This week welcomes the start of the MeeGo Summit in Tampere (Finland). Although the summit itself quickly sold out the Meegathon competition still has space for new teams. Further information can be found at but some of the key points to keep in mind are:
*Teams don’t have to use the AR drone in their entry.
*Team members will be able to register for the conference even though they are full
The event will also be streaming over the internet. Please visit the streaming page once the conference has started (15-16th of April).
Other things to wet your appetite with include:
BoF Sessions Still Available
Participants can still suggest new BoF sessions as we have space left for some. Get to know the community better! See our program for more info.
Meegathon Contest Still Accepting Teams
Teams taking part in our contest will have 24 hours to finish their project. Did you know that only one member has to be on site? Read more here.
Intel AppUp Developer Program Participating
Read more about Intel’s AppUp Application Lab here.
MeeGo Summit FI Andoid and Maemo apps
If you are attending the conference there is also an Android and Maemo Summit Timetable app. Download from Android or Maemo . Thanks to Jussi Saarinen
If you would like us to cover your MeeGo news, then please contact us on Twitter
Let the fun begin !!!