Home Fortnite players fall into digital debt after V-Bucks glitch gets hammered

Fortnite players fall into digital debt after V-Bucks glitch gets hammered

Fortnite players exploiting a glitch to obtain more X-Box digital currency are now in digital V-Bucks debt.

Epic Games, owner of the Fortnite franchise has cracked down on a complicated loophole that some players took advantage of to boost their in-game balance books.

The popular Epic looter-shooter has become a microtransaction machine, dropping costly new cosmetics on a weekly and sometimes daily basis to entice users, and nefarious methods are often used as a means to pick these up more cheaply and with the recent Fortnite roadmap potentially being leaked were have an insight as to what might be to come for the rest of the year.

V-Bucks debt for cheaters

Certain workarounds in gaming can net players a small-term advantage or boost their balance for popular titles like Fortnite. This particular scam was dubbed “the Argentina method” by users on Reddit.

This digital fraud involved players using other countries, mainly Argentina, to acquire V-Bucks via a different version of the Microsoft online store. These players would then ask Epic for a refund on cosmetic items purchased via the scam and add more currency.

This method has come to a halt and these opportunistic Fortnite players are now waking up to a negative balance. The exploit was used prominently across the Fortnite community, but not all gamers had taken up the convoluted approach to adding more ill-gotten digital currency.

A well-known name in the Fortnite community NotPalo posted on X about the negative balance that scammers have been seeing:

“This method was literally scamming Xbox, so that’s why they removed everything,” he says.

FNBuzz, a community news provider would back up the news broken by NotPalo and share an image of a player in -6150 in V-Bucks debt on their socials:

Epic Games have not responded officially to this specific issue, but have been blunt in their “Why was an item removed from my account in Fortnite?” stance on the official site.

“Do not purchase V-Bucks or any other content from third-party sellers or websites. Do not use any third-party websites offering V-Bucks giveaways,” Epic’s message reads.

Some scammers remain undaunted on the Reddit entry, saying “Turkey is cheaper” and “It was good whilst it lasted.” So there will no doubt be another digital domain that these players can flock to now the Argentina method has been wiped out.

Image: Epic Games.


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Brian-Damien Morgan
Tech Journalist

Brian-Damien Morgan is an award-winning journalist and features writer. He was lucky enough to work in the print sector for many UK newspapers before embarking on a successful career as a digital broadcaster and specialist. His work has spanned the public and private media sectors of the United Kingdom for almost two decades. Since 2007, Brian has continued to add to a long list of publications and institutions, most notably as Editor of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, winning multiple awards for his writing and digital broadcasting efforts. Brian would then go on to be integral to the Legacy 2014,…

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