Results for "internet of things"

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  • Web
    How To Use Google+

    Waiting for a Google Plus invite? Google is rolling out the service in waves and you can expect it to become a ubiquitous social option in the coming months. We have been playing with the service since getting invites yesterday and there are a lot of things to like about...

  • Work
    R.I.P. The Golden Age of Tech Blogging (2009 – 2011)

    The Web publishing world was saddened to wake up this morning to the news from three nights earlier, repeated from a presumably reputable source, of the passing of the Golden Age of Tech Blogging. The Age apparently succumbed to complications following a series of seismic shifts in the industry, brought...

  • Entertainment
    Jason Calacanis: “Blogging Is Dead” & Why “Stupid People Shouldn’t Write”

    "Blogging is largely dead.""There are a lot of stupid people out there ... and stupid people shouldn't write.""There needs to be a better system for tuning down the stupid people and tuning up the smart people."Serial entrepreneur and publisher Jason Calacanis has never been opposed to saying what is on...

  • Mobile
    The iPad Turns One: My Top 10 iPad Apps Over the Past Year

    On April 3, 2010, Apple officially launched its much anticipated tablet: the iPad. It was the most hyped tech product of the year, but for many of us the hype turned out to be justified. My own Web browsing habits were immediately changed by the iPad. Indeed, I'm writing a...

  • Web
    Top 10 ReadWriteWeb Quotes of 2011

    An intern once asked me, what's the difference between a "journalist" of my day and a "blogger" of his? I laughed and told him my day ain't over yet. Then I followed up by saying that journalism is something I do on a blog, and there are many other things...

  • Hack
    If HTML5 Kills the Blog Format, I Won’t Shed a Tear

    At the end of this discourse, to borrow a phrase from my hero, Edward R. Murrow, a few people may accuse this reporter of fouling his own comfortable nest. But if you've seen this nest recently, you know that if it was fouled to any considerable degree, it might not...

  • Web
    Issues for 2012 #3: Who Gets to Define Your Online Identity?

    If I were truly mischief and wanted to game the system, I would have named this article, "Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login, Part 2." If you're not familiar with the incident to which I'm referring: One of the most illustrative cases of the incomplete state of the...

  • Web
    How Storifying Occupy Wall Street Saved The News

    In the dead of night on Monday, November 14, Zuccotti Park in New York City was raided by police. In the preceding days, there were crackdowns at several of the major Occupy protests around the country. The effort had apparently been coordinated between cities. Monday night's actions against the original...

  • Hack
    Hilary Mason Wants To Get You Started With Big Data

    I spent part of this week with Hilary Mason, one of the smartest people that I know in Big Data. She works as the Chief Scientist for and has a wealth of skills at her fingertips that bridge computer science and mathematics. Plus, she is used to facing largely...

  • Mobile
    How the Boston Globe Pulled Off HTML5 Responsive Design

    On Monday, The Boston Globe released its new premium content mobile initiative dubbed That is not to be confused with, its free flagship website. This unto itself is not all that interesting. Yet, the HTML5 development community is heaping praise on primarily for how the sites renders...

  • Web
    Isn’t It Creepy That NORAD Tracks Santa?

    Since 1955, the North American Aerospace Defense Command has tracked Santa Claus like a Soviet missile. Back in the day, it was CONAD - the Continental Air Defense Command. When Canada joined the defense grid in 1958, offering access to Santa's Arctic airspace, it became NORAD. To this day, NORAD...

  • Web
    Making You More Awesome: The Red-Hot World of Online Learning Services

    The joy of learning is among the most valuable ways to find meaning in life. Combine that with the substantial imbalance between supply and demand of skilled labor in the United States, and a period of economic upheaval, and you've got a recipe for for something magical to happen.While traditional...

  • Work
    Jack Goldman (1921 – 2011), Materials Scientist, IT Pioneer

    We call it "IT," and the reason is because a physicist first realized that information, like any other subatomic phenomenon, was both a particle and a wave. It was a product unto itself, and Dr. Jacob "Jack" Goldman created the environment for the concept to take root.I know you're thinking...

  • Social
    Study: Twitter’s Early Growth Relied On Geographic Proximity

    The takeaway from an MIT study released Wednesday, tracking the early growth of Twitter, is that new Web technologies - particularly social networks that rely on adoption by other users - cannot depend solely on online buzz (or even Ashton Kutcher, for that matter).The study tracked data from 2006 to...

  • Work
    How HP Has an App Store Inside Your Printer

    The notion of app stores is expanding into the world of printers and HP has made some important strides in the past year after it announced its ePrint line of printers. The apps, combined with an Internet-accessible printer, are both actually pretty neat and I will show you what is...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2011: How TV Grew More Social

    This year wasn't the first time any of us heard about the impact of social media on television. People have talked about TV shows on Facebook and Twitter for about as long as those social networks have existed, and the trend has only accelerated as social media usage in general...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Plans Fall Apart, Throws In the Towel on T-Mobile Deal

    The nightmare is over. Or, hopes and dreams have been crushed. Really, it depends on what side of the argument you fell on but, as of now, it is moot: AT&T and T-Mobile have dropped their $39 billion merger bid and will remain two separate, unaffiliated companies. The competition will...

  • Web
    CTERA: How Cloud-based Object Storage Could Help Businesses

    The main functions for services like Dropbox and are simple sharing and, to a limited degree, collaboration. Multiple parties can share access to a cloud-based storage device that's easier to set up than a networked drive. That helps small and medium-sized businesses as much as it helps consumers. But...

  • Web
    Top 10 Culture-Tech Stories of 2011

    Technology is frequently examined as though it were the reason for its own being, a kind of byte-driven tautology or spectacularly dry religious sect. But technology is a means to address questions. In that spirit, here are the top 10 stories about how we've employed the social web to ask...

  • Web
    Top 10 Consumer Cloud Applications of 2011

    For the last few years, many everyday folks who've been asked in surveys, "What is a cloud application?" have either guessed wrong or said they don't know. Folks don't know what "the cloud" is, and for the most part, that's not their fault. Unlike the Internet, which truly is a...

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