Results for "internet of things"

We found 4769 results for your search.
  • Web
    Blogging Seems To Have Peaked, Says Pew Report

    The Pew Internet and American Life Project released its latest report today documenting how different generations use the Internet, and most of the findings won't come as a surprise. Across generations and almost across the board, we're spending more time engaged in online activities, as watching videos, listening to music,...

  • Mobile
    Apple Develops Peer-to-Peer App Sharing System

    With hundreds of thousands of mobile applications available in iTunes, how do you find the good ones? You can read reviews online, seek out new releases via third-party app recommendation sites, check iTunes' Genius picks or its "top sellers" lists, but at the end of the day, one of the...

  • Web
    Facebook Makes Big New Move to Capture More User Data

    Facebook today unveiled an incredibly simple new service that will allow any website owner to hand over user registration for their site to Facebook, undoubtedly something countless independent sites have considered since seeing the disaster that resulted from the hacking of Gawker's user account info earlier this month.The new tool,...

  • Web
    Chrome for Business: The Transition to the Cloud and the Race for the Enterprise

    The Chrome browser is a new entrant to the enterprise space. Until today, though, it really could not even be a consideration for most large corporate IT departments.Now it can at least be on the shelf as an option. Controls have been added that allow IT administrators to configure and...

  • Social
    Facebook Friends Recommend Movies, Music, Food & Now T.V. with Clicker

    Television shows, music, movies, good places to eat - these are all things that the typical five star review may be okay for, but it's really the personal recommendation from someone whose opinion you trust that matters the most. If everyone likes that Mexican joint down the street but your...

  • Web
    Google TV Update Offers Android Remote App, Makes Netflix Usable

    When I first plugged in my Logitech Revue Google TV unit, I was excited. Then, as I browsed around for the usual free content -, network websites like ABC or Fox - and found they were blocked from Google TV, I became a little distraught. It was only when...

  • Hack
    CouchOne’s J Chris Anderson On Decentralizing Twitter – And the Rest Of the Web

    J Chris Anderson, CFO of CouchOne, has been hosting a curious CouchApp on his personal site: Twebz. Twebz is a "decentralized Twitter client." We were curious about what that meant, so I did an interview with Anderson about the project. He says it's just a demonstration of what CouchApps are...

  • Web
    Appeals Court Rules Police Need a Warrant Before Reading Email

    The Sixth Court of Appeals handed down an important decision today, ruling that police must obtain a search warrant before going through emails stored by an Internet Service Provider. The case, United States v Warshak, is the first in which the court specifically addresses the question of whether or not...

  • Mobile
    What’s Google’s Interest in Zetawire? An Android Mobile Wallet

    Google quietly acquired mobile payments firm Zetawire yesterday, the deal having flown under the radar until analysts at the 451 Group saw a disclosure notice from the company's law firm, Fenwick and West, mentioning the acquisition.So what's Google's interest in a low-profile, early stage startup like the Toronto-based Zetawire? Apparently, the...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Technology 500 Awards Represented by Diverse Industries

    While tech companies are often lumped together in one big group, the technology industry actually has many unique sub-industries, as shown in Lead411'sTechnology 500 list. The list, designed to highlight the fastest growing companies in technology, ran the gamut from interactive advertising with first place winner Pontiflex, as well as...

  • Web
    Richard MacManus’ Top 10 Web Products of 2010

    This month ReadWriteWeb is publishing a series of top 10 lists of the best products of 2010, each based on a specific category. This post is a little different, in that it's my own personal top 10 list of my favorite products of 2010. I'm not claiming these are the...

  • Web
    WikiLeaks, Anonymous & the Unfolding Cyberwar, 11 Days In

    It's been 11 days since the first batch of U.S. diplomatic cables was released by the online organization WikiLeaks.A lot has happened in those 11 days. Below is a recounting of the key events, issues and debates that have arisen. There's enough going on that it's almost sure to include...

  • Social
    Why Teens Don’t And Won’t Tweet

    I'm 16 and, unusually, I use Twitter quite a bit. I say unusually because perhaps you've heard that teens don't tweet. This first came to light last year when a 15-year-old Morgan Stanley intern wrote a report [PDF] where he explained that teens "realize they are not going to update...

  • Web
    I Know What You Read Last Summer – E-Readers and Privacy

    Since WikiLeaks released 250,000 secret U.S. government cables a little over a week ago, the world is suddenly terribly concerned about what we may or may not be reading. Some countries - and some U.S. government agencies - are blocking their people from accessing the Wikileaks site, for fear of...

  • Web
    How Online Reading Habits Have Changed Over 2010

    One of the more subtle trends of 2010 has been the way that our reading habits have changed, due to a convergence of other Web trends: mobile apps, real-time Web (mostly Twitter), and social networking as a way to track news (mostly Facebook). In the previous era of the Web,...

  • Web
    Wikileaks’ Assange May be TIME’s Person of the Year

    Wanted by the law across multiple countries, threatened with military action by US hawks, shut out by internet vendors from Amazon to PayPal, Wikileaks leader Julian Assange may still be named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year for 2010. He's currently leading in the magazine's online poll, ahead of the...

  • Web
    I Can’t Believe ReadWriteWeb Hasn’t Written About These Stories Yet!

    The internet is a big place and a lot happens on it every day. We try to cover the things we find most interesting, but in case you disagree with our judgement, here are some other things that smart people might want to know about today. We offer each with...

  • Web
    “Do Not Track” Web Policy Among Smart New Recommendations from FTC

    How can the web industry leverage the incredible potential of online user data while sufficiently protecting peoples' privacy? The Federal Trade Commission has issued today what it calls a proposed framework for business and policy makers towards that end. Among its recommendations are a proposed feature for every web browser...

  • Web
    FCC Prepares to Vote on Net Neutrality

    After months of debate and legal setbacks, the FCC has placed a vote on net neutrality rules on the tentative agenda for its December 21 meeting. According to the agenda, the Open Internet Order involves "adopting basic rules of the road to preserve the open Internet as a platform for...

  • Web
    Every Tweet Counts: Google News Adds “Most Shared” Section

    Google News has begun experimenting with a section titled "most shared" on its home page, apparently tracking activity on outside social networks including Twitter. When people say that some amount of social technology is going to infiltrate every nook and cranny of the internet, they aren't kidding.The new feature has...

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