Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Web
    Browsers in 2011: Chrome & Mobile Safari on The Rise

    In our Top Consumer Products of 2011 list, we selected the Chrome web browser as our number 1 pick. Its market share has grown over 2011 and it's on track to surpass Firefox as the 2nd most popular browser on the desktop (exactly when it passes Firefox depends on whose...

  • Developer
    Developer Experience: Porting the Antix* Game Player to MeeGo

      The developers at Antix Labs* had an innovative idea: What if people could enjoy high-performance games across all of their devices, just like they're used to doing with music, photos, videos, and documents? The Antix Game Player* (AGP) is a middleware layer that allows users to do exactly this....

  • Mobile
    Blue vs. Pink: What Role Does Gender Play In Mobile Phone Usage?

    A new study by Compete shows that women are adopting smartphones more quickly than men. In 2011, women outnumbered men in a study of smartphone owners by gender. This goes directly against findings in 2010, at which point there were more male than female smartphone owners. Of the types of...

  • Work
    Zuckerberg Answers FTC with Added Adroitness, Bureaucracy

    You have to admit, he's getting better at this. Four years ago, in response to numerous public complaints - many of them in court - about its plans to share aggregate user data with third parties, Facebook responded in a flat, dismissive tone that users were given every opportunity to...

  • Hack
    Built-in Dev Tools in Firefox 10 Look More Chrome-ish

    For most of its existence, Firebug has been the de facto JavaScript developers' console for Firefox; and for several years, most Web development in general involved Firebug to at least some extent. Now with HTML5 developers expecting to see more workbench functionality built into the browser, Firefox finds itself in...

  • Web
    Entrepreneurship Sucks

    The sad state of affairs is that working for yourself is really just a worse version of working for somebody else We really, deeply, unabashedly, lust after entrepreneurship. It's the dream job. Do whatever you want! No rules! Your own office, your own schedule, everything exactly the way you like...

  • All Categories
    Applications: Open Source and the Open Road, Part 1

    Automotive electronics are becoming more sophisticated each year, and it's reaching the point at which some cars may soon need built-in operating systems in order for people to use them properly. Not too far in the future, if you buy a new car, you may find that Android or a...

  • Mobile
    Poll: What Are The Benefits, Detriments to a Facebook Smartphone?

    So, there is going to be a Facebook Phone, if a week long series from AllThingsD can be trusted. It will come from HTC, the same original equipment manufacturer that brought us the ChaCha and the Salsa, some of the first smartphones with the "F" button concept that brought users...

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    HTML5 Game Development Tutorial: Breakout Part I

    This is the first in a series of tutorials on developing a full featured version of Breakout. This tutorial will cover drawing primitive objects on the screen using the Canvas element and developing the basic game screen. Before we get started, check out the finished Breakout game demo. We will...

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    Leveraging HTML 5.0

          Leveraging HTML 5.0 and Social Media for Mobile Search Engine Optimisation Super-hot HTML 5.0 tag elements to increase your buisness’es social mindshare HTML 5.0 is Hypo-Text MySpace Language Designed for iPhone and iPad Can also use on aNdroid and blackBerry HTML 5.0 is made of 2 things...

  • All Categories
    28 HTML5 Features, Tips, and Techniques you Must Know

    This industry moves fast — really fast! If you’re not careful, you’ll be left in its dust. So, if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with the coming changes/updates in HTML5, use this as a primer of the things you must know. 1. New Doctype Still using that pesky, impossible-to-memorize XHTML...

  • Mobile
    Like Dwolla, SCVNGR is Building Local Mobile Payments Groundswell With LevelUp

    SCVNGR, by its nature, is a social-based location game. It has partnerships with brands and universities, but, as CEO Seth Priebatsch will admit, it does not inherently lead to sales at the register. Location-based social game mechanics are not inherently transactional. That is where the company's newest product, LevelUp comes...

  • Social
    How Barack Obama Can Go Beyond A Brand Using Google+

    The President of the United States has just joined Google+. Well, sort of. This new page is actually a Google+ brand page for the Obama For America 2012 campaign. Republican presidential nominees Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul had already joined Google+, and while none...

  • Hack
    IBM’s Andy Piper (Part 2): How MQTT Averts a ‘Thing-in-the-Middle’ Attack

    Although we've described it as a separate Web for devices, not people, Andy Piper of IBM's WebSphere MQ messaging team emphatically describes MQTT protocol in ways that are not at all analogous to the HTTP protocol we're accustomed to. Endpoint devices with low battery power and extremely limited networking -...

  • Web
    How To Store Your Files in The Cloud – And Why You’d Want To

    So far in our series exploring cloud computing for consumers, we've looked at calendars and music. In the multi-device world we now live in, files from your computer are also increasingly being stored in the cloud.One of the leading Internet companies of this era is essentially a hard drive in...

  • Work
    Cautious Optimism Follows SOPA Hearings: Don’t Get Cocky

    Crisis averted, so far. Last week's hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was stacked in favor of the Internet blacklist bill but we seem to have come out unscathed.Public outcry against the bill rallied enough opposition to keep it from sailing through. Google testified against the bill, MasterCard...

  • Mobile
    The Game of Phones: How 5 Top Tech Companies Plan to Win

    There is an epic battle taking place before our eyes, in our pockets and in our wallets. Smarthones have come to dominate consumer behavior and the headlines of media. What is the newest development with the iPhone? What are the newest and hottest Android devices this week? Can Microsoft make...

  • Mobile
    Developer Hacks Siri to Control More Devices, Makes it So Much Cooler

    If you thought the idea of using your voice to control your smartphone was neat, just wait. One developer has hacked Siri to allow it to control third party devices, starting with his WiFi-enabled thermostat. In what he says is his first-ever Ruby project, St. Louis developer Pete Lamonica set...

  • Web
    eBay Bets $80 Million on Personalization, Acquires Recommendation Technology Hunch

    Every ecommerce site needs to customize and personalize products for fast-moving Internet consumers. eBay is no stranger to this. In a quest to further personalize its recommendations, today eBay acquired It will use the new technology to ramp up its ecommerce recommendations, including predictive merchandising, interpreting unstructured data and...

  • Work
    How Much Would You Pay For Your Next .COM?

    The days of speculating on Internet domain names have been with us almost as long as when one could first purchase a .COM back in the middle 1990s. But is there any way to really quantify things to figure out whether you are better off with a particular suffix? Given...

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