Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Work
    The Goodness That Yahoo Has Brought Us

    The news this week about firing Carol Bartz, Yahoo's CEO, made us go into the Wayback Machine to recall the many good things that Yahoo has created over its life. While there are many that are lining up to take shots at the Yahoos (certainly justified, including this mention of...

  • Social
    Siemens Helps Bahraini Torturers: This Week in Online Tyranny

    With mobile tech, Siemens helps torture a new generation, this time in Bahrain. Siemens was instrumental in bringing the Nazis to power and keeping them there as they murdered millions of Jews, along with Gypsies, trade unionists, leftists, homosexuals and others. Serving as one of its engines of genocide, Siemens...

  • Web
    Mightybell Launches to Help You Give Your Life Meaning, Will Compete Against Obvious’s Lift

    "You are what you do, that's the philosophy of Mightybell," says Gina Bianchini, the former CEO of sprawling, Andreesen-backed network of social networks Ning, about her new startup Mightybell, which launches today. "We've spent the last 5 years calling success the number of friends, fans and followers we've accumlated -...

  • Work
    Brief: How to Prepare for IPv6 Networking

    There is a lot more to IPv6 than just a lot more addresses, including redesigned protocols, better routing, security improvements and finally getting rid of Network Address Translation. In this sponsored brief, How to Prepare for IPv6 Networking by Ed Tittel and Jeff Carrell, they dive into the nuts and...

  • Web
    Google Reportedly Willing to Spend Big to Acquire Hulu

    Google must really want Hulu. As it fields bids from potential future owners, the premium video content site is reportedly seeing the most generous offer come from Google, reports AllThingsD. Google joins Yahoo, Amazon and the Dish Network in bidding on the company, but is apparently going above and beyond...

  • Mobile
    More Than Half of U.S. Smartphone Owners Use Location Services

    Of people who own smartphones in the United States, 55% use the device for some kind of location-specific task, according to a study published today by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. In total, 23% of all American adults use location services on their phones or via social media...

  • Work
    Friday Roundup: Court Tosses Oracle Award, App Engine Pricing, Fake IDs, Seesmic and More…

    It's been a crazy conference week with VMworld and Dreamforce '11 going on at the same time. News from those shows have been all over ReadWriteWeb's channels this week, like the VMware vFabric Data Director announcement, and CloudStack going 100% open source.We also looked at storing Salesforce data locally, and...

  • Mobile
    With Mobile Tech, Siemens Helps Torture a New Generation in Bahrain

    Siemens was instrumental in bringing the Nazis to power and keeping them there as they murdered millions of Jews, along with Gypsies, trade unionists, leftists, homosexuals and others. Serving as one of its engines of genocide, Siemens provided the German Reich with, among other things, slave labor factories located next...

  • Web
    The US Open Explains the Dangers Posed by Twitter

    It's time for the US Open tennis tournament and inside the players' lounge, there's an ominous sign posted by the event's Tennis Integrity Unit warning of the dangers posed by Twitter.Snapped quickly and posted online by CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell, the posted sign and policy are an amusing...

  • Web
    The Hive Mind Needs More Women

    Kevin Kelly wrote a thought-provoking post about how "the impossible" is happening more often nowadays, thanks in no small part to large scale collaboration over the Internet. In other words, the hive mind. He cites eBay and Wikipedia as two examples of things he would've thought impossible in decades past.Collaboration...

  • Hack
    Will Static Sites Rise Again with Cloud Services?

    Once upon a time, before the word Internet (or cloud) put dollar signs in VC eyes, sites were built with static tools. All a good Webmaster needed was a text editor and a Web server – maybe a few images and blink tags if they were feeling fancy.These days, most...

  • Social
    Facebook Wants Your Comment on Its Privacy Policy Changes

    Facebook changed its privacy policy and sharing options last week to make it easier for users to customize how they share their information. It is a process that has been in the works for most of 201, after Facebook proposed a simpler format for its privacy policy in February. Now,...

  • Hack
    Mozilla Chair Acknowledges Enterprises Do Count for Firefox

    Exactly what will end up being the very final, last word on the subject of Mozilla Firefox's expedited release system, may yet be seen. Yesterday, however, the Mozilla Foundation's chairperson, Mitchell Baker, weighed in with what appears to be an attempt at finality, albeit a dualistic one. On the one...

  • Web
    How Hackers Perpetrate Click-Fraud

    In 2009, security company Symantec noticed a particularly complex malware code infecting users' computers. At first the company did not think much of it outside of the fact that is was unusually complicated. The company wrote detection and repair codes for it. Once detected, malware usually shrivels and dies. Yet,...

  • Social
    Half of U.S. Adults Use Social Networking Sites

    For the first time ever, 50% of all American adults are using social networking sites, according to new data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Of active Internet users in particular, 65% are social networking users, a number that continues to climb. To put things in perspective, only...

  • Work
    As Steve Jobs Steps Down, Linux Turns 20: Which Changed the World More?

    Yesterday, Steve Jobs officially stepped down as CEO of Apple. Today, the Linux kernel turns 20. That makes it as good a time as any to look back and assess – which has shaped computing, and the world, more? Linus Torvalds' "hobby OS," or Steve Jobs?This might seem like an...

  • Web
    Skype Launches an App Store

    Jumping on the app store bandwagon, Skype has launched a directory of third party applications that can be added to the Internet telephony service. Most of the apps are geared toward businesses users, while a few are for personal use. The directory features just under 25 apps, whose functionality includes...

  • Work
    Why Secure Email Still Doesn’t Measure Up

    Well, this week marks the tenth anniversary of identity-based message encryption with more than a billion secure messages being exchanged annually, according to Voltage, one of the leaders in this space.This is certainly a surprise. Who knew so many messages were being encrypted? Have you gotten an encrypted email in...

  • Social
    Facebook Hits 1 Trillion Pageviews

    Social networking behemoth Facebook reached 1 trillion pageviews in June, according to new data. Facebook is the most-visited website on the Internet, according to data compiled by the ad network DoubleClick, a subsidiary of Google. In June 2011, Facebook received about 870 million unique visitors, a figure that exceeds the...

  • Computers
    Only Gizmos Review of the Samsung N100 MeeGo Netbook

        Our friends at Only Gizmos have got their lucky little paws on the Samsung N100 MeeGo Netbook. Here is their Review: Although it is the first netbook in the country to be running MeeGo, Samsung has not exactly been going to town talking about the N100 (NP-N100-MA011N). In...

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