Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    As Lawsuits Grow, Grooveshark May Be Headed the Way of Napster

    Things are not looking good for Grooveshark. The controversial music streaming site has been banned from the major mobile app stores and is in the process of being sued by Universal Music Group for copyright infringement. Yes, that's the same UMG that apparently thinks its right to remove content from...

  • Web
    Microsoft to Developers: Sorry About the Whole IE6 Thing, Won’t Happen Again

    Dear Web developers: Microsoft knows how many hours of your life have been wasted trying to troubleshoot designs and functionality for Internet Explorer 6, and they're sorry. They promise they're never going to do that to you again. To ensure such nightmares are never relived, the company will start rolling...

  • Smartphone
    Nokia N9 64GB at Handtec – SIM Free and Unlocked – Now £527.99

    Nokia N9 64GB + with Free Silicon Case (SIM Free/Unlocked, Black) - Introducing Nokia N9 - A beautifully simple all-screen smartphone. Bold, all-screen design - Simply beautiful Introducing an all-screen smartphone like no other. It all comes together beautifully with the scratch-resistant glass merging perfectly into the smooth one-piece body....

  • Smartphone
    Application – Drive Logger for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

    Drive Logger is a driving log for enthusiastic/professional drivers. Use your mobile's GPS to track your mileage. Automatic address search and easy to use interface. The distance measured by GPS can vary greatly depending on weather conditions, satellite positions and numerous other random things that can't be 100% taken into...

  • Web
    2012 Predictions: Curt Hopkins

    When I sat down on my porch today to consider what 2012 might bring to the intersection of free speech and technology, I drew a complete blank. This is not because there are no precedents to consider. A quick glance at our free speech coverage for 2011 is a typhoon...

  • Web
    5 Biggest Surprises of 2011

    Every year there are at least a few surprising new Web products or developments. Things that you never saw coming, but which either radically change the Web landscape or become a delightful user experience. In rare cases, both. The iPhone announcement of January 2007 was one such case. An example...

  • Mobile
    Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 5 Coming Any Day Now

    Owners of iPads, iPhones and iPods running the latest version of iOS have not yet had the option to jailbreak their devices in a way that's at all worth the trouble. For those who are dying to break free of Apple's restrictions, an untethered jailbreak appears to be on the...

  • Social
    A Different Kind Of Redux: Twitter’s 2011 Year In Review

    It's that time of year again. The holiday season is officially in full gear, and practically everyone, including yours truly, is working on those lovely 2011 year in review and top trends type posts. Twitter's doing it, too. For every day in December, Twitter releases a list of tweets curated...

  • Web
    “Why You Buy What You Buy” Becomes a Job for IBM

    "What if you could quantify the world's consumer behavior," asks a company video, "and use it to make different and better decisions than you ever have before?" This is the question that has been asked over the past decade by a company called DemandTec, a manufacturer of retail analytics software...

  • Hack
    The Fruit of SproutCore’s Labor Will Live On as Amber.js

    Last month, the team responsible for the creation of SproutCore, one of the more successful of many JavaScript libraries for Web application development, were absorbed as a whole into Facebook, and will likely be working on an apps distribution platform there, probably involving HTML5. What Strobe left on the table...

  • Web
    Top Web Developer Tools of 2011

    While browser-based operating systems haven't taken over the world, 2011 has been a pretty good year for Web developers. It's an exciting time to be working in Web development, and there's never been a better crop of tools to work with. Web standards are eclipsing proprietary toolkits, and the development...

  • Mobile
    A Deep Look Into IBM’s Mobile Development Strategy

    IBM is poised to unleash its revamped mobile strategy with a full suite of tools aimed at providing enterprise developers with an end-to-end system for collaboration, development and management for mobile applications. IBM is putting the full weight of its history, tools and computing clout behind its mobile strategy. The...

  • Work
    How to Use Virtual Assistants to Grow Your Business

    Time is a commodity that when spent, is gone forever. In today's multi-task, multi-function smorgasbord, the flattening of the Internet has opened a window to savvy entrepreneurs looking to utilize and control the time they do have. We aren't talking about magic, but a new breed of workers called virtual...

  • Web
    Can Verizon Put a Dent in Netflix?

    Telecommunications giant Verizon is reportedly working on a Web streaming service akin to Netflix, according to a report from Reuters. The new service could be available to as many as 85 million U.S. households beginning next year, sources said. At first glance, a company with the size and clout of...

  • Work
    Why BYOD Isn’t a Trend

    The big trend that many of you will find on several top ten lists this month, but not on mine, is Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The reason it is omitted is because this isn't news, at least to me. Ever since PCs first started entering corporations in the early...

  • Web
    Is Firefox Doomed?

    Just a few years ago, Mozilla's Firefox browser was rising fast as the chief challenger to Microsoft's stubbornly dominant Internet Explorer. Things change pretty fast in the world of Internet technology, however, and today Firefox's once bright future seems much less certain. In 2008, Mozilla entered into a three-year partnership...

  • Mobile
    Carrier IQ: Is It Spying or Actionable Data? [Poll]

    Almost every company in the mobile ecosystem that is in one way or another associated with Carrier IQ right now is in a world of hurt. Is the outrage over what the data that CIQ collects justified? What some call spying, others may call pertinent, actionable data designed to improve...

  • Mobile
    It’s Carrier IQ’s World, We Just Live in It

    Somewhere along the complex supply chain of the mobile world's chips, antennas, touchscreens, operating systems and inter-linked celular networks traveling around the globe - someone has been caught capturing and transmitting more of your data than you'd probably like. There are probably any number of parties doing something similar but...

  • Social
    Why Doesn’t Google+ Allow AutoSharing?

    Today Google rolled out the latest of its Google+ integration projects. This time it was YouTube, which at the same time launched a snazzy new design. The redesign is not only visually more colorful and appealing, it also promotes sharing in a big way. YouTube is enabling you to autoshare...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Find His Porn Exploits The Naive and More

    Find His Porn exploits the paranoid and takes advantage of the naive consumers it proposes to help. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give...

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