DCS World (or Digital Combat Simulator) if you prefer recently attracted a whole lot of new attention when sim aircraft dev Heatblur Simulations released its new F-4E Phantom fighter jet for the ever-popular combat flight sim.
Eagle Dynamics’ DCS World may be deemed as a hardcore sim that greatly benefits from having all the right gear, but that didn’t stop players clamoring to get into the new cockpit and pushing the game right back up the Steam charts shortly after the Phantom’s release.
The jet has been in development for ages and when released Heatblur said on its Facebook page, “After a few years of hard work; we’re finally here. Thank you for being with us on this journey, for your support, love, and endless encouragement. Thank you for being excited for what we’ve created and we truly hope you’ll enjoy flying our recreation of the F-4.”
With an undertaking of this size, however, it was inevitable that one or two issues were going to slip through the bug catchers and Heatblur is now hard at it to get hotfixes and patches out to fix things up.
The main issue seems to be radar-related in highly populated areas of the game with many blips causing big performance drops. A post on the DCS forums suggests a fix will be incoming sooner rather than later:
“We’re hotfixing a few issues in the radar that cause a massive drop in very very busy scenarios, as found on ECW. Hopefully, a hotfix will be available soon.”
No while there is no timeline yet with this project being a labor of love we are pretty sure a fix won’t be far out.
Meanwhile, Heatblur also suggested a fix for those playing in VR that were suffering from a wonky UI, stating “VR UI Cut-off: for this, please ensure that you check the “Use DCS Resolution” checkbox in your DCS misc. settings. This will hopefully correct this issue. A more robust handling of this for all internal and external VR resolutions for this will hopefully be developed soonest.
For our full guide on everything DCS and getting going, don’t forget to check out our Everything you need to know page.