Sim Update 15, penciled in to be Microsoft Flight Simulator’s final major update before Flight Simulator 2024 lands, has been causing all sorts of problems for the devs and has now been further delayed, with no new release date mentioned.
Not for the first time, SIm Update 15 should have been released yesterday but yet more issues have come to light with the betas that are pushed into eager simmers hands that have brought the patch to another shuddering halt.
A post on the Flight Simulator forum started, “Due to new issues discovered in last week’s Sim Update 15 beta build (WASM “missing content” error, Xbox stuttering/freezing), SU15 will no longer release on 5/7 as we continue to investigate and work towards resolution.”
It went on to continue, “We are continuing to investigate the Xbox stuttering/freezing issue, which is related to the recent GDK update. In the interim, enabling rolling cache (instructions below) should reduce the likelihood of encountering stuttering/freezing for most simmers on Xbox. Please note this is not a fix for the issue, and it is still possible to encounter it with rolling cache enabled.
We aim to have a fix for the Xbox freezing/stuttering issue by next week (which will be flighted as soon as possible). Our sincere thanks to everyone who raised these issues and provided detailed repro steps. Your information has been a huge help in our investigation thus far.
Microsoft and Asabo will be keen to get Sim Update 15 right so as to minimize any disruption on the latest version of the game which is slated to arrive in the middle of this year, although again news has been in scant supply on that front lately too.
Fingers crossed all the planes come in to land in the next few weeks.