Results for "internet of things"

We found 4768 results for your search.
  • Social
    8 Steps to Facebook Photo Privacy, According to Facebook Engineer (We’re Still Confused)

    Let's get this out of the way first: yes, we found this on Quora, the Q&A service poised for media overhype as the second coming of Twitter or blogging or journalism or whatever. But it was an interesting nugget of information from someone in the know and seemed worthy of...

  • Web
    Top 10 RSS and Syndication Technologies of 2010

    "RSS is Dead", tech sage Steve Gillmor said in May of 2009. I know that's not true, because I spend a lot of my work and my leisure time reading RSS and other forms of syndicated content feeds.If you're not familiar with Really Simple Syndication (RSS) - it is, in...

  • Web
    Most Promising Company For 2011: SimpleGeo

    Yesterday we selected our Best LittleCo of 2010, the light blogging service Tumblr. In this post we select a company that we think has the potential to be Best LittleCo of 2011. Next year we're expecting a lot from data-centric companies and one in particular. This company provides a platform...

  • Web
    Top 10 Startups of 2010

    2010 was a good year for Web startups. Deal flow, particularly at early stages, was active, and even though valuations were high, investor dollars were seemingly at the ready. Of the companies that made headlines and that led some of the major tech trends of the year, many were startups:...

  • Web
    Amazon Kindle is Retailer’s Best-Selling Product of All Time

    Amazon still won't disclose the exact number of Kindle sales, but it is saying today that the third generation of its Kindle e-Book reader is now the Internet retailer's best-selling product of all time, even selling more than the last Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."So how...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Skype Goes Down, How to Disconnect From the Social Web, Holiday Reading for Startups, and More…

    It's the last Wrap-up of 2011! The top story of the week was a big one: Just in time for the holidays when millions of people are using Skype to connect with loved ones, the company's network cratered, dropping from 20 million connections to about 200,000 in a matter of...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Growth of eBooks & eReaders

    eBook sales almost doubled over 2010 and now make up 9% of total consumer book sales, according to the Association of American Publishers. This growth was fueled by intense competition amongst eReader manufacturers over 2010. Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook and others attempted to undercut each other...

  • Web
    Google Hires Kenyan Activist to Shape Africa Policy

    Kenyan Blogger Ory Okolloh has been hired by Google to oversee that company's policy in Africa. Most people outside the continent imagine Africa as being the size of a France or two. (In reality it's the size of the U.S., China, Japan and most of Europe.) So it's a big...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Products of 2010

    Mobile technology has seen major advances over the course of 2010, with new platforms, new services and new usage trends all taking hold to spread the adoption of not just the mobile Web, but the Web itself. The number of smartphone owners are increasing, mobile operating systems are proliferating and...

  • Web
    Skype Outage Continues – Why it Happened

    Yesterday's widespread Skype outage continues today, according to an official update posted early this morning to Skype's company blog. As of the time the blog post was written, 5 million users were reportedly back online, but Skype says this is only 30% of what they would expect at that time...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Social Shopping

    In 2010, we've seen the rise of so-called "social shopping" services. They rely heavily on technologies such as social networking, crowdsourcing and smart phone scanners. Here we present five of the main social shopping developments of 2010. This kicks off a series of posts that will be published over November...

  • Web
    Best LittleCo of 2010: Tumblr

    Every year since 2004, ReadWriteWeb has selected a best 'little company.' In past years we've given this honor to Flickr, 37Signals, YouTube (in 2006, the year it was acquired by Google), Twitter (in 2007, before it went mainstream), Zoho, and Aardvark. As you can see, many of these companies have...

  • Web
    How Close Are We To An Adaptive Web?

    Technologists have spent nearly 20 years now predicting the future of the Web. And while the Web is not dead yet, how we use it and our expectations of it are surely changing. We want what we want exactly when and where we want it. And when we don't get...

  • Web
    Top 10 Culture of Tech Stories of 2010

    Every year ReadWriteWeb selects the top 10 products or developments across a range of categories. The latest installment is the top 10 stories of the culture of technology.These are the stories that answer that question you sometimes hear from tech skeptics or those who mistake advances in computing and communications...

  • Web
    Top 10 Real-Time Web Products of 2010

    Last year, when we looked at the top real-time Web products of 2009, we predicted that in 2010 the real-time Web was "likely to become a standard expectation on sites all around the world". Indeed, as we look back on the last year we find that many of the big...

  • Work
    This Week in Microsoft News: New Clues In the Novell Patent Mystery and More

    These thee Microsoft stories weren't the biggest news of the week, but they are worth knowing about if you missed them. One of the stories is merely a clue into an ongoing mystery surrounding Microsoft's acquisition of some patents from Novell that have analysts speculating and open source advocates worrying....

  • Web
    10 Fascinating Word Graphs, From 200 Years of Google Books

    Google Labs launched a great new tool yesterday that graphs the frequency of occurrence of any search terms from across 500 billion words from 5.2 million books, over the last 200 years, in Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. Called the Books Ngram Viewer, the tool offers a fascinating...

  • Web
    Etsy Experiments with New Recommendation Engine

    Handmade marketplace Etsy is experimenting with its own recommendation engine technology called the Etsy Taste Test. The tool, available at, offers you a short quiz where you click photos of things you like. You can choose to look at either photos of items for women or items for men. The...

  • Web
    40% of New Mechanical Turkers’ Work Requests Are Now For Spamming – What a Lost Opportunity!

    What if you were given incredible powers but had such a limited imagination that you only used them to pollute the internet with spam? That's what's happening to the powerful distributed labor marketplace of Amazon's Mechanical Turk, where requesters pay small sums of money for people around the world to...

  • Web
    Blogging Seems To Have Peaked, Says Pew Report

    The Pew Internet and American Life Project released its latest report today documenting how different generations use the Internet, and most of the findings won't come as a surprise. Across generations and almost across the board, we're spending more time engaged in online activities, as watching videos, listening to music,...

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