Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Social
    Twitter Embraces Its Social Role in TV

    That social media is having an impact on television is hardly breaking news at this point. For a few years, Twitter and other social networks have served as a sort of digital, real-time water cooler where viewers convene and discuss TV shows as they're broadcast. This behavior has emerged more...

  • Web
    Who Creates High-Tech Wealth in Africa? The Case For (& Against) Government

    "The government has a big role to play in Kenya," said Paul Kukubo, CEO of the country's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Board. "We need to protect the private sector until it can compete."We spoke in Kukubo's office in the Telposta Towers in downtown Nairobi. Out the window, the feathery...

  • Web
    Whimventory Wishlists Solve The Shopping Problem

    How do you keep track of what you want? Do you use Amazon wish lists? Do you share them with your friends? How's that working out for you? Get any good gifts lately? Moreover, what do you do with items that aren't sold on Amazon?Enter Whimventory. It's an app for...

  • Work
    Infographic: History of Web Standards

    From 1962 to present (no, that's not a typo), Vitamin T and An Event Apart have pulled together A Brief History of Web Standards. This infographic has a lot of interesting factoids and information about the evolution of the Web.Now, when you're thinking "Web standards," you're probably thinking about things...

  • Web
    Chef Caters to Windows Users with New Release

    Opscode, the company behind the Chef open-source systems integration framework, announced a new set of Cookbooks targeted at Windows infrastructure. The cookbooks give Chef integration with Windows, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), Microsoft SQL Server and PowerShell. With the new Cookbooks, Chef comes closer to parity on Windows platforms compared...

  • Web
    Apple Plans to Revolutionize Your Living Room Next, Just as Steve Jobs Wanted

    "I finally cracked it," Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson just months before his death. He was referring to the design and functionality of television, something Jobs had long wanted his company to reimagine. In the official biography of the late Apple founder that came out today, one of...

  • Web
    Data: Comcast Has Stopped Throttling Bit Torrent (But Other ISPs Persist)

    After Comcast was caught throttling Bit Torrent traffic on its networks in 2007, the company caught quite a lot of heat and voluntarily stopped doing so. The practice, which was then ruled by the FCC to be illegal, struck at the heart of the ongoing and contentious issue of net...

  • Web
    World’s Youngest Leading Social Network Eats World’s Last Major RSS Reader: Google Reader Gets Plussed

    Why did Google Plus gain more users in a few weeks than Google Reader has in years? That's a question for the ages - but it's clear that Google's strategy of infusing Google Plus functionality into all things will sometimes come at a cost. Google announced today that Reader will...

  • Web
    Sean Parker on Music Industry 2.0 & What’s Wrong With Facebook

    The first guest at the Web 2.0 Summit was young billionaire Sean Parker of Founders Fund. He also works for an Internet website called Facebook, as well as other quintessential Web 2.0 services.Host John Battelle spoke with Parker about Napster, Spotify and the future of the music industry, what's wrong...

  • Web
    Max Levchin Is Building Another Startup

    PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, one of the most tireless entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, has begun work on another startup, he said this weekend on Twitter. Levchin left Google just six weeks ago, after the search giant shut down his last startup it acquired for an estimated $200 million, Levchin...

  • Developer
    Plasma Active Perspective: The User Story

    Plasma Active brings a flexible, elegant, activity-driven user experience to a spectrum of devices. This article is part of a series of articles about different perspectives on Plasma Active. This installment looks at the user story, and aims at answering the questions “what does Plasma Active bring me as a...

  • Cloud
    Hortonworks CEO Eric Baldeschwieler: Hadoop, the ‘Data Cloud’

    Not long ago at all, Oracle laid claim to building the systems that managed a majority of the world's data. This year, the group making the same claim is a spinoff from Yahoo.The onset of Internet-size databases and cloud architectures brought about architectural quandaries about the nature of relational databases...

  • Web
    How I Learned to Stop Whining and Embrace the Cloud

    A friend asked me yesterday if we should be more worried than we are now about the prudence of entrusting so much of our personal data, our business assets, and to some degree our livelihoods to "the cloud." My immediate answer (I always keep immediate answers on hand) is that...

  • Web
    Wealth of Nations 2.0

    The global economy has existed for at least 5 centuries now. During the 1400s and 1500s, explorers traveled from different parts of the world to establish trade routes and set the first foundations for the global economy. Merchants from Spain, Portugal, France and different parts of Europe began to trade...

  • Web
    Comparing Desktop VMs In The Cloud

    Many companies still need, or prefer having, traditional Windows or other desktop OS environments for their employees. For example, they may need to run applications that are not available as Web apps or using SaaS services. But you may prefer not to provision and administer the hardware. A growing number...

  • Work
    Researcher: LTE Only 1/6 as Efficient as Carriers Promised

    If we're going to have an Internet full of things so that we can friend our Coke machines and our refrigerators on Facebook, wireless carriers say there needs to be more wireless spectrum available to LTE and fourth-generation technologies than there currently is. Nonsense, said a group of Citi investment...

  • Hack
    AMQP Aims to Resolve the Middleware Messaging Logjam

    There are way too many messaging protocols for middleware in enterprises today, and unless an asteroid plummets from the skies and coincidentally destroys the headquarters of several of their proprietors simultaneously, this problem won't resolve itself. On the one hand, IBM, Oracle, and Tibco could come together around a single...

  • Work
    Future Google Subsidiary Invokes Asimov to Protect Android

    In one of the brilliant short stories that Isaac Asimov contributed to the science-fiction collection The Androids are Coming, the director of research for the U.S. Robot and Mechanical Men Corp. suggests that more human-like, positronic-brain robots - more like androids - could be made popular and desirable among the...

  • Web
    Lessons Learned From’s Mess

    If you are looking for a textbook example of how not to design your website shopping experience, take a look at what has happened recently with They left their partnership with Amazon earlier this summer and started using a bevy of consultants and VARs to create their own ecommerce...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Death of Steve Jobs and More…

    This week the internet said goodbye to the incomparableSteve Jobs. The staff of ReadWriteWeb covered some of his best moments, and his worst. Though he has passed on, his impact was large, and we will not soon forget Apple's founder. RIP Steve.After the jump you'll find more of this week's...

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