Results for "internet of things"

We found 4773 results for your search.
  • Web
    Memorial Day: RWW’s Coverage of Military Tech

    In the U.S., Memorial Day has devolved into a notoriety based mostly on picnicking and fabulous savings at big-box stores. However, it started life as a memorial called Decoration Day, first started by freed slaves in South Carolina to honor the Union soldiers who had died in a war that...

  • Web
    Zero-Day “Cookiejacking” Hack Affects All IE Browsers, But Is It Serious?

    A sophisticated new hack has emerged as a zero-day exploit for all versions of Internet Explorer. Dubbed "cookiejacking," it is a way for hackers to take control of users browser identities and thus be able to impersonate them on Facebook, Twitter or any encrypted bank or retail site. A play...

  • Web
    Defending Innovation and Net Neutrality at eG8 [Video]

    At the eG8, 20th century ideas clashed with the 21st century economy. The inaugural eG8 forum, held in Paris before the G-8 summit of global leaders, showed that online innovation and freedom of expression still need strong defenders. As Nancy Scola reported at techPresident, at the eG8, civil society groups...

  • Hack
    Hacker Chat: Program or Be Programmed Author Douglas Rushkoff

    Douglas Rushkoff is the author of Program or Be Programmed, in which he makes the case for learning about programming. In his keynote speech this week at Webvisions, he said that the difference between programmers and non-programmers isn't like the difference between drivers and mechanics. It's more like the difference...

  • Social
    New Twitter Feature Offers “Out of Body” Experience

    Twitter has begun rolling out a new feature that lets users view the world through another perspective, specifically through the perspective of other specific people on Twitter. The new feature will appear on the /following page of any profile on the site and will display the most recent messages from...

  • Work
    Does Your Enterprise Have a Social Media Policy?

    If not, now is the time to craft one, or at least start thinking about how to go about the process. We've written earlier about the unintended consequences of social media posts and how there is no delete button for the Internet. But more important than removing posts is in...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Reveals More about Windows Phone “Mango”

    This morning in New York, Microsoft held a VIP Preview event showcasing the next major release of its Windows Phone mobile operating system (OS), known by its code name, "Mango." The press conference, intended for media and analysts, comes on the heels of a string of updates about the next-gen...

  • Mobile
    Miro 4 is Out! Introduces Android Sync, Home Network Sharing & More

    Today, the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF) has launched Miro 4, an updated version of its desktop media player which now introduces a notable new feature: the ability to sync with Android phones and tablets.Previously, the software was used for finding, viewing, downloading and sharing digital media discovered through a variety...

  • Web
    Google eBooks Get Search, Translation & Definitions

    Pick up a book like James Joyce's Ulysses and you'll likely want a library at your side to help define, translate and help give the context needed to understand the plethora of heady content inside. Before the days of the Internet, reading some of the more scholarly literary texts involved...

  • Entertainment
    Slacker vs. Rdio vs. MOG: Which Streaming Music Service is Worth Your $10/Month?

    Slacker Radio, an Internet radio service similar to streaming music giant Pandora, has just introduced a new tier to its subscription service: a $9.99 per month Premium version which offers music on-demand. Previously, as the name implies, Slacker Radio was more focused on a radio-like experience, where you listen to...

  • Social
    Facebook Allegedly Hired PR Firm to Smear Google

    According to the Daily Beast, Facebook has hired public relations firm Burson-Marsteller to pitch negative stories about Google to media outlets. The campaign was uncovered on May 3, when blogger Chris Soghoianposted emails he had received from BM's John Mercurio. "I wanted to gauge your interest in authoring an op-ed...

  • Web
    As Networks Extend Agreement, Can Hulu Ever Fulfill Its Potential?

    Hulu is close to extending its agreement with its TV networks that will ensure that the video service will remain intact for the foreseeable future, according to AllThingsD. The agreement will keep programming from NBC, Fox and ABC on the service as the parent companies of NBCUniversal, News Corp. and...

  • Web
    5 Questions to Ask Before Renting Google Chromebooks

    The desktop issue is one of the biggest challenges to face the enterprise. Tablets, smartphones, laptops, netbooks and personal computers are all part of the mix.Google's Chromebook for business is symbolic of this shift. It represents the mainstream acceptance of conducting business online and how we view the role of...

  • Web
    A Huge Facebook Flash-Mob is Amassing Right Now in Brazil (And it Points Towards the Future of the Web)

    In the past 24 hours, more than forty thousand people have signed up on Facebook to attend a flash mob barbecue this weekend in Higienopolis, a wealthy neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Sao Paulo state government conceded yesterday to demands from the Neighborhood Association to block construction of a...

  • Web
    Will Chromebooks for Education Be a Good Deal for Schools?

    Having long wooed the educational market with its Apps for Education suite of productivity tools, Google is now poised to bring to students and teachers the hardware necessary to take full advantage of these Web-based apps and of the Web itself. Google's Chromebooks for Education announcement at Google IO this...

  • Web
    Google to Rent $20/Month Laptops

    Google will begin renting laptop computers for $20 per month, a senior Google executive told Forbes. The laptops will run Google's Chrome OS, a computer operating system that does away with local storage and applications in favor of a Web browser...and only a Web browser. The browser, of course, is...

  • Web
    Google’s Picasa Uploader Addresses Camera-to-Cloud Problem on Chrome OS

    Google has launched a test extension for its Chrome Web browser and browser-based Chrome OS computer operating system which seems to solve the problem of easily moving photos from a camera to online services like Google's Picasa. This is more of challenge for Google's so-called "cloud" operating system, Chrome OS,...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Can Take Skype to The Next Level: Mobile & Living Room

    Microsoft is acquiring Skype for a reported $8.5 billion in cash. There has been a lot of speculation about what this might mean for Skype, the leading Internet telephone and chat service with around 663 million registered users. For consumers, there are two key aspects to this deal which will...

  • Mobile
    Humble Barcode Scanning Could End Up Changing Your World

    Social shopping mobile app ShopSavvy does a lot of things but one of the things it does particularly well is license out its barcode scanning technology through a software developers' kit. The Dallas, Texas company announced this afternoon that it hit a landmark 500 licensees. The company offers multiple forms...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone and Android, April 2011 Edition

    In this continuing series, we round up some of our favorite new applications for smartphones each month, specifically for iPhone and Android devices. This spring edition is one of the longest lists yet - there have been a number of incredible new launches to highlight this past month. (And yes,...

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