Heading outside this Labor Day weekend? (Or, as we spell it in Canada, “Labour Dauy”?)

Well, enjoy – provided you aren’t being hit by New Zealand earthquakes (hi, Richard!), Eastern Seaboard hurricanes, Russian forest fires, or the global outbreak of Duke Nukem fever.
Of course, in most of the world – including ReadWriteWeb’s headquarters in Wellington, New Zealand – it isn’t labor day at all. But please don’t let that stop you. Break out the barbecue, put a few burgers (beef, tofu or unicorn, depending on your tastes) on the grill, have some friends over, and relax.
And if you happen to sneak a peek at the Twitter app your smartphone, or slip inside to check up on your newsfeeds, or check in somewhere on FourSquare or Gowalla, so much the better. Maybe this has been the season of the digital fast… but for a lot of us, it’s also a time to connect with friends and family. Consider this permission to do that however you want this weekend: over blogs or beers; HootSuite or horseshoes; Facebook or Frisbees.