Results for "internet of things"

We found 4773 results for your search.
  • Web
    Imprisoned Syrian Blogger a Fake: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Gay Girl in Damascus a straight man in Scotland. When the "cousin" of blogger "Amina Abdallah Arraf" reported her abduction, people around the world were upset. This lesbian, half-American Syrian blogger seemed like someone they could relate to. Soon, questions arose and, in part due to the efforts of NPR's...

  • Work
    What I Learned From Our 2WAY Summit, Part 2

    This is the second half of my thoughts about what enterprise IT folks need to takeaway from attending and speaking at our 2WAY conference this past week. You can find part 1 here.I'll cover some of the breakout sessions on the second day as well as additional thoughts gleaned from...

  • Web
    The Arab Spring: A Status Report on Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain

    The Arab Spring - the Jasmine Revolution - the hashtag revolts - the uprisings in the Arab World: whatever you call them, they're ongoing and as long as they go on, their proponents and opponents use, and misuse, technology. Technology played a great role in communications between protesters in Tunisia,...

  • Web
    The Chromebook: Ready for the Web, Not Ready to Replace Your PC

    The Chromebook is ready for the Web, but is the Web ready for the Chromebook? This is the fundamental question you must ask yourself before deciding to fork over $400 to $500 dollars for one of the new Google Chrome-powered notebook computers, available as of today. The Chromebook, with initial...

  • Web
    Fred Wilson on “Content Shifting”: How Our Multiple Devices & Platforms Change Our Media Consumption

    Find an article you want to read while you're browsing the Web on your laptop and Instapaper it so you can read it later on your iPad. Notice a video that a friend shares via Facebook and flag it to watch later on your home TV via Boxee. Hear a...

  • Work
    Tracking the Online Threat Analysis Centers

    While the Homeland Security Department no longer color-codes its threat levels, several security vendors offer up their own dashboards with all sorts of eye candy designed to keep track of which viruses and malware are heading yourway. Here is a brief rundown of the more popular services. All of them...

  • Web
    W3C Launches Community Groups to Help Create Web Standards

    The World Wide Web Consortium is trying to make it easier for developers and Internet stakeholders to create and define Web standards. Right now, the ability to define and create a Web standard is to create the standard and present it through a W3C working group. Yet, when it comes...

  • Social
    Startups and Buffer Team Up on Tools to Curate the Web

    Two startups aimed at tackling the problem of excessive noise on Twitter are combining forces. Twitter-powered new reader is partnering with tweet-scheduler Buffer to surface the top stories in your social stream each day and tweet them at regular intervals.Think of as an automated curator of stories in...

  • Web
    The Atavist: How Multimedia Should Be Done in Digital Magazines

    As media consumption devices evolve, so too does the form content takes on those devices. A great example is a new iPad and iPhone app called The Atavist, which is changing the way nonfiction stories are created and sold. Co-founder Evan Ratliff told the audience at the AdAge Creativity and...

  • Web
    After 20 Years, Is The Website About to Become Extinct?

    One of the highlights of Internet Week New York, the annual Internet festival in NYC, has been the Digital Archaeology exhibit. It charts the evolution of websites and web design over the past 20 years: from the first ever website in 1991, the CERN site by the Web's inventor Tim...

  • Hack
    RunKeeper Opens HealthGraph API to the Public

    RunKeeper, a mobile application for tracking your exercise and online community for fitness buffs, opened its API to the public today. Dubbed the HealthGraph, it will provide access to the variety of health and fitness data stored in RunKeeper, such as exercise, sleep, weight and blood pressure. Developers will then...

  • Mobile
    How iCloud Could be Apple’s Shot Against Android

    The most believable of the iCloud rumors is that Apple's upcoming service is a "Cloud iTunes" - meaning a way to access all your music, movies, podcasts and more from any Internet-connected Apple mobile device like the iPhone or iPad. Some think it may be much more than that - imagining...

  • Computers
    Nokia Not Ready for a Tablet — Yet

    If cell phone maker Nokia rolls out a tablet device one day, it will be late to a game where its competitors have a big head start. Some observers think the company would be better off focusing all its resources on a successful smartphone portfolio first, then worry about a...

  • Web
    Serial CEO Judy Estrin On Startups and Innovation

    Judy Estrin is a serial entrepreneur, having started seven tech companies since 1981. She was the former CTO of Cisco Systems from 1998-2000, and is on the boards of Disney and Packet Design and was a board member at Sun and FedEx for many years. She wrote Closing the Innovation...

  • Mobile
    A World of Possibilities Open to Hewlett-Packard If It Licenses WebOS

    Speaking at the D9 conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. today, Hewlett-Packard CEO Leo Apotheker said that it is a possibility that WebOS might end up on devices other than what HP manufactures."It is certainly something we would entertain," Apotheker said, according to AllThingsD. About 130 miles south in San...

  • Web
    Why You Should Really Care About Groupon & Living Social

    As an entrepreneur it can be dizzying to watch Groupon and Living Social grow so quickly, raising huge venture rounds at massive valuations while contemplating multiple billion dollar acquisitions and IPOs. While certainly this is something even the most disciplined founders find themselves dreaming about, the experience is such an...

  • Mobile
    Sync: Why is it Still Not Solved?

    The current Internet era is characterized by multiple devices, including mobile phones, tablets, Internet TVs, netbooks, laptops, and of course the good old PC. One of the key services needed in this multi-device online world is reliable synchronization. Yet faulty or not-quite-optimal sync is one of the problems I experience...

  • Web
    Is Microsoft’s Future in Data-as-a-Service?

    The "realist" view on Microsoft's future is that Windows and Microsoft Office licenses will continue to be the company's bread and butter, and that enterprise-focused cloud initiatives like Azure and Office 365 will supplement this growth. In this view Microsoft's struggles in mobile, the rapid growth of Apple and the...

  • Hack
    Nightwork: A History of MIT Hacks

    A delightful book that should be on your summer reading list, or a potential gift for your favorite geek, is a new offering from MIT Press called Nightwork: A History of Hack and Pranks at MIT. (updated link) For those of us that went to lesser engineering schools (or perhaps...

  • Web
    Next Century’s Winners Will Master Machine-to-Object Communication, Leading Observer Says

    Machine to machine (M2M) communication, from automobile monitoring systems to card-swiping dongles to Web-connected home appliances, something many people have been excited about for years, is finally hitting mainstream markets in a big way. But connected devices could be surpassed in importance by passive tracking of connected objects, due to...

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