Results for "internet of things"

We found 4773 results for your search.
  • Web
    New Efforts to Help the Virtual Botanist

    At their annual conference this week in St. Louis, an international group of botanists are working on two efforts to integrate the Web into their efforts. Called the US Virtual Herbarium and the Open Science Network for Ethnobiology, both are trying to make education and use of plant materials easier...

  • Social
    China Looking to Buy a Chunk of Facebook: This Week in Online Tyranny

    China trying to buy some Facebook.News has surfaced that a sovereign wealth fund representing the Chinese government wants to buy a substantial amount of Facebook stock. According to anonymous sources who spoke to Business Insider, China wants to own enough of Facebook "to matter."Is China's interest in Facebook a simply...

  • Work
    Cisco Reboots Its Corporate News Portal

    Cisco long has had its own exemplary in-house news site called @News. Last month they upgraded and are now rebranding it as The Network here. So what can you find there? At first blush it looks like many other Web-news portals, with a set of top stories from major tech...

  • Web
    6 Excellent Tools For Writing Without Distractions

    Just as the Web has brought us untold advances in innovation, collaboration and productivity, it has also given us things like this Tumblr blog curating animated GIFs of Tom Hanks portraying various animals, not to mention Farmville, Twitter or the 35 hours of video that are uploaded to YouTube every...

  • Social
    More Comments on More Zen

    For those of you that are men (or women) of a certain age (as close to the age of the characters of the wonderfully named TV show), it will come as no surprise that the focus of our communications tools these days is social networks. But how our communications have...

  • Web
    Twitter Acquires Data Startup BackType; Another Angel Clips Its Wings

    Twitter just announced this morning that it has acquired innovative social media data analytics service BackType. The BackType team will provide data for publishing partners of Twitter about how much traction their Tweets are getting, how they are converting to other key performance indicators and other information. Some Twitter ecosystem...

  • Web
    The Student-Centered Netbook: Chromebook or Classmate PC?

    It's the schools that give each student an iPad tend to make headlines nowadays. No doubt, more schools are investigating tablets - Apple or otherwise - as part of their one-to-one computing initiatives, looking to replace not just desktop PCs but to replace laptops and netbooks as well. Despite the...

  • Social
    Google Plus’ Circles System May Not be Sustainable

    There are now over 3,000 people in a circle I've dubbed "work friends." That may be nothing compared to the likes of Robert Scoble, but at the current rate of friending occurring on Google's new social network, I'm well on my way to seeing friend counts that rival Twitter, a...

  • Smartphone
    Nokia N9 photo gallery

      We've had pictures of the newly announced Nokia N9 splattered all over the Internet, to the level that it could possibly be more recognisable then the queen. Now we get that last missing piece of the puzzle .... Yes, actual Photo Samples taken with the Nokia N9. Click on...

  • Social
    Which Android App Wins: Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn?

    One of the most impressive parts of Google's beta rollout of Plus is the fact that Google had a fully functional Android application available in the Android Market the minute Plus went live.As such, I have a unique introduction to Google Plus - mobile first. It is an interesting way...

  • Social
    How To Use Google Plus

    Waiting for a Google Plus invite? Google is rolling out the service in waves and you can expect it to become a ubiquitous social option in the coming months. We have been playing with the service since getting invites yesterday and there are a lot of things to like about...

  • Web
    “Smell Like a Man” Agency Partners With Nike, Target & Coke on Tech Incubator

    Wieden+Kennedy, the advertising agency that made the absurdly popular Old Spice campaign on TV and the web called "Smell Like a Man" announced today that it is now accepting applications from brand-friendly tech startups for admission to its incubator program, the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE). The Portland, Oregon company has...

  • Hack
    How Symantec Cracked Stuxnet

    The story behind Stuxnet, the malware targeted at an Iranian nuclear processing station, has been known in general since last fall when a team of researchers at Symantec released this document, which we covered at the time in our article here. But seeing is believing. I had a chance to...

  • Web
    Opera’s Newest Browser is Amazingly Fast, Offers New Take on Speed Dial

    Norway-based Opera has released the newest version of its Web browser today, promising faster speeds, a streamlined and lightweight user interface and several new extensions.Opera has reconfigured its "Speed Dial" extension. Instead of static thumbnails of frequently-visited sites, now, when you open a new tab, you can embed websites that...

  • Entertainment
    Who In Their Right Mind Would Buy Hulu?

    Rumors have surfaced in the past 24 hours that premium content video provider Hulu has been fielding unsolicited offers to buy the platform. The question, of course: who in their right mind would want to buy Hulu?Yahoo is the name that has emerged. The Los Angeles Times and Wall Street...

  • Web
    Possible LulzSec Hacker Arrested in U.K.: This Week in Online Tyranny

    A hacker in Britian was arrested this week. Some have suggested an association with LulzSec, the group that has, among other things, hacked the Senate and C.I.A. sites. LulzSec is not claiming the suspect as one of its own. In a tweet, LulzSec wrote, "Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec...

  • Smartphone
    Nokia N9 Announced at Nokia Connections #Nokiacnxn

    As many thought Nokia in Singapore today Announced the Nokia N9, a brilliant looking smartphone with a simple intuitive interface. Its all about Swiping ... Swipes from the outside of the screen. ... use apps, get notifications and switch between different activities. Navigating the UI is done with a simple...

  • Web
    ICANN Approves Generic Top-Level Domains: New Era of Innovation or A Flood of Spam?

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has put to rest three years of speculation by giving final approval to generic Top-Level Domains that they think will be the future of site addresses and brand homes on the Web.Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) are essentially specific destinations for brands....

  • Entertainment
    8 Simple Ways To Share Data Online

    If you have to jointly author a spreadsheet with a colleague, what is the first thing that you do? Email it back and forth. This can be painful, particularly as you try to keep track of your partner's changes and hope the emails transit back and forth across the Internet....

  • Web
    How Real Time is Changing the Way We Work

    Instant access to information has change the world. In the early days of the Internet, people buzzed about the "Information Superhighway." Thinking back to the early 1990s and the first iterations of America Online and Netscape, everything seems so...quaint.In the mid-1990s, it took two minutes or more for a modem...

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