Marshall Kirkpatrick’s the reason I get to draw these here every week, and on Friday, he announced he’s going to be launching a startup.
For me, this is one of those things that triggers the same surge of admiration, awe and vicarious terror that I have when I hear the words “So, we had our ultrasound and it’s triplets.”
Even when you know the people involved have razor-sharp minds, an intimate knowledge of their industry, creative ingenuity and rock-solid business sense – and with Marshall, I feel like I can tick the “all of the above” box – you also know there are going to be a lot more sleepless nights in their future, and a lot less uncorroded stomach lining.
But there’s also the excitement of building something new and amazing that wasn’t there before, something that wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for you, something that could change the world for the better. Maybe in a small way, maybe in a big one.
And that’s what makes it worth the risk, whether the venture you’re talking about is commercial, social, scientific or artistic.
Good luck with the triplets, Marshall.