Results for "internet of things"

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  • Web
    The Growth of Linked Data

    The concept of Linked Data has largely been the domain of academics and geeks. But this is a new time and space for the Web and the possible uses of Linked Data are becoming more widely recognized.To illustrate the concept of Linked Data, Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch created the...

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    The Valley Lacks Flexibility, Not Talent

    Right now there are a lot of reports about large companies in the Valley not being able to find the talent they need. There are also a lot of reports about companies bending over backwards financially to retain the people they have.But what I found working for a large Valley...

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    Computer History Museum Goes High-Tech

    The Computer History Museum debuted its updated version last week. Improvements ran to $19 million and included a permanent space for the institution in Mountain View, California. It also included a push to upload the rest of the museum's collections and exhibits online by March of this year. The museum...

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    Florida Virtual School: Is This What the School of the Future Will Look Like?

    Although there's been much talk that the future of education will be online, the Florida Virtual School (FLVS), the country's first state-wide Internet-based public high school, is actually over a decade old. So for the 97,000 students who took classes via FLVS during the past school year, that future of...

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    Something’s Keeping Wikipedia from Becoming a Platform

    Creativity, they say, always builds on the past. So too do many wonderful things on the internet. What could be better to build the future on top of than our collective knowledge of the world as represented by Wikipedia? One startup technology company, recommendation service Hunch, announced today that it...

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    How Much is Flickr Worth to Yahoo? Not Very Much (Updated)

    When an internal announcement leaked out of Yahoo last month that it was "sunsetting" popular social bookmarking service Delicious, that service's users flew into a panic. Yahoo quickly backtracked on the plans and the service remains up and running, if minimally supported.Would Flickr survive the hemorrhaging at its parent company...

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    How Much is Flickr Worth to Yahoo? Not Very Much (Updated)

    When an internal announcement leaked out of Yahoo last month that it was "sunsetting" popular social bookmarking service Delicious, that service's users flew into a panic. Yahoo quickly backtracked on the plans and the service remains up and running, if minimally supported.Would Flickr survive the hemorrhaging at its parent company...

  • Web
    What Will Wikipedia Look Like in Another 10 Years?

    This weekend, everyone's favorite massively-collaborative online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Wednesday morning, we got on the phone with Wikipedia founder Jimmy  Wales and Wikimedia Foundation executive director Sue Gardner to find out about the site's past and, more importantly, its future.While the site's meager origins are retold...

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    Sponsor Post: Hunting Website Woes in 5 Steps

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

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    Sponsor Post: Hunting Website Woes in 5 Steps

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web
    Let Fury Have the Hour: Online, Angry Youth Sweep Away Old Structures of Dissent

    Two recent groups of cheesed-off kids have used online tools to circumvent both those who put them down and the creaky old activists who they believe no less authoritarian. Gaza Youth Breaks Out, from Palestine, and the fenqing, or "angry youth" movement in China have rejected the whole lot of...

  • Web
    Let Fury Have the Hour: Online, Angry Youth Sweep Away Old Structures of Dissent

    Two recent groups of cheesed-off kids have used online tools to circumvent both those who put them down and the creaky old activists who they believe no less authoritarian. Gaza Youth Breaks Out, from Palestine, and the fenqing, or "angry youth" movement in China have rejected the whole lot of...

  • Web
    Boxee Arrives on New NAS Box – And It’s Not Ugly!

    Iomega has just partnered with media center software maker Boxee on a new Network Attached Storage (NAS) device running the Boxee software. Boxee, which is available both as a downloadable application and as a low-cost hardware solution called the "Boxee Box" running that same software, lets you stream Internet content...

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    Big Data Giant Joins InfoChimps to Save the World’s Structured Information

    Sometimes highly accomplished people just have to join crazy little startups. It's always exciting to see what happens when they do. Data scientist Kurt Bollacker is one of those people; he's decided to join Austin-based bulk data marketplace startup Infochimps, one of the most interesting little companies we regularly write...

  • Web
    Kinect-Type Technology Promised for All PCs This Spring

    One of the companies behind what's called a key technology inside the XBox Kinect motion-controller says it has struck a deal with PC maker Asus to bring a similar interface to PCs. Matt Rosoff of Business Insider reports this afternoon that the company, PrimeSense, will show off its product called...

  • Web
    Kinect-Type Technology Promised for All PCs This Spring

    One of the companies behind what's called a key technology inside the XBox Kinect motion-controller says it has struck a deal with PC maker Asus to bring a similar interface to PCs. Matt Rosoff of Business Insider reports this afternoon that the company, PrimeSense, will show off its product called...

  • Mobile
    CES 2011 Preview: 3 Mobile Trends to Expect

    The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is almost upon us, and this time, it appears the general theme is "evolution" not "revolution." Like 2010's event, there will be e-books and tablets and newer and better TVs. There will be more 3D and Web-connected devices, including TVs, Blu-ray players and set-top...

  • Mobile
    CES 2011 Preview: 3 Mobile Trends to Expect

    The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is almost upon us, and this time, it appears the general theme is "evolution" not "revolution." Like 2010's event, there will be e-books and tablets and newer and better TVs. There will be more 3D and Web-connected devices, including TVs, Blu-ray players and set-top...

  • Web
    Crisis-Mapping Platform Ushahidi Announces Crowdmap:CI, “Check-ins With a Purpose”

    "Location" was one of the buzzwords of 2010, but arguably some of the most interesting developments weren't how people checked in via Foursquare and the like. Rather, they were the ways in which people used mobile phones and mapping to report other things. The most notable example of this is...

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    2011 Staff Predictions

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

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