Results for "AI fund uK"

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    Top Web Apps in Romania

    Written by Mircea GoiaRomania is a country of 21 million people and is the biggest from the Balkans (Eastern Europe). The total Internet penetration rate is about 23% (5 million) and it's the lowest in European Union. However the growth rate is one of the biggest (517% since 2000). Out...

  • Web
    Webby Awards 2007: Big Winners Include Flickr, LinkedIn,

    This week the winners of the 11th annual Webby Awards, billed nowadays as the "Oscars of the Internet", were announced at a ceremony in New York. Much of the publicity was over the fact that David Bowie was there (Prince attended last year). But other than that, what were the...

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    The 3D Maps Are Coming: EveryScape and Virtual Earth

    There were two developments in the 3D mapping space today. First Microsoft finally launched the 3D version of New York City as part of an expansion of its Virtual Earth maps. Second, Massachusetts-based start up EveryScape launched a technology demo showcasing their own (sort of) 3D map service, which uses...

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    Web 2.0 Hits The Home: MyDeco and MoveMe

    The Times of England reports that founders of UK dot com 'star', Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox, have teamed up again with a new business called, which aims to help people decorate their homes. The new website is still in 'enter your email address' mode right now,...

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    Photobucket: Strong on Content & Community, Average on Personalization & Search

    Editor's note: Sramana Mitra is currently running a series on her blog reviewing the photo sharing industry. Her previous Read/WriteWeb post discussed Flickr and in this post she looks at Photobucket, using her Web 3.0 framework.Photobucket, founded in 2003 by Alex Welch and Darren Crystal, is an image hosting, video...

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    The OpenCoffee Club Movement

    The OpenCoffee Club is "a place for people who love startups to hang out and meet" according to their recently launched social site on From Cork to Capetown, Seattle to Sydney, and Paris to Palo Alto, people are getting together on a weekly basis to discuss all things startup...

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    TVNZ ondemand Being Positioned as “Third Channel”

    Today I was invited to TVNZ's headquarters in Auckland, along with several other local bloggers, to check out their new web-based television on demand service - called TVNZ ondemand and due to be launched later this month. It will have a mix of free (ad supported) and premium content; the...

  • Web
    Future Of Web Apps, Day 1

    Written by David Lenehan of Polldaddy and edited by Richard MacManus. This is David's account of the first day of the FOWA conference in London. Photos in this post are by donkeyontheedge (I hope he doesn't mind me using them). The Future Of Web Apps 2007 kicked off in London...

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    Windows Vista Hits New Zealand Stores First

    New Zealand is the first country to experience the worldwide consumer launch of Windows Vista on 30 January, due to its position on the timeline. New Zealanders get the opportunity to buy Windows Vista in retail stores a few hours before Australians, 13 hours before the UK and a day...

  • Web
    2006 Web Technology Trends

    It's December already and so it's about that time to reflect on what has happened in Web Technology during 2006 - and ponder what 2007 may bring. Over the next few weeks Read/WriteWeb is going to publish some in-depth posts analyzing the trends and new products we've seen in 2006,...

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    Top Web Apps in Australia

    Written by Vishal Sharma and edited by Richard MacManus Richard's intro: Australia is a country of 20.75 million people, 14,663,622 of whom are Internet users according to a Nielsen//NR report from August 2006. That gives Australia an Internet penetration of 70.7%, which is about average for the Western world. Not...

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    The Social News Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.This post looks at the main players in the Social News space, to try and identify their characteristics and understand the dynamics of the market. The sites we analyze are digg, Netscape, Newsvine, and Reddit. While there are many other social news...

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    The Marriage of Social and Business Applications

    Written by Guest Blogger John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. John is Senior Software Architect and founder of TeamDirection, one of the companies mentioned in this post.What amount of time is the right amount of time for two people to tie the knot? Three months? Two years? One decade?...

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    Google Office: a Micro Media bulletin

    Back in June I spoke about the corporate blogging project that I co-run with The Rights Marketing Company. Called Micro Media Corp, it's a corporate blogging and podcasting program that aims to give business people insights into the Web 2.0 and New Media worlds. Our first major customer is British...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Japan

    Next in our series on international Web markets is Japan. The information for this post was provided by Benjamin Joffe (CEO of Plus Eight Star Ltd) and Masashi Kobayashi (partner of Globis Capital Partners - one of the largest Venture Capital firms in Japan). We start off with an overview...

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    VCs on Web Technology: Judy Gibbons from Accel

    This is the start of a new interview series on Read/WriteWeb, about venture capitalists (VCs) and their thoughts on 'next generation web'. The aim is to find out what Web technology trends and products VCs are tracking - and at the same time provide some expert tips and advice for...

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    Top Web Apps in China

    China is next in my series on top international Web apps. If you haven't been following, the other countries I've profiled so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia and Spain. As this series has gone on, the comments have become as important as the posts -...

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    TradeMe: Big Fish In A Small Pond

    68% of New Zealand's Internet traffic is to online auction site TradeMe, CEO Sam Morgan and Development Manager Rowan Simpson told me when I visited their Wellington office last Thursday. TradeMe is New Zealand's version of eBay, even down to the color scheme. But it's more than just an auction...

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    e-learning 2.0 – how Web technologies are shaping education

    Written by Steve O'Hear and edited by Richard MacManus. This is a two-part series in which Steve will explore how Web technologies are being used in education. In Part 2 he will profile Elgg, social network software for education, and interview its founders. Much has been written on Read/WriteWeb (and...

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    The Future of Personalized Start Pages

    Personalized Start Pages is a growing, but fiercely competitive, market. So what are they? Predominantly they're homepages for Web information, gadgets and widgets. The difference from old-style web portals are: the user can personalize them much more (with RSS, inline email, etc), the content is more interactive and potentially much...

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