Results for "internet of things"

We found 4774 results for your search.
  • Web
    A Proposal to Fix Online Identity

    Facebook's social graph of you isn't you. It's an approximation and an extrapolation based on little clues you've left lying around the Web. Using your Facebook or Google identity gives those services more data points about what you do, but that doesn't mean it substitutes for who you are.The central...

  • Social
    [STUDY] 61% of Social Media Users Feel So Close To You

    Sometimes little things like a sweet comment on Facebook or a Twitter friend calling your tweet a "favorite" can really make a social networker bee's day. A new study from Pew finds that for the most part, adults are kind to each other on social media sites. In fact, 85%...

  • Web
    Stop Saying “Finally”

    FIIIINALLY!Google released a Chrome beta for Android! GODDDDD. What took them so long? All the Ice Cream Sandwich users have been waiting, like, FOREVER!Finally,Tweetbot for iPad came out. I've only been asking them for, like, EIGHT MONTHS! Jeez.Apple fiiiinallyreleased iTunes Match after a whole month, and it didn't even work...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012

    2012 started with a flourish of new apps across iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The holiday season is the busiest time of year for app publishers but the follow up in January was equally impressive. That is a testament to the growing app ecosystem and the number of developers starting...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for January 2012

    2012 started with a flourish of new apps across iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The holiday season is the busiest time of year for app publishers but the follow up in January was equally impressive. That is a testament to the growing app ecosystem and the number of developers starting...

  • Web
    LinkedIn Eats Rapportive: Let’s Hope the Magic Lives On

    Several years ago, I spoke on a panel at an advertising industry conference with Om Malik and Michael Arrington. Arrington, my former employer, was bored by the conversation and mocked me throughout it. One of the last questions we were asked on the panel was what technology we were most...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Path Steps In It and more

    Path uploads your entire address book to their servers. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in...

  • Technology
    Intel mulling on its own Tizen and Atom based Smart TV

    It is fair enough to say that Intel has lost its ground as far as Google TV is concerned. However, one should never write-off Intel from entering the Smart TV business and the company is exactly standing true to that. Yes, Intel is mulling on a Smart TV of its...

  • Web
    Why the “S&%t X Says to Y” Version of This Meme Exploded

    "The thing about memes is that through repetition, they create a shared language," says Dr. Julie Levin Russo, an adjunct assistant professor at Brown's Modern Culture & Media Program. "If you understand the premise of the meme, you can communicate a lot very easily, with whatever twist you're putting on...

  • Web
    Why the “S&%t X Says to Y” Version of This Meme Exploded

    "The thing about memes is that through repetition, they create a shared language," says Dr. Julie Levin Russo, an adjunct assistant professor at Brown's Modern Culture & Media Program. "If you understand the premise of the meme, you can communicate a lot very easily, with whatever twist you're putting on...

  • Mobile
    [Poll] What Is Facebook’s Best Mobile Monetization Strategy?

    You would think that a company with 423 million monthly active mobile users would find a way to squeeze some revenue out of them. Easier said than done. The biggest question to come out of Facebook's S-1 filing for its IPO was how the company could monetize its robust mobile...

  • Web
    Get Ready For a World of Connected Devices

    "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it." HAL; 2001: A Space OdysseyEditor's note: this is a longer version of ReadWriteWeb Editor-in-chief Richard MacManus' article for the SAY Media newsletter. The newsletter is delivered weekly and features SAY Media's take on media, culture, venn diagrams...

  • Web
    Convergence is Alive & Well in 2012

    Convergence. Remember that word from the dot com era? Well, it's back and this time it actually has substance. Convergence in the 90s meant combining old media with new media, a.k.a. the Internet. The 2000 merger of AOL and Time Warner was a failed $200 billion attempt at convergence. But...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Biggest Risks Explained

    Facebook is about to jump into unfriendly waters. If founder Mark Zuckerberg thought the company faced fierce competitors in Silicon Valley, he is about to find that the denizens of Wall Street are not nearly so forgiving. There are risks to going public. How does the world perceive your company?...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Biggest Risks Explained

    Facebook is about to jump into unfriendly waters. If founder Mark Zuckerberg thought the company faced fierce competitors in Silicon Valley, he is about to find that the denizens of Wall Street are not nearly so forgiving. There are risks to going public. How does the world perceive your company?...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Android Fragmention of Less Concern and More

    Dan Rowinski explores the ramifications of fragmentation in Android app development. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Android Fragmention of Less Concern and More

    Dan Rowinski explores the ramifications of fragmentation in Android app development. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you...

  • Web
    How IT Addresses the Growing Cost of Poorly Planned Changes

    "I like to describe the roots of all evil being unplanned, or poorly planned, changes," states Jimmy Augustine of HP Software. "Somewhere between 70% and 80% of all service disruptions are caused by faulty changes. Somebody goes in and makes a security change to a network device, and brings down...

  • Web
    WikiLeaks May Move Servers to International Waters to Avoid Shutdown

    It's been awhile since we've heard much from WikiLeaks. New leaked data continues to trickle out here and there and Julian Assange is even talking to the press, but major bombshells like the Iraq War Logs or Cablegate haven't been dropped since late 2010. Part of the relative silence has...

  • Web
    WikiLeaks May Move Servers to International Waters to Avoid Shutdown

    It's been awhile since we've heard much from WikiLeaks. New leaked data continues to trickle out here and there and Julian Assange is even talking to the press, but major bombshells like the Iraq War Logs or Cablegate haven't been dropped since late 2010. Part of the relative silence has...

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