Find His Porn exploits the paranoid and takes advantage of the naive consumers it proposes to help. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap.
Sometimes it’s difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ as well. This is a new feature at ReadWriteWeb so we covet your feedback. If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments below or reach out to me directly at robyn at
Find His Porn: Evil Website of the Week
If ReadWriteWeb routinely pointed out the evil websites of the world, Find His Porn would definitely make it on that list. While it promises to “empower women”, it’s more likely to cause more communication issues in your relationship than it helps. In addition, we’re not entirely sure it’s safe to use. We are entirely sure it’s useless.
ReadWriteWeb commenter, mcbutterbuns, wondered why men too weren’t being targeted as customers:
What about Women look at porn too yet this website makes it look like a male only issue.
Silverlight Stall: Microsoft Says Final Word on v5 ‘in the Coming Weeks’
In the comments, ReadWriteWeb commenter,Scott Barnes, Former Silverlight Product Manager, says:
Firstly, Somasegar is basically in caretaker mode. Having had a heart attack and pretty much been riding hassle free off the back of Scott Guthrie its basically a case of Captain sleep at the helm since Guthrie moved over to Azure.
Half the Silverlight team core leadership / membership are also either moving or have their eyes on moving so in reality anyone left holding the keys to this car isn’t exactly thinking “where will I be in 5 years” with regards to Silverlight. Instead they’d be looking for the exits as fast as possible especially given end of year reviews are in place along with upcoming final reviews …musical chairs will kick in.They will release SL5, typically we’ve always had the plug-in ready for release when its in CTP and all thats missing is stabilizing the builds and tooling to catchup. I’d wager tooling is whats holding SL5 release hostage given the current tooling schedules will primarily be focused on Windows 8 release next year – if they aren’t then they are crazy.
Chrome is Now the #2 Browser Behind Internet Explorer, Beating Firefox
ReadWriteWeb commenter, pascalts, expressed concerns about the privacy of personal data:
Only Firefox will ensure that no personal data is sent to Google/US corporations. Using Chrome is like being a tracked google robot, since Chrome sends to google most of the things you type and do in Chrome. Firefox forever 🙂
Brightcove Extends Its Video Platform to Host HTML5 Apps
Sam Abadir, appMobi CTO, comments:
For practical purposes if you need specialized device capabilities like a video player or camera access, then hybrid HTML5/native apps are probably the best way to go today – no argument there. But … once you are in this space for a while you have to make a choice – either you accelerate the world’s movement to a level playing field on the open web or you reinforce the strength of the walled gardens. That’s why appMobi open-sourced it’s device APIs – so that a year from now the other browser and HTML5 standards developers may have incorporated the advancements we’ve made. No single vendor will be able to maintain a closed set of device APIs at a sufficient quality level. The scope of work is so large and the hidden issues so varied that, without collaboration, either the API set will not evolve fast enough to satisfy the needs of developers or they won’t work well on all the major device platforms.