That is undoubtedly the single best headline ever written by a human being about a DOS emulator. You are welcome. You can’t teach AI this stuff.
Apple has made it easier to get emulation tools on its App Store of late but DOS-based emulators have run foul of the submission process for new apps, as they do not emulate a specific console. iDOS was a long-standing download already on the App Store until it was removed for breaking guidelines that state apps should be self-contained, and a recent update adding file access violated that.
Since then developer Chaoji Li has battled the system to get his emulator back online, despite numerous attempts and rejections but for now, at least the new iDOS 3 has made the grade and is downloadable (we kinda suggest you grab it quickly just in case) and Li said in a blog post, “It has been a long wait for common sense to prevail within Apple. As much as I want to celebrate, I still can’t help being a little bit cautious about the future. Are we good from now on?
“I hope iDOS can now enjoy its turn to stay and grow. Even though words feel inadequate at times, I would like to say thank you to the supporters of iDOS. In many ways, you keep iDOS alive.
IDOS is really intended for the iPad rather than the iPhone, if only for ease of command entry, and costs just $0.99 right now. Why on earth would you want MS-DOS on your device you are probably asking, but if you are looking to run classic DOS-based games in DOSBox this is as good as you will ever need.
There are so many great DOS games from back in the day, from the original LucasArts stuff like Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle, all the way to some proper hardcore flight simulators that would give DCS a real run for its money.
Featured Image: Daniel Dan (Pexels)
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