Google recently released an update to the Android Market which introduces a new feature for mobile developers: the Application Statistics dashboard. This tool lets developers better see details regarding their application’s performance, status and trends, using charts, tables and other data. The information can be used to compare an app’s trends with those found in the rest of the Android Market. It can also serve as a resource in determining what to develop next, says Google.
The new dashboard provides a summary of each of a developer’s apps over time, plus its distribution across Android platform versions, devices, user countries, and user languages. According to a post on the official Android Developers blog, the dashboard also provides the comparable aggregate distribution for all app installs from Android Market. What that means is that developers can see how many people using the latest version of the Android OS are using their app, for example, and then can compare that number to overall Market trends related to the upgrade cycle.
The charts have been initially seeded with data going back to December 22nd, 2010, Google notes, and will be updated daily going forward.
Developers can access the dashboard by logging into the Market Developer Console. The resource is located on the main Listings page.