Results for "internet of things"

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  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Where Were You When the Sites Went Out?

    SOPA and PIPA, the twin bills before the U.S. Congress, may not be dead dead. But after the past few weeks of protest, culminating in Wednesday's remarkable day of action, they're not looking at all well.Votes on both bills are now delayed indefinitely. (Or, to put it in terms the...

  • Mobile
    Meet the “Real” 4G

    It is no secret that what the U.S. cellular carriers call "4G" is really not 4G at all. It is really more like "pre-4G" or "3G+." Real "4G", as defined by the International Telecommunications Union, does not exist. Yesterday though, we got one step closer. The ITU, a branch of...

  • Web
    Piracy Wars Escalate as Megaupload Shuttered by Feds, Anonymous Retaliates

    Twenty-four hours after an Internet-wide protest against controversial anti-piracy legislation, big media and pro-copyright interests won a major victory with the shutdown of Megaupload and related websites. The company's flagship file-sharing site allowed users to upload files and share them via a unique URL. The service, which garnered several million...

  • Web
    Why Apple Won’t Disrupt the Textbook Industry Anytime Soon

    Apple revolutionizes stuff. It's practically conventional wisdom in the tech world that, even if they're not first in the game or necessarily even the best, the Cupertino-based giant has a tendency to make a noticeable impact. They didn't invent the MP3 player, smartphone or tablet, but they sure have redefined...

  • Web
    Why Apple Won’t Disrupt the Textbook Industry Anytime Soon

    Apple revolutionizes stuff. It's practically conventional wisdom in the tech world that, even if they're not first in the game or necessarily even the best, the Cupertino-based giant has a tendency to make a noticeable impact. They didn't invent the MP3 player, smartphone or tablet, but they sure have redefined...

  • Web
    Why Apple Won’t Disrupt the Textbook Industry Anytime Soon

    Apple revolutionizes stuff. It's practically conventional wisdom in the tech world that, even if they're not first in the game or necessarily even the best, the Cupertino-based giant has a tendency to make a noticeable impact. They didn't invent the MP3 player, smartphone or tablet, but they sure have redefined...

  • Work
    What I Wish Wikipedia and Others Were Saying About SOPA/PIPA

    The SOPA/PIPA blackout today by Wikipedia, Mozilla, and many other sites is (I hope) drawing attention to proposed legislation that is considered a threat to "Internet freedom." That's fine, admirable, and (with any luck) will be effective at curbing SOPA/PIPA for at least another legislative season. The backgrounders I've...

  • Work
    What I Wish Wikipedia and Others Were Saying About SOPA/PIPA

    The SOPA/PIPA blackout today by Wikipedia, Mozilla, and many other sites is (I hope) drawing attention to proposed legislation that is considered a threat to "Internet freedom." That's fine, admirable, and (with any luck) will be effective at curbing SOPA/PIPA for at least another legislative season. The backgrounders I've...

  • Web
    With Today’s Protests, SOPA Becomes a Mainstream Issue

    Something big is happening on the Internet today, as you may have noticed. Yes, the English version of Wikipedia is blacked out, as are Craigslist, Reddit, Boing Boing and O'Reilly Radar. Google, Mozilla, and Wordpress all have put up some kind of anti-SOPA graphic or statement. Many of those...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Steven Wittens’ 3D Redesign and More

    Steven Wittens' redesign of pushes the 3D boundaries in a WebKit browser. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap...

  • Web
    The Four Horsemen of the General Purpose Computing Apocalypse

    Cory Doctorow's "keynote to the Chaos Computer Congress" and follow-up post (Lockdown: The coming war on general-purpose computing) on BoingBoing raise the alarm about keeping the Internet and PC "free and open." Doctorow makes excellent points and if you haven't watched the keynote or read his essay, you should do...

  • Web
    Will You Drop Google Because of Search Plus Your World?

    Much spleen has been vented over the launch of Google's Search Plus Your World this week. As was inevitable, Google has merged its new Google+ social signals into its Web search, an act that the blogosphere waited until this week to be upset about. Before this launch, the integration of...

  • Web
    Will You Drop Google Because of Search Plus Your World?

    Much spleen has been vented over the launch of Google's Search Plus Your World this week. As was inevitable, Google has merged its new Google+ social signals into its Web search, an act that the blogosphere waited until this week to be upset about. Before this launch, the integration of...

  • Work
    Ex Post PIPA: What Happens to Anti-Piracy Now?

    The imminent withdrawal of the court order provision (Section 3) from the Senate version - called PROTECT-IP or PIPA - of this year's round of anti-piracy legislation, will very likely doom any chance of such legislation emerging from Congress this year. Although SOPA, the House version, may yet pass with...

  • Entertainment
    How the Web and Mobile Tech Are Changing How People Learn Music

    That the Web has revolutionized music is not exactly a news flash, but most people typically think about that in terms of music consumption. iTunes. YouTube. SoundCloud. Spotify. Group listening sites like Recommendation engines like those of Pandora, and the Echo Nest. Now voice-controlled Internet radio apps are...

  • Web
    Start Your Engines! Connected Cars at CES

    As each year passes, the connected car makes more of a noise at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. This year several car manufacturers were touting new features, including Mercedes-Benz, Ford and Audi. The term "connected car" refers to the integration of smartphone apps and content into the...

  • Social
    Why Artists Facebook

    Facebook has already changed the way we communicate, creating virtual extensions of our real lives. Social networks are a microcosm of users' social worlds and a continuation of offline behaviors. But that's just for the regular folk - what about artists? How do artists use Facebook to augment their existing...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: ICANN’s New Generic Top Level Domains and More

    Dan Rowinski gives you everything you need to know about the new domain name system. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a...

  • Hack
    New Test Results: Google Rewires Search with Personal Touches

    For some, it is a question about whether Google serves "the same Web" for the millions of users who rely on Google as their principal portal. For others, it is a matter of relevance, and whether the infusion of data gleaned from the personal interests of one's friends impedes the...

  • Work
    Missing the Point of WordPress Entirely

    A post by Kevinjohn Gallagher on "no longer recommending WordPress" to his clients has gotten a bit of traction lately. While there's legitimate criticism to be leveled at WordPress, Gallagher's isn't (for the most part) it. If you're approaching WordPress with the expectation that it's the be-all and end-all of...

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