Results for "internet of things"

We found 4769 results for your search.
  • Web
    3 Data Rights We Must Demand from Companies

    Last week while covering a tool for analyzing your iPhone location data (or as it turns out, your nearby cell tower and hotspot location data), I mused on my long-time interest in data portability - giving users access to and control over their own data. It's an idea we've been...

  • Work
    Bruce Sterling and Vernor Vinge on Augmented Reality in the Workplace

    Miami University's Augmented Reality Research Group developed an Android app that helps librarians find mis-shelved books and determine where they should go. It's a simple idea, and one that could save librarians hours of drudgery (or cost many temps their jobs, but that's another story). Sounds a lot more useful...

  • Web
    Why Color May Be The Next Twitter

    Love it or loath it, the smartphone app Color is one of the most innovative Web products to have launched this year. It has a user experience that is as unique and different as Twitter was 5 years ago. This has led to confusion about how to use Color and...

  • Web
    Yahoo Buys IntoNow: Paradigm Shift or Wasted Potential?

    Yahoo announced today that it has purchased Palo Alto-based IntoNow, the television content identification platform and iOS application. When we wrote about Yahoo's new direction with Internet TV in January, we praised it as a paradigm shift. Similarly, we predicted that SoundPrint, the technology behind IntoNow, could act as a...

  • Mobile
    How Location is Changing the Way We Work

    With the Internet has come a new breed of worker: the telecommuter. A business owner, employee, or freelancer, someone who telecommutes is able to work from home rather than from a designated office building. According to the latest American Community survey data, about 2% of Americans - some 2.8 million...

  • Mobile
    Will Hotmail Get Offline Storage Before Gmail?

    Microsoft is working on an HTML5-enabled version of its Hotmail Web application, according to a new report from ZDNet. The updated version will deliver offline storage capabilities, which means webmail users will be able to access their email even when an Internet connection is not available. A similar feature is...

  • Web
    Fwix Aims to be the Google of the Place-Based Web

    The rise of the mobile web and the integration of our online and offline experiences point towards one big opportunity: for the world's information to be organized by place. Hyperlocal news service Fwix today announces a new service that allows any other application developer to pull the names, locations and...

  • Web
    Privacy & the Power Meter App Platform: 5 Recommended Policies

    Someday soon your home power meter will likely be tracking your electricity consumption very closely, graphing it over time, recommending the best time to run your utilities and more. Cities laced with Smart Grids, giant spiderwebs of wires connecting Smart Meters in our homes. We'll get cost savings, rational planning,...

  • Web
    Second Blogger to Ever Die in Prison: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Bahraini blogger dies in custody. In the midst of protests in that Gulf country that have already seen casualties, and following the arrest of a poet, Bahraini blogger Zakariya Rashid Hassan al-Ashiri died Saturday while in custody of the country's security services.According to Al Jazeera, the official statement said that...

  • Social
    Has Facebook Disappeared 40% of Its Chinese Users?

    On April 5th, two days after the arrest of artist and architect Ai Weiwei, 250,000 Facebook users disappeared, according to Shanghaist. Citing data from SocialBakers, a Facebook metrics site, they discovered not a tapering off, as of loss of interest, but a sudden, instantaneous drop-off. Two things are contemporary with...

  • Web
    What Does That Much-Hyped, Over-Used, Muddled Word “Cloud” Really Mean?

    I've been involved with computers my whole life, but over the years, I've taken multiple sabbaticals from the devices. Upon my return about a year and a half ago, there was a new term being thrown around - "cloud".I wasn't sure what was going on, but everyone was very excited...

  • Technology
    MeeGo Summit Fi – Apps,Stream & Get involved

    This week welcomes the start of the MeeGo Summit in Tampere (Finland). Although the summit itself quickly sold out the Meegathon competition still has space for new teams. Further information can be found at but some of the key points to keep in mind are: *Teams don't have to...

  • Work
    Live Blog: IBM Impact, Application Servers and the 100 Year Transformation

    IBM is announcing its biggest release for WebSphere in the past four years. It is also naming the application server one of its top technologies for its centennial celebration.We're here at IBM Impact to live blog the news about the transformation in application server technology and how the company fits...

  • Web
    Streaming or Buying Books: Will Readers Choose a Subscription Model for E-Books?

    When Amazon launched its new Cloud Drive a few weeks ago, it prompted a debate in the ReadWriteWeb editorial room about whether or not the future of music involved downloads and ownership - as supported by Amazon's cloud stage - or streaming and subscription - as provided by any number...

  • Web
    Should Companies Restrict Web Access For Employees? Maybe a Little.

    Earlier today I was sitting in my office and, having crossed five tasks off the sticky note affixed to my laptop, checked in on Twitter, where amidst a slew other 140-character tidbits, lead New York Times tech blogger Nick Bilton had just shared a link to a rather interesting story...

  • Social
    TweetDeck’s Web App Coming to All Major Browsers

    TweetDeck's Web application, which made its Chrome Web Store debut back in December, has generally proved to be a worthy alternative to the TweetDeck AIR application for the desktop. However, up until today, the Web app only worked with Google's Chrome Web browser.  Now, says the company, TweetDeck is coming...

  • Social
    10 Smart Links You Missed on Twitter on Today

    Toyota Kills Scion iPhone Jailbreak Theme After Apple Complains via @dailytechCalifornia's CTO: If government agencies spent 10% of their time on social media, "it would be the equivalent of hiring 10 to 15 staffers." via @ohmygov"What are we building? We are building augmented reality glasses for the masses."...

  • Web
    3taps Wants to Democratize the Exchange of Data

    The Web is awash in "exchange data" - from apartment listings on Craigslist to job listings on LinkedIn, Monster and Twitter. There are handcrafted goods on Etsy and real estate offerings on Zillow. But each site offers its own method for hosting similar data, with the end user left to...

  • Web
    Patent Protection? Google Bids Nearly $1 Billion for Nortel’s Patents

    Our current patent system is a mess, many industry observers contend, and the number of patent lawsuits currently underway regarding technology IP borders on the ridiculous. To say that everyone is suing everyone doesn't feel like much of an exaggeration. Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, RIM, Motorola, Google, and more - all...

  • Web
    E-Books: The New Frontier for Content Farms

    Recent changes to Google's search algorithm have sought to reduce the rankings of what Google has described as "low quality" and "low value add" sites. And while some of these websites have seen a significant drop in traffic, we may find that content farms aren't eradicated. Rather, they're relocating. Impact...

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