "Challenge I," submissions were accepted up until April 14th. Yesterday, the top 50 entries were announced. Each of these application...

  • Web
    Dancing With Gorillas: The New Web Era

    The new Web era is about the mainstream. This is when millions of small businesses and digital free agents make a good living by providing better products to a much more savvy market. This is the point in the Crossing the Chasm model when all the innovation stops, start-ups get...

  • Web
    The Whatchamacallit, Post Recession Phase Transition

    We are in the early stages of a major phase transition. Whatever you call it, something new is brewing, and that nasty R word has a lot do with it. It is not the semantic web. That is a part of it, a big piece of the new technology pie,...

  • Web
    15 of the Best Green Search Engines

    Earth Day is a time to focus on our environmental progress and think about ways we can help protect the planet. There are a lot of ways you can take action, but one of the easiest ways is to utilize an eco-conscious search engine. In that spirit, we've rounded up...

  • Web
    The American Dream: 17 Years of Engineering Software

    Seventeen years ago, on April 10th 1991, a plane landed in John F. Kennedy airport. That plane had just crossed the Atlantic carrying, amongst others, passengers escaping the crumbling Soviet empire. One of whom was me. I walked off that plane with a first ever taste of Coca-Cola in my...

  • Web
    Internet TV News: Blockbuster Set-Top Box, BBC iPlayer on Wii, Babelgum Commissions Documentary

    Lots of Internet TV-related coverage on our network blog last100 this week, including news that Blockbuster is readying a set-top box in junction with the company's recent acquisition of online movie service Movielink; a version of the BBC's TV catch-up service iPlayer is now available for the Nintendo Wii game...

  • Web
    The New Robert Scobles: Seven Leading Corporate Social Media Evangelists Today

    Robert Scoble blazed a big trail by blogging and producing video as a technical evangelist for Microsoft from 2003 through 2006. No longer at Microsoft, Scoble now produces media for media's sake at Others have followed his lead, knowingly or not, and job titles like "social media evangelist" are...

  • Web
    Manifesto to Avoid a Google Media Monoculture

    For many decades we had a PC monoculture controlled by Microsoft and, to a lesser degree, by Intel. Today, in the world of online media, that same thing looks like it could happen. But it doesn't have to be that way. This 4-point manifesto lays out how to avoid a...

  • Web
    Online Business Networking: 2 Horse Globalization Race

    Increasingly people accept that Facebook serves a different function than LinkedIn. In simple terms: deals on LinkedIn, dates on Facebook. This simple reality was obscured for a while, because the Silicon Valley crowd use Facebook (as it is the new, new thing) and so they extrapolated incorrectly that the rest...

  • Social
    Facebook Graduates: Now Do Something For the World

    Yesterday marked Facebook's four year anniversary, or to look at it from the college perspective to which the site owes its success: Facebook graduated. Washington Post assistant editor Rachel Dry, who was a senior at Harvard when Mark Zuckerberg launched from his college dorm room on February 4, 2004,...

  • Entertainment
    Last100: Can Ad-Supported Digital Music Work?

    With the high profile launch this week of Qtrax, a free and legal P2P music offering (ReadWriteWeb coverage), ad-supported music downloads are very much in the spotlight, and as always RWW network blog last100 has its finger on the pulse, with great news coverage and analysis of the week that...

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