The Ice Breaker is one of the most iconic weapons in Destiny history thanks to its incredible versatility across all modes of the game.
However, even though Destiny 2 is ten years old at this point, it has only just made transition from the original game to the sequel.
Here, we’ll reveal how to get Ice Breaker in Destiny 2 so you can finally wield the classic regenerating ammo sniper once more.
Destiny 2 Ice Breaker: How to get
The make the Ice Breaker yours in Destiny 2, there is only one way of doing so – by completing the Vesper’s Host dungeon.
However, it isn’t a guaranteed reward and instead, it’ll be up to the Destiny gods to decide if it’ll drop for you or not.
You’ll know if you’re one of the lucky ones as soon as you beat the final encounter of the dungeon – The Corrupted Puppeteer – so no need to go hunting for any chests.
What’s great though if you don’t receive the Ice Breaker on your first completion is that the odds of it dropping increase after every time you do it. You can run it three times per week too since you’re able to play through on three different characters.
If you’re really unlucky in getting the Ice Breaker, there is a further drop rate increase that you can gain by completing various Triumphs.
These are Buried Secrets, Stationmaster, and Alone In The Dark, with the requirements needing you to head into the dungeon and perform various tasks.
If you’re dedicated to the Ice Breaker cause and keep running it with the Triumphs in mind too, you’ll have the sniper in no time, even if you are the last of your squad to get it!