Google just launched a page for Google+ developers. It will post news updates and info about events, conferences and hackathons. host weekly video hangouts to share updates, tips and tricks about the platform. Office hours are on Wednesdays between 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Pacific. Hopefully, this is a sign of upcoming API releases, so Google+ developers can start, you know, developing.

The Google+ Platform Blog has been pretty quiet. Google SVP Vic Gundotra said in October that Google+ doesn’t “want to make the same mistakes of others,” – referring to Twitter – by opening the API too quickly to developers and then having to clamp down later. He said to look ahead to Google I/0 (since rescheduled for June 27-29) for major platform announcements.
Vic Gundotra at Google I/O 2011

Google made some of the Google+ API available last year, but the capabilities are still extremely limited. Applications can currently read the main stream as well as search, +1s and comments. This has allowed aggregator apps like news readers to start pulling content from the Google+ stream. There are also basic ways to extend video hangouts with applications.
But because developers don’t yet have write access, Google+ is fairly isolated from the Web outside. The +1 button has become commonplace for sharing, but third-party applications that share easily to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and more still can’t post to Google+. Once Google opens up more write access to other clients, third-party contributions to the Google+ ecosystem will start to get interesting.
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See also: What Google Plus Needs to Do to Win Developers’ Hearts