Results for "internet of things"

We found 4775 results for your search.
  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Death of Steve Jobs and More…

    This week the internet said goodbye to the incomparableSteve Jobs. The staff of ReadWriteWeb covered some of his best moments, and his worst. Though he has passed on, his impact was large, and we will not soon forget Apple's founder. RIP Steve.After the jump you'll find more of this week's...

  • Mobile
    This Is Your Brain on 3D Ads

    What makes a good advertisement? From a consumer's standpoint, a good ad is entertaining, helpful, and hopefully not too much of an interruption. Ads are a part of life for consumers, especially on the Web. In exchange for getting all this stuff for free or cheap, we accept the background...

  • Developer
    Intel AppUp Developer Challenge Winners

      Winner of “Most Elegant MeeGo* App” and $50,000 “Ancient Pond” by Ancient Workshop     Take a deep breath and relax with “Ancient Pond” by Ancient Workshop, a tranquil koi pond for MeeGo*. Create small ripples or giant splashes in the pond and watch the fish react. Let them...

  • Work
    The Way We Were c.1995

    Lots of memories of my computing past flooding through me this morning, and no, this won't be another Jobs tribute. But a post yesterday talking about whether you were using the Internet back in 1995 brought me back to that era, and I thought it would be a good time...

  • Mobile
    A Great User Experience: The Web Legacy of Steve Jobs

    Earlier today, the tech world was rocked by the sad news that Steve Jobs had died. I'd like to pay tribute to Steve Jobs, on behalf of ReadWriteWeb, for what he brought to the Web world. There will be hundreds of different tributes written by many tech publications - deservedly...

  • Hack
    Oracle Pushes Its Idea of JavaFX, Replaces Script with XML

    Is HTML5 a common platform for rich Internet applications, or a common toolkit for building rich applications on varying platforms? Oracle's response to that question came yesterday, and in typical Larry Ellison fashion, it essentially boiled down to, "We don't give a rip."When Sun Microsystems produced the first go-round of...

  • Hack
    The Multiple Truths of Big Data

    Last week, Forrester Research tries to grok Big Data with a report entitled, Expand Your Digital Horizon With Big Data. And while it is somewhat amusing to see how they approach the topic as they would a new network router or new version of Office, ultimately the report falls somewhat...

  • All Categories
    How to Make All Browsers Render HTML5 Mark-up Correctly – Even IE6

      HTML 5 provides some great new features for web designers who want to code readable, semantically-meaningful layouts. However, support for HTML 5 is still evolving, and Internet Explorer is the last to add support. In this tutorial, we’ll create a common layout using some of HTML 5′s new semantic...

  • Mobile
    Sencha Attempts to Revolutionize Mobile Animations

    Sencha, a leader in HTML5 application frameworks, has released a new tool for developers to embed rich media animations for the Web and mobile devices. Sencha Animator provides developers with a new tool to create CSS3 animations without Flash that will work anywhere.Sencha chose CSS3 for animations because most mobile...

  • Web
    iPad as a Notebook Alternative, Part 1 of 2

    An iPad or other tablet isn't a notebook computer, any more than a smartphone is a tablet, or a notebook computer is a desktop computer. But, with the right understanding of what it is and how it does - and doesn't - work, along with a modest, affordable handful of...

  • Developer
    MyMoves 0.1.0: all in one Package

      Hi. Decided to wrap up all the needed things into a single .deb (perhaps preparing for a Store submission..?: ). Changes in the latest version: Fixed pinch recognition. Two-finger gestures shouldn’t interfere with two-finger phone usage anymore, e.g. zooming a web page and panning after that with two fingers...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Voice Search App Dragon Go! Updated: A Glimpse at iPhone 5?

    Mobile voice search app Dragon Go! recently pushed out a major upgrade to its iOS app, which lets you verbally request more multimedia content, retrieve information from more sources and interact with Google Plus. The app now integrates with Netflix, Spotify, Wolfram Alpha and, in addition to a host...

  • Work
    First Challenge to FCC Net Neutrality: Is Splitting Hairs Legal?

    Last week's issuance by the Federal Communications Commission of rules to protect what some still call "net neutrality" was destined to be legally challenged by someone, on some grounds - that's the nature of regulatory government. (In a pre-emptive strike, Verizon filed its challenge last January.) But in the first...

  • Social
    The Pros & Cons of Frictionless Sharing

    One of the most controversial aspects of Facebook's re-design announcements last week was the introduction of "frictionless sharing." That's Facebook's term for when something you are reading, listening to or watching is automatically shared to your Facebook Timeline. Up till now, sharing on the social Web has largely been a...

  • Web
    The Dream of OpenStack in a Commercial OS is Realized

    The space program is not entirely about space, and never was. It's about learning about how to solve problems. First, you change your perspective about what those problems are. From a new angle, the most insurmountable challenges can seem resolvable.The next generation of cloud computing resources can be traced back...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Map Adds Cities of Data (But One of Facebook’s Skyscrapers Just Got Taller!)

    The term "Web 2.0" isn't often used these days, but it signifies the era of the Web in which social, read/write technologies came to the fore. Google was the golden child in Web 2.0, whereas Facebook is the equivalent today in the 'Social Media' era. Regardless of the terminology, the...

  • Web
    Firefox Creator Says the Web is Dead Meat; Android Creator Disagrees

    Joe Hewitt, one of the most important software developers in recent history, published a provocative and sad post on his personal blog today, predicting that unless the open and free Web gets someone to own and take responsibility for advancing it, it will inevitably fall into virtual obscurity in the...

  • Social
    How To #FollowFriday

    Overwhelmed by new features? Tickers? Open Graphs? What about Hangouts and Circles? Well, Twitter doesn't have those things. Twitter still exists because it's not going bananas with new features all the time. There's no room. Hell, it only got photo albums a month ago. Everyone's always worried about how Twitter...

  • Work
    Facebook, the New AOL

    Remember the last time when an Internet site tried to be all things to all people, limit the way that they accessed their content, and tried to make themselves into the default go-to platform for social networking? Yes, Facebook has aspirations to become the new AOL. This week's F8 announcements...

  • Work
    Is Google a Monopolist?

    So this week the Google monopoly hearings began, and right off the bat we see Eric Schmidt claiming Google isn't Microsoft and this isn't the 1990s. All well and good, but that may not matter. And while I am not a lawyer, I lived through the Microsoft trials and even...

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