Results for "internet of things"

We found 4769 results for your search.
  • Web
    Tweeting Often and on Weekends is More Effective, Suggests Data

    How often should you post updates to Twitter for maximum impact? Is there a time of day that works best? What about a day of the week?These are the types of questions that Dan Zarrella is constantly trying to answer. Instead of relying on intuition and hearsay, however, the self-described...

  • Web
    Mobile Music

    We're living in an exciting era for media. The user experience of consuming (and producing) media is changing rapidly, as new devices take hold of the consumer market. Smartphones, tablets, Internet TVs, eReaders, and more. It isn't just new devices either. The content we're consuming is beginning to change too....

  • Web
    Java Inventor Joins Other Founding Fathers at Google

    James Gosling, the man who founded programming language Java at Sun Microsystems, announced this morning on his blog that, "through some odd twists in the road over the past year...I find myself starting employment at Google today."If you haven't been following closely, the move is one that a non-fiction writer...

  • Web
    Is “Stealth” the Best Way to Build Your Business?

    I'm just returning from another really great year at SXSW. It's always fun to meet up with so many new and old friends in just a few days in Austin. Beyond that, one of my favorite things is bumping into so many entrepreneurs I've never met who are working on...

  • Work
    Is Apple a Social Company?

    Paul Greenberg described Apple as a product and engineering centric company, as opposed to a customer and social media centric company, in the interview with Dennis Howlett we posted yesterday. But today, Mindtouch Executive Vice President of Sales Mark Fidelman, writing for Cloudave, identifies Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide...

  • Social
    Facebook Questions Goes Where Quora Can’t

    When Facebook first launched its Questions feature last summer, we predicted that things were "about to change dramatically on the world's largest social network." The launch turned out to be a bit of a false start, however, and the feature never took off. Today, Facebook announced that It has launched...

  • Web
    Firefox 4 Trounces IE9 in Release Day Downloads

    With over 7 million downloads since its release yesterday, Firefox 4 is out of the gate with some strong momentum, it seems.That number certainly trounces the statistics from the first day of Internet Explorer 9's recent release, which hit a little over 2 million downloads. Unlike the launch of IE9,...

  • Mobile
    SXSW: Tips for Getting Your App Approved

    Michael Yuan of the medical-focused mobile company Ringful Health has submitted over 30 applications to multiple mobile application stores. It's what made him qualified to give a speech at this week's SXSW conference in Austin, Texas on the topic. His panel, "Tips on Getting Your Approved on App Stores," wasn't so...

  • Web
    Flickr Head of Product Steps Down: Is It an Omen?

    While Yahoo has said that it is "absolutely committed" to social picture sharing site Flickr, the same might not be said for the folks at the top of the company. Today, Flickr head of product Matthew Rothenberg announced that he would be "stepping away from Flickr," the third such departure...

  • Web
    Now We Can Read Alone, Together: Instapaper Adds Social Features

    Let's say you're about to get on an airplane. That means it's time for some pleasure reading, if you're lucky enough to be free from work obligations on a wifi-free flight. What you need to do is fire up Instapaper, the offline mobile reading application made for good times like...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Want to Stand Out in the Bay Area? Make the “Hottest Companies in San Francisco” List

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web, a Giant Waste of Time, Acquired by CBS

    I just watched a few minutes of Zach Galifianakis mock-interviewing Tila Tequila and Jennifer Anniston on a faux TV interview show online. Now I'm that many minutes closer to my inevitable death., the website that brought me this experience, worthless but for the 15 second pre-roll commercial now buried...

  • Web
    What To Look for at Tomorrow’s iPad 2 Event

    Few events cause such widespread speculation and exuberance as an Apple product announcement, and the company has scheduled one for tomorrow, March 2. Apple is expected to announce the iPad 2, the first upgrade to its massively popular tablet. Many of the rumors circulating about the iPad 2 involve the...

  • Web
    Can Online Sharing Stats Predict the Oscars?

    When it comes to predicting the future, we don't need a crystal ball anymore. These days, we just need to look at how people act online - what they share with their friends on Facebook and Twitter - to predict things like box office success or the stock market. With...

  • Hack
    Hacker Chat: Max Ogden Talks About CouchDB, Open Data and Couchappsora (Part 2)

    Max Ogden is a developer living in San Francisco. He's a Code for America fellow and one of the founding developers of Couchappspora, an open source social network built with Apache CouchDB.This is the second half of our interview. Part one can be found here. In this half we focus...

  • Web
    YouTube in Talks to Broadcast NBA Games

    YouTube is in talks with the National Basketball Association and other major sports leagues about winning the rights to broadcast games live on the internet, a Google executive in charge of partnerships in South Korea has told Business Week. Could Google outbid the major TV networks, who pay hundreds of...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: Nexus S Goes Overseas

    It has now been nearly two months since my iPhone fell into a pond, forcing me to transition to Android. I had a review unit of the Nexus S on hand at the time which served as a backup phone in the wake of the tragedy. I've now moved to...

  • Web
    President Obama Visits Intel to Highlight Education, Innovation, and Technology

    President Obama visited Intel in Hillsboro, Oregon today to discuss education and technology (and this ReadWriteWeb writer attended her first Presidential media event.)Education has been the key theme as the President has travelled the country this week, following the release of his 2012 budget on Monday. The proposed budget calls...

  • Social
    Why Most Facebook Marketing Doesn’t Work

    For almost four years, since the Facebook Platform was launched, I have been involved in delivering Facebook apps for top brands such as CBS, NBC, Lifetime, Universal Music, Visa and more. Here's what we have learned doesn't work, and more importantly, what does work.First, deep campaigns don't work. Digital agencies...

  • Social
    Why Most Facebook Marketing Doesn’t Work

    For almost four years, since the Facebook Platform was launched, I have been involved in delivering Facebook apps for top brands such as CBS, NBC, Lifetime, Universal Music, Visa and more. Here's what we have learned doesn't work, and more importantly, what does work.First, deep campaigns don't work. Digital agencies...

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