Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Social
    Zuckerberg’s Letter to Shareholders: “Personal Relationships Are the Fundamental Unit of Our Society”

    Editor's note: As part of Facebook's initial public offering announcement today, founder Mark Zuckerberg included this letter to potential shareholders."Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission - to make the world more open and connected.We think it's important that everyone...

  • Web
    The Anti-Piracy Discussion We Haven’t Had Yet

    In 1959 (as I recall), my mother, an acclaimed professional artist, had entered a handful of her oil paintings into an annual art show. Someone attending the show noted that one particular work, the face of a peasant boy, strongly resembled a photograph that had appeared in Life magazine. Well,...

  • Web
    How YouTube is Part of a Global Economic Transformation

    The Internet may have grown up first in the United States, but it's a global phenomenon now. The same can be said for the fast-growing body of educational content on the web. YouTube announced a new batch of partners that were added to its Education Channel today and noted that...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: How Pinterest Impacts Purchases and More

    Alicia Eler looks at how Pinterest is impacting purchases. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed...

  • Social
    To Facebook Friend is Human, To Unfriend Divine

    The Facebook friendship is a sacred one. It is a voyeuristic portal into your ideas, links you like, viral (or not-so-viral) videos you share, cute puppy pictures and maybe even your relationship status. But there comes a time for certain Facebook friendships to end. Facebook defriending is part of our...

  • Web
    Twitter’s Censorship Policy: Three Unanswered Questions

    In June of 2009, leading up to the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square uprising, the Chinese government blocked access by its citizens to Twitter, Flickr and a number of other US-based websites. Social media being already widespread throughout the country, perhaps the Chinese government feared the possibility of events...

  • Social
    5 Signs of a Great User Experience

    If you've used the mobile social network Path recently, it's likely that you enjoyed the experience. Path has a sophisticated design, yet it's easy to use. It sports an attractive red color scheme and the navigation is smooth as silk. It's a social app and finding friends is easy thanks...

  • Web
    Data Privacy: What Bill Gates Said 10 Years Ago

    Today is International Data Privacy Day, an event backed by companies like Intel, Ebay, Facebook and Microsoft, and dedicated to educating data owners about best practices in protecting the privacy of consumer data.The need to keep people from being exploited on account of violations of their privacy is clear, well-known,...

  • Hack
    Netflix Engineer Daniel Jacobson: The API at the Root of Your Business

    The first place I had ever seen an API actually at work was as part of an operating system. It was a strange OS at that, a permutation of CP/M that used a graphical front end called GEM, which would later be ported to the Atari ST. The definition was...

  • Web
    What You Should Know About ACTA and Your Rights

    The most controversial measures of concern to Internet users in the final version of the international Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) for most Internet users are 1) that signing governments pledge to allow copyright holders a way to request, under court warrant, personal information about a suspected infringer from that person's...

  • Web
    Amateur Food Porn Has Got To Stop

    "We eat with our eyes," Iliana Regan told me, "and then it travels to our brain, and we love the sensation of the taste and the hot. I think it does a lot for the senses." Pretty steamy, right? Food is sexy. There can be no doubt. But just like...

  • Mobile
    Like a Gangly 8-Year-Old, the Mobile Web Needs to Grow Up

    Well, here we are in Twentytwelve. Supposedly it's the "year of the mobile" and all of our predictions about how we are going to use our mobile phones will finally come true.Although I believe this year will be a pivotal point in the history of mobile technology, we've got a...

  • Web
    Legal Analysis: How the Megaupload Defense Could Proceed

    There will be two battles fought simultaneously in defense of Megaupload, the cyberlocker site accused by the U.S. of hosting and publicizing illicit copyrighted material. One is in the public arena, where we can expect the defendant to portray itself as Robin Hood, not so much stealing content from the...

  • Work
    How Will Free Wikipedia Access Change Africa and the Middle East?

    Many of us take cheap high-speed Internet access for granted. I think nothing of downloading an MP3 album from Amazon MP3 while streaming a movie from Netflix on the Roku and browsing the Web on a powerful computer. That's not a luxury that's available to everyone, and in some parts...

  • Web
    The Shift From Watching TV to Experiencing TV

    Over half of all devices at this year's CES, the world's largest consumer electronics trade show, were Internet connected devices. Nearly 60% of those were non-traditional computing devices such as TVs, car devices, refrigerators and washing machines. In fact 90% of the TVs at CES were Internet-enabled. As more and...

  • Web
    The Shift From Watching TV to Experiencing TV

    Over half of all devices at this year's CES, the world's largest consumer electronics trade show, were Internet connected devices. Nearly 60% of those were non-traditional computing devices such as TVs, car devices, refrigerators and washing machines. In fact 90% of the TVs at CES were Internet-enabled. As more and...

  • Web
    The Shift From Watching TV to Experiencing TV

    Over half of all devices at this year's CES, the world's largest consumer electronics trade show, were Internet connected devices. Nearly 60% of those were non-traditional computing devices such as TVs, car devices, refrigerators and washing machines. In fact 90% of the TVs at CES were Internet-enabled. As more and...

  • Social
    Why People Have Fake Facebook Profiles

    It's late afternoon, and you're clicking around on Facebook. Then you stumble upon a person who appears to be Facebook friends with many of your mutual friends. This person is active on Facebook, posting links, videos, images and status updates. Still, something just seems off. A bit more digging reveals...

  • Social
    Meme Pool: Survival of the Fittest on Tumblr

    Mr. E.C. Mendenhall has built a robo-Tumblr called Meme Pool to experiment with the evolution of ideas. Just as a gene pool is the collection of all biological expressions (genes) in a population, a meme pool is the pool of memes, or transmittable ideas. Mendenhall's Meme Pool draws on Tumblr's...

  • Social
    It’s Not Wrong for Google to Focus on Its Own Users

    When Google shipped its Search, plus Your World update earlier this month, it turned out better than expected. Google left users the ability to click back and forth between personal and global modes or opt out altogether. Google's personal search draws in the user's Google+ relationships to tailor the results....

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