Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Social
    Why We Speak Freely on Social Networks

    We message on Facebook but in-person I'm awkward and you're shy. When our Twitter conversation went from @ messages to direct messages, you seemed more reserved and I felt more open to speak my mind. Let's follow each other on Pinterest and share the pictures that are in our mind....

  • Social
    Punk in Africa: 3 Chords, 3 Countries, 1 Revolution… and a Facebook Page

    When Keith Jones and Deon Maas first started trying to pull together the footage, sources and sound for their documentary, Punk in Africa, they found it slow going. It was only when they started leveraging a dedicated Facebook page and other social media tools did they start to make headway....

  • Mobile
    Everybody is Lying to Me and I Don’t Care

    Why do I feel like everybody is lying to me all the time? I cannot get around the idea that every technology company with a major platform is doing everything it possibly can to get as much data from me as it possibly can through any means necessary. No barriers...

  • Hack
    IBM VP Anjul Bhambhri on the Era of the Data Scientist

    Just a few short years ago, the problem of database size scaling to colossal capacities that exceeded the scope of entire network storage units, seemed insurmountable. Today, it's practically under control, with a wealth of open source technology emerging not from database engineers but rather from Internet architects. Hadoop has...

  • Web
    Give Google Some Credit

    Google's having a down moment in the press. It can't catch a break. Every public, top-level decision it's made recently is either the end of "Don't Be Evil" or impossibly optimistic. After all, "Giant Company Falls From Grace" is the kind of headline industry reporters dream of writing, so we...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Web
    Invalid Argument – Episode 0

    Well, we tried to tape our first episode of Invalid Argument today, but a clusterf--- of Google+ Hangout and YouTube bugs messed that one up pretty thoroughly. Google tells us that three different bugs combined today for a perfect storm. Anyone who tried to tune in live (we love you)...

  • Web
    NPR’s Music App For iPad is What Radio Should Look Like in the 21st Century

    Before the rise of smartphones and tablets, it was hard to imagine Internet audio content ever supplanting radio. The limited Web programming that was available may have been convenient to listen to at one's desk, but it didn't do much good in the car, on a jog or otherwise on...

  • Mobile
    Worldwide Reaction: Google’s Pending Absorption of Motorola

    If you think the smartphone you own today makes you more worldly, more cosmopolitan, then take a good look at this five-color geopolitical world map as perceived by Using data compiled from StatCounter's latest projections of mobile operating system usage country-by-country (the firm detects browser usage, and then backtracks...

  • Mobile
    Worldwide Reaction: Google’s Pending Absorption of Motorola

    If you think the smartphone you own today makes you more worldly, more cosmopolitan, then take a good look at this five-color geopolitical world map as perceived by Using data compiled from StatCounter's latest projections of mobile operating system usage country-by-country (the firm detects browser usage, and then backtracks...

  • Web
    Why Google Didn’t Build Search, Plus Your Body

    This week, Google improved search results for health-related queries. When it detects that you're searching for symptoms of illness, it displays a list of new search queries for health conditions that might be related. Google now crawls the Web and gathers health information from articles, producing this list algorithmically.Clicking an...

  • Social
    Flirting, Dating or Breaking Up on Valentine’s Day? There’s an App for That

    Today is Valentine's Day. If you're not coupled up, you're probably either laying low, thinking about flirting with someone, dropping witty one-liners all over the place, trying to figure out why your last relationship didn't work out or contemplating what "love" is, anyway. It's all pretty confusing, and the Internet...

  • Social
    Flirting, Dating or Breaking Up on Valentine’s Day? There’s an App for That

    Today is Valentine's Day. If you're not coupled up, you're probably either laying low, thinking about flirting with someone, dropping witty one-liners all over the place, trying to figure out why your last relationship didn't work out or contemplating what "love" is, anyway. It's all pretty confusing, and the Internet...

  • Work
    How Advanced Fraud Detection Services Work

    As anyone who has ever had a valid credit card charge questioned knows, there is a lot of fraudulent use of cards, and the Internet has made it even easier for the bad guys to exploit them. According to comScore, last year ecommerce in the U.S. reached record levels of...

  • Work
    How Advanced Fraud Detection Services Work

    As anyone who has ever had a valid credit card charge questioned knows, there is a lot of fraudulent use of cards, and the Internet has made it even easier for the bad guys to exploit them. According to comScore, last year ecommerce in the U.S. reached record levels of...

  • Entertainment
    New YouTube App Is “Big News” for Google TV

    Google updated the YouTube app for Google TV yesterday, bringing YouTube's channel-based redesign to the living room. It also adds a "Discover" tab for browsing new channels and videos to watch. The update also adds performance and navigation improvements.Yesterday, Google TV's Facebook page seeded that a big announcement was coming....

  • Web
    Is That Online Dating Profile Real?

    Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. People, especially Internet users, are either happily coupled up and doing something lovey-dovey, or they're hunting around on dating sites for their soulmate. Because, you know, true love only happens on the Internet. Unfortunately for some, there's danger in online dating."Cyber criminals are constantly looking for...

  • Web
    How Big Data From Connected Machines Gets Used

    "Big Data" is a hot topic these days, but there hasn't been a lot of discussion about the specifics of what will most likely be one of the biggest sources of data: newly web-connected devices in the home and workplace.I spoke this week with Bill Zujewski, Executive Vice President of...

  • Web
    A Proposal to Fix Online Identity

    Facebook's social graph of you isn't you. It's an approximation and an extrapolation based on little clues you've left lying around the Web. Using your Facebook or Google identity gives those services more data points about what you do, but that doesn't mean it substitutes for who you are.The central...

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